Wouldn't it be great if there was a law that took just a little bit of money from everyone to build a fund that would...

Wouldn't it be great if there was a law that took just a little bit of money from everyone to build a fund that would help everyone out with inevitable hardships for a few?

Black people would take all the money out of that fund and complain there isn't enough. I'm not paying for anyone else's shitty life

What about all the roads? There's a fund for roads but there isn't a fund to prevent people from dying?


the rules would not be able to distinguish between self inflicted hardship due to constant poor decisions and hardship caused by something out of peoples control

Roads are more useful than dying people

>There's a fund for roads
Yeah, and the money is constantly being pissed away on other things and the roads are shit.

>It exists in tons of countries

Other countries seem to make it work. In fact, just about every country other than the US does.

Black "people" already have free healthcare idk what you are talking about.

I knew democrats were dumb; but not this dumb.

Welfare is 10% of the budget

And yet the infrastructure in the US is apocalyptic. Yeah, great example of government management dumbass.

you mean like the NHS but Not just Healthcare

Republicans keep spending on military instead of infrastructure

There was virtually uncontested democrat rule from 08-12. Why didn't that help?

Welfare isn't medical coverage

sécurité sociale ?

Yeah, being able to charge a god damn fortune for medical care is a perfectly acceptable practice. People should have to die or go in to debt just so doctors and pharmaceutical companies can get rich.

>live in Poland
>spend shitload of money on healthcare and "National Health Fund"
>get horribly sick
>go to doctor
>this looks bad, you will die in a year if you're not treated
>you can pay me with your money and we'll do it in private or from the Health Fund and we'll do it here
>I'll take the Health Fund
>If you sign up now your treatment will begin in 2 years and 3 months
>Shit, I will pay you myself then
>allright, you can come here next friday
>that'll be (ammount of money you can't afford spending)


We lose rich people to the states all the time due to taxes, but it works pretty good here in Canada.

No health insurance is more beneficial for the population.

>90% of the population has health insurance
>doctors can charge whatever because insurance will cover the costs for their patients
>this means people without insurance are fucked

>0% of the population has health insurance
>doctors can't charge whatever because 90% of the people can't pay, therefore prices remain reasonable and you won't be charged $100,000 for every sack of saline etc.
>this means everyone can use hospitals and nobody is fucked

The reason pharmaceutical companies have such high rates is because the process to develop a new drug is lengthy and expensive thanks to what I can only assume is a giant steaming pile of regulations and beuracracy

Losing rich people is bad who else is going to pay your salary you want everyone doing government work? Just off yourselves now before the communism sets in and save the world the trouble.