Tfw no powermilf to pin me down and rape me

>tfw no powermilf to pin me down and rape me

Other urls found in this thread:,8599,1993074,00.html

You're on your own with this user. Your dreams will not be realized.

dubs of jdimsa

sorry senpai. i can wear a wig if you want


That's a fetish that I can honestly say...

...does not appeal to me whatsoever.

Not OP but the beefy beasts itt aren't the only flavor of /fit/girl.



Fuck me this is nasty.... and not in the good way!

Cool, enjoy your roid women who have to work 3 times as hard every day as a man to get the same mussel mass. Enjoy the fact that because she is taking male hormones her menstrual cycle is no longer working, and she cant have kids.

why do you find it nasty?

That looks like a man.

Because humans have natural biological drives to particular visual cues. As a male my brain registers her as a male not female. I am not interested in have sex with other men.


i'd date the fuck out of this chick, she's not even that buff



Those two aren't the same girl. Pick one and I can post more.


That's a goddamned lie, I've got 2 children and nothing's wrong with my cycle

pls don't let this thread die

post biceps pls




>masculine face
>wrecked body
>uglier than an old tranny
and OP wishes to be [anally] raped.

looks like a trap. bitch on steroids?

So traps are gay and women are gay?

Came out of a ylyl thread with barely a smile. Lost my shit to the term 'powermilf'
Thanks OP.

only reddit fags can enjoy ylyl. this, boxxy catie and nigger appreciation threads are the real deal.


he really isnt



Would gladly fight and put on good show. Also, I'd like them to degrade the fuck out of me like forcing me to drink their piss while sitting on my face.

Jesus christ I'm a mess

you're not a mess. it's ok.


Let's play the muscle girl game faggots
Describe your ideal muscle girl and I'll post her for you

This is a reverse trap: it feels like a man when you fuck it, but it is actually a woman.

How about a qt with nice delts?

no need, this is her

Here you go

You might like this one


I dunno man. I don't really like a lot of girls with male upper bodies, but julia vins makes me diamonds.

this build, right here is what I'm talking about. She's getting a little to manshoulders for my taste now, but right here she's my dream woman.


Anyone recognize the symbol on this hat? I've seen it before.

swole shredded tomboy with tattoos
bonus points for short hair


Here you go



Asian chick with popping delts? Not Yeon Woo Jhi or Song Naeun.



Here you go

traps are less gay than those hulking women

looks like she's about to crap

Muscle chicks with obvious boob jobs are just a huge turnoff.




Milf with hard pecs?






barbra streisand from hell


Those tits, tho


not having a replacement rate level of children.

hahahahahahahahaha valentina nappi fyi,8599,1993074,00.html

IQ of offspring shifts towards the average for the race.

“Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

Black-White children have family incomes similar to those of Black families, similar rates of fatherlessness as Black families, and are more likely than BOTH Whites AND Blacks to engage in risky behaviors like drinking, fighting, stealing, and doing drugs.

White-Asian children are twice as likely as Asians to have mental illness.

White-Black babies suffer higher risks of prematurity, low birth weight, neonatal death, and stillbirth.

”When it comes to engaging in risky/anti-social adolescent behavior, however, mixed race adolescents are stark outliers compared to both blacks and whites.” This holds true despite being raised in similar environments to mono-racial children.

lol she made him the bitch.

Wow, perfect body.

>tfw you'll never have a /fit/ gf who's into wrestling for sexual domination


trap here

drooling atm

Post rock hard feminine boner in panties pls

