I'm fucking tired of programing, I don't want to work at this shit, I don't want to see an IDE ever again in my life

I'm fucking tired of programing, I don't want to work at this shit, I don't want to see an IDE ever again in my life...
should I change major? I'm still 18 tho, 19 in december

Depends on you. If you really feel that way then switch.

>I don't want to see an IDE ever again in my life...
>should I change major? I'm still 18 tho, 19 in december
Are you stupid? Do university. Master always do leader or manager jobs. The self claimed "programmer" will stay as normal programmer for the rest of their life.

I really don't have motivation to do it

Ouch my fucking live. TIred of it

what kind of fucking casual do you take me for?

If you can do the bachelor, you are done for. Only the first 3 semester are programming. Neither your bachelors thesis or your master are about programming.

Just become personal trainer or anything involving outdoor activities and no mindblown tasks like programming/engineering so you will stay fit improve your social skills, gain happiness and fuck pussies otherwise you will end up a skeletal or fatfuck trapped in his mom's basement like me.

The money though.

The point of school is to make contacts. Get active in whatever groups there are for what kind of programming you're learning, attend seminars, et cetera. Make contacts. Maintain them. You need to do networking to get anywhere. So network.

What would you change majors to? Business is always a good choice, especially if you can combine it with your programming experience.

You will have gray hair when you will earn some serious money, I thought I was special and had high standards from myself but after my graduation I faced too much competiveness that couldn't handle and now I'm on depression and jobless.

1 year into your degree and you're already sick of it? Think you might need a new major. Unless it's the working hard part that's fucking with you. If that's the case take geography or some shit. But don't complain when you're getting a shitty salary.

no, when I think about the future, I just don't imagine myself doing this...
I was actually thinking on studying industrial chemical engineering, since I love chemistry and would love to work at labs and factories.
It has been actually 2 years into my degree, but I'm a semester behind

Hmm, maybe specialize a little bit more?
Am pretty good CMS (wordpress, typo) developer and request 90 per hour. Only downside: It makes you lazy, you only work whenever you want money. It is a bad habbit.

This is what college is for, Sup Forumsuddy. Discovery, and not just sexually. If you find out you're this disintereated in your previous career goal, absolutely change it.

Then go for it. It will still be long hours and very difficult but you won't be stuck doing something you know isn't for you. Your degree in the end is experience living on your own and knowing/learning what you can do.

Web dev will earn you like a regular pay your first year(60-75) and then from there you start making good dough so long as you keep learning new skills, you'll be making 80+ as long as you're not a total fucking numbskull.

I only plan on doing web dev for 4 or 5 years and then switching fields

yeah, I actually thought it was going to be fun cause I'm all day in front of a pc... it's just frustrating

Yeah, with your statement IT is not your field. Neither is biology or physics, maybe not even chemistry. Maybe go nanoscience or chemistrsy security, both are very active jobs.

All my devices are high contrast, dark themed with f.lux or some blue light filter. Had to recently buy a $300 ergonomic chair, and this is a very cheap one compared to the bigger/popular ones. This is to combat the headaches and back pain that accumulated for over a decade. Sometimes I enjoy what I do, but at times I'm not sure if it's worth the payoff. People don't help either.

Some here is full of it. Programmers are paid shit until they prove they have skills. That takes time. Web stuff yeah make $10 an hour and come tell your lies. They few programmers I know that made real money are older and you wouldn't know they make money. The kids like you claim they do but live at home with mommy and have no car no gf nothing.

How long are you in the field? Have friends working as managers at google ireland with 24 years. As people said: specialization and persistence work. Hell even I worked for ABC last month and I am bad as programmer.


Do you have some personal projects you can show us? Or has your programming experience been exclusively coursework?

just coursework, basic stuff tho

You really are a beginner. So many missing switches.

Just stop using an IDE, faggot.

am i still baned

go for it user. you're young, try something new. I already did 2 careers and neither has fulfilled me... Gonna try game developing....

Stop using an IDE, you fucking faggot. Then and only then will you find meaning in your life.

yeah, I still have to get used to switches, have used them only once I think...
still, not so enthusiastic of learning to use other stuff

Being from Ireland and attending a course involving programming I can tell you that a job working as a manager at google comes around about every ten years. It is extremely hard to get. This information comes DIRECTLY from my lecturers.