Looking for some affordable glass toys. Prefer penis shaped, and larger. 2"+ diameter is a must...

Looking for some affordable glass toys. Prefer penis shaped, and larger. 2"+ diameter is a must. Most seem rather pricey. Any anons with the hookup out there?

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Tits or dick or gtfo

try aliexpress.com/?

Try /lgbt/ faggot. GET OUT OF Sup Forums

It's not for my ass, it's for hers.

alie good for some odd stuff tho shipping can take afew months.

I've honestly never bought from AE before. Always looked rather sketchy. Prices are definitely better.

It is glass.
Do you know what the process is to ensure it does not break?
Dude, you get what you pay for.
I am a professional glassblower.
Trust this stranger from the internet.
Do not, I repeat DO NOT buy a cheap glass diller.
One thing that glass is good at: breaking.
Another good thing glass does:cracks and leaves tiny slivers.
Heed my words.

I'm not an expert, but I believe other than using the proper type of (borosilicate?) glass, you have to clave it for something like 24hrs and then allow it to cool in a controlled manner.

You are close...


I hear what you're saying, but the frustrating thing is that even if I bought a $300 piece from a US supplier, I have ZERO idea of how it was actually manufactured, and it was in all likelihood manuf in China with next to no quality control.

This is what I am saying.
Something like this you need to go directly to the source and ask(soft demand like you will pay for) a polariscope check.
I am honestly looking out for you, your partner, and anyone else out there thinking about using glass in bed.

Just playing devil's advocate here, and I do appreciate and agree with the advice, but doesn't thicker glass become inherently more resistant to breaking? Short of dropping it onto concrete obviously.

The exact opposite actually. It may not break as in completely shatter but it will "shed." It can splinter with no real visible marks to the glass but you will feel it. I have seen and made thin glass that is flexible and will take more punishment then a thicker piece.

You're saying that thicker glass, not properly treated, can shed shards of nearly invisible glass?

Dude, that's like a Saw horror movie in the making right there.

This isn't the real issue though.
People like to get creative in bed:
>"What if we put it in the freezer?"
>"What if we heat it up a bit?"
>"Oh, I will put it in the dishwasher to wash off all of the cum and lube."
This is how glass breaks, cracks, shatters, splinters, and makes things bleed.

I totally believe you, but your use of the word "diller" is my favorite thing about you right now.

Glass is crazy.
Its is unpredictable at best.
It could last for hundreds of thousands of years without suffering one scratch.
It can explode for no reason other than its atoms finally said fuck this.
I have pulled many pieces of glass from my skin that came from finished, annealed, and cleaned glass.

I get ya. That's much better than the horror flick I imagined. Still seeking your advice:

>>"What if we put it in the freezer?"
LOLOL! No freaking way. Nothing below body temp EVER gets near her. Zero worries here.

>>"What if we heat it up a bit?"
I'm sure high temps can be an issue. We often warm a diller (

I like words.
I call vaginas: "giners."
gi like giant.
ners like diners.

OP here, I do the same. I have a cousin named "Gina", properly pronounced "Gee-na", who, of course, I always openly refer to as "Ghye-na".

I like that way less- I use "vag," rhymes with "badge."
We could still hang out, though.
For OP- just get this: xenses-shop.com/crowned-jewels-farringdon-titanium-dildo-gold

They are the most hygienic toy out there apart from stainless steel and that is the appeal.
Warm water should be fine but do not soak it with the heating element still applied to said bowl or pan. Accidental boil or overheating can stress the glass and that upsets the glass.
Do not upset the diller.
Always hand wash.

Wow. That escalated quickly.

"Do not upset the diller."

OMFG. I'm freakin DYIN over here. Literally my sides are hurting.

Also, if it is clear or transparent, do not leave that cock out where the sun can hit it. You may come home to ashes surrounding a proud glass diller.


We have kids, so the chances of that are non-existent

Any other questions?

No, I suppose not. You've got me to thinking. I never had any intention of abusing the diller in any way, simply because it's glass and I can't ensure it's pedigree. But the wife still wants to try, and I can't say no to her. I guess we buy as best we can and be mindful to not upset the diller. Thanks!


Ah, gotcha. For some reason I thought you meant ash would come up the diller itself for some reason. Duh.

Though, the imagine of a proud diller standing tall on a pile of ashes is kinda funny in a way.

Yeah man.
Try and find a local artist.
You can talk to them and get a custom friend made.
You can also see the process and inspect the final product.
Buy local and support your neighborhood diller maker.
I can point you in the right direction if you don't know where to start the search.
We are everywhere but we are a small community.
I know glass makers in damn near every state.

I laughed when I typed that shit out.
Saturday took a sweet turn.

That never even occurred to me. I know that there's a pretty strong local group. They have an open shop downtown which is always open. May try that out!

Go for it!
This is a topic that is not new to any of us.
Just be professional about it.
Bring up "anneal time."
They can add ribs, twists, turns, bumps, large head, small head, veins, etc.
Be descriptive and maybe sketch it out or bring in a tasteful picture.