Why aren't we developing modified wombs for human/animal breeding?

Why aren't we developing modified wombs for human/animal breeding?
Would you sign up for this program?
Dedicate your life to farm animal breeding.

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>Why aren't we developing modified wombs for human/animal breeding?
Because it's totally unnecessary?
>Would you sign up for this program?
No. For one thing, I'm male.

Now if you want to farm humans, I might be interested in helping out.

It's already reality. It's called "niggers":

>Because it's totally unnecessary?
It's not about whether we should do it or not, it's about whether we CAN do it.
Also, it might fulfill some people's dreams.

yeah I got this fetish too. check em

Probably easier to genetically engineer orcs: pig-men who can impregnate human women.

Maybe, but then a blissful feeling of being impregnated by a horse will never be felt by anyone.
We can't let that happen.






>Now if you want to farm humans, I might be interested in helping out.

I meant pics dumbass.

Of what?

Then it has virus adn in it not just an infection ?
Weird maybe it was really half human?

The void calls for you.

So you mean if I sign up I can shit out dogs! Sweet I love dogs and shitting! I'm in sign my ass up! Literally!

Weird, I've actually been thinking about the void right now.
I like to make my own stories and I've been thinking about void powers and shit.

What kind of void were you talking about?

i can't believe i'm jerking off to this

It could potentially be true.

Interspecies impregnation can happen, but it doesn't get far because mother's body rejects it because all of the genetic incompatibilities.

Good, good. Come to the dark side.



Because no matter how many generations after we breed them, black people will never be human.

Breeding with animals would be much more fun than breeding with blacks.

More pleasing sounds than baboon screeching at least.

Horses also have much bigger dicks.

