Why is he so hated?

Why is he so hated?

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he donĀ“t play the games

he gets shit wrong, he ruins fandoms, he makes downright ridiculous theorys that dont make any sense

haters r jelly

I have no idea who this person is. I am assuming he is some shitty YouTube guys who makes videos for 14 year olds.

more like 10 year olds, but yeah your correct


he made the earthbound fandom infested by underfags for months

Ruins fandoms? Most Fandoms are shit anyway faggot

Because he is a douche
it wasnt always like this i mean yeah he had stupid theories but at least he was humble and funny to watch, now he thinks he is hot shit and takes no critisism

sorry for the broken english

>Started off using genuine science and math for videogame theories.
>Now makes click bait reddit fan theories with no foundation of solid evidence.
(Literally, just takes shit off of reddit)
>throws a shitfit when proven wrong
>sell out for jewtube.

Its sad. But he deserves every bit of negativity he gets.

This type of shit is why I really hate YouTube. It is infested with channels that are basically low budget tv shows. They pander to children so much that only the dumbest shit seems to be popular. I wouldn't even care if they wouldn't penalize chanels for making content for adults.

because thats the way of the internet....also his content are just the same theory just told in a different way about the same group of games being eaither fnaf ,undertale, or bendy something(forgot the name) and he has kinda of an ego...atleast the last time i saw him thats how he was but hey thats just a theory a FUK ME IN DE ASS user theory

Anyone else get sociopathic/psychopathic vibes from this dude?

Because every one of his theories after he got any remote amount of popularity have the same credibility as a Conspiracy Theory. He takes shreds of highly subjective evidence and puts his own ideas and thoughts in as pieces of verifiable evidence.
Like said, started off good, went to shit pretty quick. Classic example of Popularity ruining someone.

Huge ego, tries too hard to be funny, his girl is way out of his league and she's actually humorous, voice of a 12 year old going through puberty, remains popular despite all this because he makes content for children.

He's annoying as fuck. Super tryhard


i mean that's just a theory



Let's be honest: they're the same fandom.

The Game Theorist. His fans are kids who want to seem intellegent or something.

Earthbound is a better game though

To quote my gf "he sounds like a 12 year old and sticks his stupid face all over his videos"

See for your self. But his demographic is aimed at 3 yrolds. Or ... castrated pigs.

He is not as smart as he believes he is.