Be me

>Be me
>Be 22
>Just ended a relationship, which lasted for about 4,5 years
>After a month, created a Tinder account
>Get some matches, but nothing really interesting
>After 2 weeks, get a match with some 19 year old grill
>Has like 3 pics on her profile
>1 picture of her, I rate like 8/10
>2 other pictures, are more like 6,5/10
>Start chatting her up, got her number
>Really seems a fucking chill grill
>She is fucking chill, but I'm still concerned about her looks
>One day she tells me about some health issues she has had for about 4 years
>Apparantly she had some inflammations in her brain
>Makes her walk fucked up
>Makes her talk fucked up
>Makes her hands do some fucked up twitchy shit
>Sure, she can't help it, so I won't be an asshole about it
>Ask her out on a date
>Make some plans to go out for dinner
>Both fucking happy and excited
>Continue chatting a usual, counting down the days to our date

The day of the date
>Driving to the restaurant
>We said to meet up in front of the restaurant around 7:30 PM
>She texts me like 20 minutes early that she's already there
>I arrive at the restaurant
>See her in the distance
>Come closer
>Her face is more fucked up than any pic I've seen of her
>She's still fuckable, but not dateable in my mind
>Well, I'm not gonna be an asshole and just walk out on our date because of her looks
>So we went on our date
>She's very shy and nervous, which apparently makes her a bit cute
>I give her a hug, to get her to calm down
>She starts talking
>Her voice is really fucked up
>We go inside
>She walks really fucked up
>I'm on a date with some disabled grill
>Go inside, have a seat and something to eat
>She's a very nice/kind grill, but I just can't get over her fucking voice
>Mid-date she starts telling me that she really really really likes me
>I can't answer that question honestly in the middle of a fucking restaurant
>I feel kinda bad about breaking her heart tomorrow, so I just wanted her to have a nice evening
>Meanwhile, her mother is texting her if the date is already finished (apparently her mother drove her there)
>We are still eating and not even close to finishing
>Tell her that I will drive her home is she wants
>That makes her really fucking happy

>Now she starts telling me she likes me even more
>Start dodging questions like fucking Neo from the Matrix
>Date ends
>We are walking to my car
>Get into an elevator
>We are alone
>She starts walking to me in a fucked up manner
>Starts making out with me
>She is still very nervous, so it's like a fucking dog licking my face
>After making out, we get to the car
>Drive her home
>Her fucking dad texts her
>He wants me to come inside, because apparently he wants to fucking know who dropped his daughter off
>Get into the house and meet the parents
>Dodging all the questions and GTFO
>She comes outside with me and starts making out with me again
>Still fucking up, but she's less nervous I guess
>Drive home
>Go to sleep

The next day
>She texts me all fucking happy
>Asks me about how I think the date was yesterday
>Tell her: "yeah you're really nice, but it's not gonna work out between us."
>She is in total disbelief
>Actually feel bad about this, because she really can't help this
>Can't get myself to just block her number
>Keep talking to her
>After the disbelief, she starts getting mad
>Then sad
>Then mad again
>This emotional rollercoaster continues on for the rest of the day
>She tells me that she still wants to talk to me, because she still thinks that our conversations are great
>That's true I guess
>The next day, she tells me she doesn't want to talk to me anymore, because she's very mad at me for kissing her and shit (even though she started?)
>This lasts for about 4 hours, after which she texts me that she misses me
>In the next few days, we just talk casually
>Slowly, she starts poking at me
>"Maybe in the future we can be together?" "Maybe you just need time?"
>Tell her very clearly that it is not going to happen
>She still thinks she has a chance at a relationship

Few days later
>She asks if I still want to go to a movie with her, just as friends
>"Sure, if it's a good movie"
>About 3 days before the day we would go to the movie, she starts talking about sex
>She tells me she would only fuck a guy if he would be her boyfriend
>Apparently she is very serious about this
>I am not even trying to get laid with her, so I just tell her "You shouldn't let yourself be used by some guy just for sex!"
>The day before the movie, she starts talking about sex again
>This time, she tells me she wants to be fucked by me?
>I remind her of what she told me 2 days ago
>"Yeah I know, but I just want you"
>Like I said, undateable but still fuckable, so I'm interested

>Go to the movie
>Sit down in some shady corner, because she wanted that
>She starts making out with me again
>This time, she's not nervous, so it's pretty legit
>We've seen like half the movie
>Drive her home
>She wants me to stop somewhere where we can be alone
>I stop the car
>Start making out with her for like 30 minutes straight
>She starts sucking my dick
>This is like the second time she has had sex, so it's fucking terrible
>Not with your teeth
>Not with your teeth
>Not with your teeth
>Start fucking her
>Fucking in a car is really fucking uncomfortable
>I finish
>Drive her home
>Literally need to force her out of the car, because she is trying to kiss me over and over again (fucking obsessed grill)

Next day
>She starts texting me again
>Telling me it's the greatest night of her life
>She is just texting me for 2 hours straight about how shit was so ca$h
>She is trying to get into a relationship with me again
>I tell her again, that it's not going to happen
>She tell me she still wants to fuck me
>She wants me to teach her how to give good head

So this is the story, about how I got a fuckbuddy who is a bit disabled (kinda?). She is still trying to make me like her, but at the same time, she's is telling me about all her sex fantasy's.
Kinda worried tho. What do?

Well motherfucker, the only thing you can do now is post a picture of her.

pics or it didnt happen faggot


>goes to restaurant
>kiss goodnight
>meet parents
>watch movie
>have sex
sounds like your dating her muh dude. if shes a chill person like you said i would be superficial and let her disabilities stop you from enjoying her company

what fantasies?

It's not just her disablity.
I'm just not really that attracted to her looks. She's just too fucked up to date.


She's talking about wanting to get better at blowjobs. She wants me to teach her do shit like deepthroathing

pictures motherfucker

you are an asshole
this is Sup Forums so fuck it
…but still you know you're an…

I think OP did what he had to. He gave her a good time at the very least so cut him some slack.

>calling this place Sup Forums instead of Sup Forums
get out newfag

whiteknight faggot

Wanna know how I know you're an outsider?

nevrdip in acrazchick

Sounds like she just want to be a normal girl, but yeah, dont be an asshole user and block her number if you are not willing to do anything


kek you fuck her and hang out with her. idk what dating is if not that


Show her how you deep throat a cock.

Honestly i'd get out of dodge inmediately

Yes it's free pussy but everything comes with a price man. If you are gonna keep tapping that just make sure not to get her pregnant and don't fuck her in her house.


Dude just fall in love. Also I need to see this girl. Pics!

Just 2 things here

1 post pics so we can see
2 you should give it a try, sounds like this this girl really likes you for who you are, go on a few dates and if you're still not feeling it get the fuck out

bang her in the pooper and make her do ass2mouth. maybe you can talk her into ffm threesomes.
this is the only logical solution for your problem.

finally, someone with a little humanity contributes

pics op.
fuck that crippled pussy nigga

This is such a drawn out and boring story.

If it's fake, make it funny faster.
If it's real, then cut it down to relevant parts.

You say the conversation is good. Go on a couple more dates, see how you feel, and if you're not up for a relationship with this girl then end it, and if she persists then you need to cut contact with her.


OP will she be able to work a good job when she is older?
Is she smart?
Is she an annoying cunt?
Do you enjoy the time you spend with her?
Are you embarresed to be seen with her?

Also as many others have said.
Post a fucking picture faggot