Any good anime recommendations?

any good anime recommendations?

tokyo ghoul


cory in the house


jojo bizarre adventure

also what is name for pic

boku no pico

Toshi Densetsu

it's danmachi

my hero academia (ongoing)
made in abyss (ongoing)
shingeki no bahamut
one punch man

Anime hasnt been good in years

black lagoon
samurai champloo (amazing music)

hole monogatari series
fate series

I think you mean that most animes these days are ntr trash and stupid repetative romcoms. There are still a few that are alright.

new fate is kinda bad tho :^/

true but zero, ubw are awesome
also spice and wolf
hellsing ultimate
ef tales pf memories
madoka magica
kill la kill

What animes should I start with?

I watched Berserk and that was good until the end where it got batshit crazy

I once paid a prostitute to watch madoka magica with me, she liked it.

haha good one user!

Space patrol luluco is an anime I love, and you can finish the entire series in about an hour

but I hate trigger now

Jigoku Shoujo

She spent 6 hours with you?

Bad boyz 2


pepa pig

Madoka Magica
Shinsekai Yori
Knights of Sidonia

Depends, what genre are you in to?

>Shinsekai Yori
A man of fine taste.

it was a for the evening/night thing not hourly


Absolute masterpiece, something you must watch at-least once.

Fate/stay night visual novel (Realta Nua version because it has better graphics and voice acting)

Forgot Kino no Tabi. Very Mushishi-like.

Sauce on this?

Absolutey garbage

Did you also fuck her or just watch anime?


Fuck this guy. Steins;gate was good.

Honestly, I will get shit for this, but a shonen is probably a good place to start. Like the first season of Naruto or Bleach or something. They were actually good. Just don't watch past the first season.

Or something like Samauri Champloo

Hyouka for detective/slice of life.

Does anyone know what Hentai/Anime episode and the name of the show of that one show where the guy is staring at this one girls ass and the scene skips to a peach dripping to represent her ass

I liked Berserk so probably action
But there needs to be an emotional component as well, Berserk had me crying

You, and your taste, are shit.

Kokoro Connect for max feels

Fist of the Northstar
YuYu Hakusho

How come no one has recommended Code Geass. By far my favorite Anime.

Action + emotion? Akame ga Kill might be up your alley.

oh no, I'm not losing my virginity to a prostitute, thats not a line I would cross,
just watched anime hung out and stuff.

it really only good if you are watching it with other people.

I feel so sorry for you right now.


Have you tried Claymore? Seems like it's right up your alley.
Best website I know to watch it on (if you don't want to download) is

Also if you want to try something else entirely, with a good story and some supernatural stuff, try Durarara.

Likely because it is fun, but not good per se.
If you liked it however, try Guilty Crown.

wouldn't it have been worse if the guy lost it to a hooker? I mean how do you explain that when someone ask about your first time?

tom and jerry, my lawd the antics of those two rascals alos ren and stimpy

Give "Charlotte" a try.
Really emotional and mindblowing anime.

Hunter x Hunter, nigga. Bear with the first few episodes, which make it look like it might just be silly. It gets really good during the Hunter exam and then you're just hooked. I've only seen the remake, but I've heard both versions have their strong points.

Because you have to pay for a prositute to have someone to watch anime with.

1. You're a virgin.
2. You hired a hooker.
3. You didn't fuck her.
You must be so starved for human affection.

Kek. You say "I lost mine to a hooker." Beats "I didn't lose my virginity until I was 25".

>batshit crazy
You mean when the ACTUAL plot of the series kicks off?

maybey to a guy, I think it would be the reverse if he is talking to a future gf

well yeah but I don't see how its worse than paying for sex.

I watched that a while ago, I should probably rewatch it. Was pretty good.

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is a must.


If you like emltional shit, watch: Clannad and Shigatsu wa kimi no uso. Action+ a bit of emotions: Mirai Nikki

fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood
black lagoon
code geass
cowboy bebop
ergo proxy
jojo's bizare adventure
kokoro connect
no game no life
samurai champloo
shingeki no kyojin
tengen toppa gurren lagann
welcome to the nhk

>I don't see how its worse than paying for sex.

at least people who paid for sex have had sex in their lives

you'll kill yourself before you ever know what a pussy feels like

its closer to the manga story than the 2003 anime, but the muscial direction isn't as good.

After a certain age, it would be more embarrassing to tell a woman that you're still a virgin.

>Cowboy Bebop
>Mushibugyu or someshit close, samurai vs insects
>Black Lagoon
>Akame Ga Kill
>Hajime No Ippo: The fighting
>Redline (movie, fucking amazing)
>Ajin (Netflix made, niggas can't die and resurrect if 'deceased', like 2.5D with that Initial D car animation style)

Never saw it, bro whom I hate liked it and the bits I caught Initial D seemed like a good one.

Can't remember a lot of names

>at least people who paid for sex have had sex in their lives
I mean if you are approaching this as some rite of passage type thing, I don't hookers count, at least I don't think it should.

Not him, but a party hookup is my usual story. Not really embarrassed about seeing some hookers, more ashamed about never kissing someome. Feels like that one would cause complications.

But not planning anything so fuck it. Any decent new animu? I usually stop for a year or two, last thing I saw new was Akame Ga Kill

>rite of passage type thing

no, the point of buying a hooker to fuck is because fucking feels good

god you're retarded

You should have been on Sup Forums when it was airing. The shitposts were glorious.

If you liked guilty crown, give Mirai Niki a try.

Counts as fucking/virginity loss if peepee in vagoo.

Go to massage parlors instead, bit cheaper and it's handjobs from someone other than yourself.

>because fucking feels good
the sensation of penis in vagina is not much different from a warmed up onahole

My hero academia is pretty good. Season 2 is currently airing.

Samurai champloo (really good music rip nujabes)
black lagoon
hellsing ultimate

I'm not up-to-date on the latest because I wait until a series is done before watching it, but Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress was pretty fun.

Watched that one too haha

Motherfucking Jun Seba, hope that drunk driver who hit em burns in hell.

>He really is light as a feather

watching magical girl anime with a cute girl felt good, so whats the problem?

***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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Durarara? Baccano?
Not really related to the other 3 I mentioned, but both have a seriously solid story and are really popular.

No, fuck off.

>the sensation of penis in vagina is not much different from a warmed up onahole

How about the sensation of a woman's body pressed against yours, or feeling her warm breath as she whispers in your ear while stroking your cock?

I'll check it out, reminds me kinda of Zach Bell (just the cover, know nothing)

That one will tickle my pickle.

Haven't yet, but Ill put them on my list to watch. Thanks.

I might be gay, but Yuri on ice

meh, if its someone I have no feelings for it doesn't do much for me past the first five minutes.

I'd really have no problem with this if you were just lonely. It's the fact that you're still a virgin and didn't fuck the hooker you were paying that made it sad. If you had already gotten laid at some point, I could see this being o.k.

I also really enjoyed Maoyuu maou yuusha.
Pic related.

You can watch a lot of anime on, all in good quality and without bullshit ads.

Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. Dragon Ball Super is alright at best, but turn your brain off when you watch it because the bullshit it pulls is terrible and it's ability to tell a narrative is far from good.

Really? I've been pretty worked up by strippers without any serious sexual touching. Some women just know how to work it, which is why they turn pro.

yes, yes that's gay.

Watched that when it first came out. Went to some convention in Florida years ago where they showed the first episode. Decided to follow up. Was pretty good too bad there's no 2nd season.

I'm a hopeless romantic, maybe you think its stupidly naive but I do want to lose it to a girl I love.
the thing with the escort, that's just to get me by, and cause I won some money at work and decided to splurge on stuff.