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Thought that was Momo. I'm disappointed.

uggo edition

anyone that were discussing in the other thread should off themselves asap



wuju confirmed for kcon sydney
ujungs ww@

Any other ReVeluv's enjoying all this juicy group autism in kpg knowing we support the current prettiest and most talented group? Our girls are untouchable in every way


it's finally smol's time to shine

very obsessed what other thinks


why does she have this stupid hair

>ywn roa


cripple is pathetic, he will die here

my question is why does it look so nasty?

let's all post cute girls and cute songs

they're just extensions

ok start us off

Back from Nippon

i hope that rude asshole didnt scare my friend off

sure but then think of all the ones that ended up being fake or never actually confirmed. it's just not worth the trouble to think about. most of them are based on the dumbest shit anyway


freaking obsessed

poor guy lost his marbles that night

we hate cute girls here. we only like uggos

here, i heard kcons aren't worth it though

>lost his marbles that night
like this?

First confirmed acts for KCON Sydney

Monsta X

my wife!

what's her favorite beatles album

to match her stupid face


That's her step dad

I hope someone screenshots the one where he says he can list ALL the groups I post which he almost did, actually. I don't know what is scarier

it's pretty expensive for the concert and you have less chance of winning some shitty prize

let it be
because ahe has bad taste


it's also in a shithole like Sydney, it's also going to cost like 500 a ticket

its not that hard considering that only you and the guy you replied to avatar

The white album

it's the same person





some people are more interested and to each their own I guess but shippers are usually the most aggressively annoying part of kpop fandom
if it doesn't come with a dispatch logo or is in those rumor dumps then it's not worth anyones time

nah its not yezimemer, hes only sucking up to him so he doesn't get banned for avatarring like he usually does

Is this the new SNSD marketing idea to get back to relevancy?

what the fuck is this shit? this isn't kpop

what is she listening to

also btw this is a deleter thread


sigur rós

love choerry motion

Zico, Heechul, Yunho and a few more

you are the best poster here

Well I'm glad you enjoy following me around

thats not my baechu friend

deletion imminent

Exo's album The War

what the fuck did you just call me

she isn't gay

>following me around
? we are in the same thread, im not following anyone

where can i find pics of seaweed like this, i find this shit amusing

seaweed always has an expression like she's looking past reality


obviously. that's (You)'re department


You're listing the groups I like I'm sure you're paying close attention

>the beatles

this sums up everything that is wrong with black pink and their shitters


that wasnt me, im just saying that its not hard since, like i already said, you and one other person are the only people who avatar, and the point of avataring is to make yourself stick out and create a persona

what the fuck

I think she might be retarded

>it wasn't me haha

she's probably never heard a beatles song in her life

how is this an idol

what's wrong with the beatles tho

exactly. this is worse than the nba jersey meme honestly

Yeah but think about it like this. If your so risk averse, how are you going to take the steps and make the decisions that make a man win in life. The risks that keep the economy going, the risks that make for great stories, adventures and so forth. Every cool thing that could approach you you'll say no. And it's not just you its a large section of an entire generation. Wasting away in their cubicles counting down the time until the day of their death....

>he doesnt like the beatles
One day you'll grow up

Everyone has and shes frim new zealand too.

Well.. she's actually a goddess but an idol works too

they aren't cute korean girls

black stinkers are the densest anons on the planet i swear

great retort

you're only noticing it because of bp tho
there are lots of posters that you start to recognize across different groups because of filenames or posting styles or whatever if you really pay attention for whatever reason

that or they're just vying for attention as per usual

BP fans: if you want more than 4 songs to replay for the next 3 months you should listen to 2NE1 considering BP is the off-brand version of them!

Cheng Xiao is coming to my country for kcon
what do i do

This isn't a debate. It's a stalker confronting the stalkee (me)

you'd have to be a member of one of those tribes in the jungles of south america to have never heard a beatles song before



Just tell me how many YouTube views they have.

lmao what the fuck was going on with her face here?

>waah I hate blackpink so much
Its stale already.

see what i mean, i tell you exactly why you are identifiable and you ignore it and spout "stalker" and "i dindu nuffin" again

you really are trying to get people to hate BP aren't you

you live in upside down land? take pics of wjsn for us

>January 16, 1996

nice shirt loser

get a tranq rifle and load it with carboxy shots and shoot her legs

go and see her perform

the worst posters on this general