Fuck Trump! Discuss

Fuck Trump! Discuss.

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8 years.

and next week the wetbacks start getting fucked.


You're about a year late, my dude.


OP is a butthurt faggot



Why did you amerifags even elect this incompetent individual in the first place?







1)Pulled out of The paris accord
2)banned Trannies from the military
3)Started deporting more wetbacks
4)Getting 4000 Haitians to go to Canada on their own
5)Reducing the EPA to what they were designed for and not an anti-business organization
6) Doubled the airstrikes against ISIS
7)Stopped arming the "moderate" syrian rebels
8)Will reverse DACA and start deporting wetback babies.
9)Associate justice neal gourisch.
10)Almost stopped the influx of refugees

Yes I'm happy with trump.

Eight *clap* Fucking *clap* Years!


To stop the leftist takeover of our nation.

back to Sup Forums faggot.


try harder lol

> Blames outsiders for problems (Mexicans)
> No concern for rule of law
> Who does he remind you of?



aww did he say something that made you mad?

How is that working out for you right about now?


wetbacks are invaders and will be sent back.

very well actually. I'm VERY happy with trump. My 401k has never been higher and the shit skins are starting to leave.



#resist my genderqueers!


ITT: Alt-left cucks crying about the next 8 years.

Actually quite well thanks. They squawk, bitch, moan, and cry, but Trump is winning every day, and it feels good.



Closer to 7 now, I think.


Careful fagget, you're now considered a terrorist organization.

trump's handling of the aftermath of hurricane harvey makes bush's handling of katrina look like a perfectly executed plan of action by comparison. trump is an abysmal failure at everything he does.

There's no way the wall is going to be built now and the alt+right hasn't realized it yet. They're gonna spend money on that while Texas suffers? Not gonna happen. Score 1 for me. #ThanksHarvey

That's why every other thread on Sup Forums is about how scared you faggots are of antifa, who are also faggots

who cares about the fucking wetbacks man, try focusing on actual problems instead of smokescreen they're feeding you, you ignorant shit.
You're the reason we are where we are right now.

can we get good bait pls

i have that picture



Being a liberal is a crime.

You gonna post examples of that or just REEEEE some more.

Shilling in multiple threads.


>1)Pulled out of The paris accord
Why is this a good thing

anti-fa is a joke now, i'm glad they are around because it turns more people against them.

It's a garbage agreement that makes the US pay tons of money for a "carbon credit" lie among other things.

It's to solve a problem that people can't change.

what's there to discuss?



I fucking hate Trump and think he's a grade-A moron who ran for president to stoke his ego and somehow ended up as president.

However I do give him credit for getting so shitty on immigration and making life hard for them here so they either leave or don't come.

Economy stuff is basically out of his control but the consumer confidence marker may partly be because of the "we have a business man as president" effect.

LOL at thinking he's strengthened any diplomatic relationships, he's done no such things.

The only friends I have that admit for voting for Trump say they did it solely for a supreme court pick and really that is an incredibly good reason. Super shitty of republicans in congress to basically circumvent the constitution with parliamentary wrangling in the first place though.

>Got caught and deflects.

How much you get paid or are you naturally a left cuck dumbass?

>Fuck Trump! Discuss.

President Trump is doing great. The best part is that HE IS NOT HILLARY CLINTON.


TRUMP 2020

I really couldn't care less about any of the other shit. "reigning in the EPA" by completely dismantling it, firing or chasing off everyone who gave even half a fuck about the state of the world, and replacing them with figureheads from big energy corporations who stand to profit from deregulation at the cost of the environment and public health is not an accomplishment, it's a disgrace that rides the line between plain stupid and outright evil.

Yes, I'm mad.

Trump is awesome. He may be hard around the edges but he's pulling the country to the right.

If Hillary had won we wouldn't be talking about how long we should wait to deport the DACA wetbacks. We would be talking about how many more we should let in.

there are people dumb enough to think this is a news site?

The thing is the EPA is anti-business. There is no man-made global warming.

All he does is praise himself at how he's the best at everything. At what point do you figure maybe this guys full of shit. Might get away with that when you're the head of a company but that won't fly when you've got to do more than sit around and make everyone tell you you're great.

Holy crap

Good stay mad, we're not going to give you cucks and inch you are the enemy.

daily reminder that trump is a symptom, not the cause of the problem.

I imagine following generations are really gonna fucking wish we had tried. Old fucks just screwing us over because they know they only have a few years left.

>winning the game matters more than my own well being

remove yourself from the gene pool

But her email....

>Trump is awesome. He may be hard around the edges but he's pulling the country to the right.
At the cost of the respect of all our allied nations. We're a laughingstock to the whole world because of how he acts.

Anyone who believes in the man-made global warming meme can't be reasoned with.

>Old fucks just screwing us over because they know they only have a few years left.
this is literally the justification I get when I talk about environmentalism with older conservatives. "it's not gonna affect me, i'll be dead soon, my kids can deal with it."


That would only be true if the man made global warming nonsense were true which it is not. Humans have no effect on climate. Even if it did we shouldn't be asked to change your lifestyle.

I hated Hillary too. I am also happy that Trump backed out of the TPP even though it was basically a treaty to try to resist the economic machine of China. I voted for Gary Johnson even though libertarianism would destroy America so quick.

Trump really is just ignorant and petty. He panders so hard to the right and they fail to even realize they are being played.

lmfao OP wants to fuck Trump what a faggot
>Trump 2020 MAGA!

Winning is better for my own well being that's the whole point.


Trump is the best thing to happen to America in a long time

The house of cards in Washington is gonna come crashing down soon

>still 10x the president obama ever was

They are the problem you moron. They are cultural and financial leeches on this country.

>we're not going to give you cucks and inch you are the enemy.
The news media has truly divided this country. Pack your shit and start learning russian boys, we're finished.

Also the moon landing was faked and the earth is actually flat. Also the government controls the weather and liberals in government caused the flooding in Texas.

Yeah an actual crime, I still can't believe that leftists are willing to overlook that like it's not a big deal.

>8 years.

Still mad hillary lost huh? LOL :D

>muh russia

Hows that's little fishing expedition going? Oh yeah has yet to get anything on trump. So far they've just been able to get a few things on Manafort.

>Trump is winning every day, and it feels good.

that is nonsense, there is no "global danger" from so-called climate change. I'm more worried about shitkins taking over and islam.

Why do people really think they know more than 99.9% of scientists?

Nobody cares about what some leftists in europe think. Their whole union is falling apart.

going pretty good, actually.


I have more respect for Putin than any democrat that's for sure.


How did those work for you 6 months ago.

More like 56% of voters believe the anti-Trump hysteria whipped up by MSM.

Don't believe the hype.

>muh man made climate change

Nobody cares about it anymore, time to move on. You lost that debate.

>Still mad hillary lost huh?
If Trumps victory has any positive affect at all, it's that she's never going to run again. Trump did everything possible to fuck up his own campaign and she still lost.

You're staring into a matrix of many millions of dots electronically connected and wired to light up in response to a network of thousands upon thousands of microscopic structures finely carved into blocks of 99.9999% pure silicon with lasers, brought together by a collective effort of less than a hundred years of hard science and engineering. You blindly reap all the benefits of modern technology and blindly accept the things you like at face value, but when the same system contradicts something that a half-witted orange-skinned faggot says, it's all just a lie.