Sup Forums what is the best argument to not be a vegan

Sup Forums what is the best argument to not be a vegan

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Salad is murder

Because ice cream is tasty

Proof that people would rather starve than have to eat vegan food even during a disaster.

Asking why you shouldn't be a vegan is like asking why you shouldn't believe the Earth is flat.

There is simply no evidence to believe either is correct.

I like ice cream
what that have to do with cows ?? Ice cream come from Walmart



Without meat there never would've been white people

how do you define vegan?
Even if you do not eat animal products, animals have to die for your food.

Harvesters kill plenty animals, so do chemicals on the fields, ...

Is this acceptable for a vegan?


trips have point

Because meat is meat and it kicks ass id rather chop off my left ball than not eat meat again

Who so you think builds the Walmarts? Cows dumbass


Meat tastes good.
Animals have no moral standing.
We eat things that aren't perfectly healthy all the time.
We do things that are bad for the environment all the time.


It sucks and it's too expensive
Also I doubt how good it is for your health

I train for a marathon.
I eat NOTHING BUT meat every day of the week.
eat my shorts

What wacko vegans claim is that cows are raped and given abortions in order to produce milk....(God I feel stupid typing that) and this picture is supposed to show that


is this now anti vegan or anti meat?

The consensus is that "vegan" is now synonymous with "plant-based diet".

gorilla eat meat
I dare you to google it

All I got was interracial gay porn. Now you done made me a faggot

what is the point in a vegan diet?
Is it only for the vegan himself/herself or is it for "a higher reason", such as saving animals from harm. If it is the latter, then it is a "imperfect" consensus

It is a change, like many of recent, in the human way of life that is unsustainable in the wild, which a return to is inevitable.
To promote veganism to the masses is to greatly decrease the chances of humans surviving outside of our comfy, unnatural, and temporary habitat.

thats too high for b

We have eyes in the front of heads for a reason. Predator. Not prey.

i do not understand you Tyron ??? Can you speak English

I've never seen a cow construction worker. Do cows just magically raise a new store from nothing?

Bullshit. It's just too expensive for most rednecks.

Meat is tasty.

you wasted quads ...congrats

We do not have wings, yet we fly.

life feeds on life

Because you're an animal, and animals kill and eat each other all the fucking time.
Not going to feel guilty about the fact that my species is so fucking good at it that we literally have it it on farm mode.

We speak appear in a box yet we aren't there, Great argument dude.


>We speak appear in a box yet we aren't there, Great argument dude.

People claim it's healthier and that anything not plant based is very bad for you. Then there's the not killing animals dimension. And their strongest argument in my opinion is that raising animals is bad for the environment which is objectively true. All the same I would never buy vegan meat or vegan cheese and the like because that shit is too expensive, can't justify the cost to myself. I'm trying to be vegan right now, but just by eating shitloads of vegetables.

fuck you .... can not even

If you use society and technological advancement to shed a requirement of surviving in nature, you will be one of the first to die when we return to it.

>you will be one of the first to die when we return to it.
Why would we return to it?

Well, since a long time ago, when primates were the earth prime shit, there were vegan primates and meat fucking lover primates, then meat fucking lover primates had a higher ammount of protein on their diet, and they discovered to break some good ol bones to eat the osseum medulla, their brain became significatly bigger from time to time and ended up being the split on the evolutionary scale that ended up on us

Why the fuck should I care about cows? Bleeding heart faggots crying over some filthy animal too stupid not to sleep in its own shit. What for? I love the taste of meat. That's the only argument I'll ever need to justify eating meat. Get it? I eat meat because I want to eat meat. Give me the gun, I'll put the cow down myself. If I had the equipment and training I'd butcher it myself too. I'll watch the butcher carve a steak from a cow whose calf is watching in distress and immediately put the steak on my fucking grill. I'll eat the fucking thing, too. Right there in front of the calf. I'll look that little bitch in the eyes and eat the god damn steak. Fucking crying over cows...fuck.

tv,pc,phone etc. cmon dude.


I know what a phone is, but what does this have to do with veganism?

It's inevitable
Our way of living is unsustainable, and it will only become more so. Be it war, famine, plague, we will return to a state without walls and without order.
When that time comes, you revert, or die.
Vegans can only be vegans because of the lifestyle they were lucky enough to be born into.
If that goes away, they do too, one way or another.

Only Indian cows

Not the other dude but this didn't explain shit moron

That's because they're Texans, they were raised to go yee yee and eat the backyardigans

civilisation has been around for thousands of years, but sure, you will be the one to witness the apocalypse (just to survive the downfall of civilisation so that you can die of veganism)

Hooray, My wish gets to come true!

fuckin look at the other replies that follow the one you're replying to idiot, does your mom wipe your ass too?

I kept my New Years resolution and became vegan. 1st month was rough until I got accustomed to the lack of nutrition.
Starting feeling major symptoms (kept gaining weight, trouble sleeping, painful bowels, dark urine, frequent nausea) in July, and went to doctor.
I was borderline diabetic, cholesterol badly imbalanced, blood pressure dangerously high. My previous years checkups were good... I told the doc what I was doing different.
He said, "If you want to healthy and live past the end of this year STOP BEING VEGAN."
So I've been back eating eggs, dairy, meat, and other healthy foods, and have rapidly been recovering.

Fuck you dick

My arguement is that I'm able to ignore all empathic emotions. Propably that's why I'm a 100% man of science

I hope I do see it...just so you die

>It's inevitable
That's literally what the bible said thousands of years ago (as well as many other sources in history). Yet, human civilisations have survived literally everything


So far

I'm not implying we will be the one to see disaster.
However, many vegans are actively trying to turn others into vegans. If every vegan was successful at making ten more vegans, then it wouldn't take long for the majority of major civilization to be vegan soon, and should they be unlucky enough to live through the downfall, that's it for them, and the majority of humanity.
Those who did not become vegans have a better chance.
I'm just trying to do my part now.

>can not even

Get the fuck out.

Just joshing, kinda, I'm not a dick because that's exactly the shit some rednecks wear on t-shirts and obviously meat is a big part of Texas culture, but I am a dick for stereotype jokes

>What is a Venus flytrap
Even plants eat meat.

thats raw vegan

It is funny, I am not vegan, far from it.
I do not want society to become vegan.
I simply do not think that we have to keep eating meat for the unlikely case that against all odds mankind will go down

Are you one of those people who go out and champion for a 'good cause' because you think that the second a law goes into action in your favor, you've permanently improved humanity forever?
Because there's a good chance that in the far far future, our 'triumphs' and 'tribulations wont mean a damn thing.'

My diet and lifestyle are better for me and the environment. Or do you think suitable cropland exists everywhere? Done properly, meat consumption increases the carrying capacity of an area.

> being able to see in 3d means we hunt
Or, you know, it's extremely handy, when climbing in an area with a high tree/plant density.

there are none to be perfectly honest

became vegan 6 months ago (am 30)
best decision i've ever made

i wish i'd discovered it when i was 20

i am physically and mentally a lot healthier than ever before

i have more energy, more focus, more drive
i wake up in the morning and am immediately ready to get going. it doesn't take me an hour of sluggish "coming round" like it does for carnists

the animal welfare aspect had nothing to do with my decision to become vegan, and even when i was consuming animal products i never ate processed shitty food with loads of added preservatives and all that bullshit.

still, veganism is the way forward

those who can't do it can either continue eating meat or die off, idgaf


The only thing this picture shows is a T H I C C butt.

>vegan meat
Elaborate? Is it supposedly more environmentally friendly or what?

Its a matter of dominance. We shouldn't pity a dumb animal. We choose to breed cows because they are fucking easy to hunt. Dumb, big, and travels in groups. If the cows had worth other than being a slab of meat, than fine. That's why we keep and breed dogs, they have use for us as humans.
If cows could fight back and attack humans, they wouldnt be bred and kept for their meat. Why do you think we dont breed tigers and lions for their meat? Because they can fucking kill us when fully grown. Cows can't. The only purpose they serve in the food chain is to eat and shit and be eaten. Do you really want these disgusting creatures to live? They shit where they eat, they smell god awful, they can hardly even defend themselves, and they are INCREDIBLY stupid for an herbivore.

Give me one good reason why we should let these poor excuses for evolution live other than "all life is precious!!" because that is easily the dumbest argument. These creatures hardly realize they are ALIVE let alone realize how precious they are to a minority of people who need their feelings reassured every day. Being vegan is fucking pointless and its horrible for your body. Quit being a cuck and eat a steak, its fucking delicious

why would you care what happens after the apocalypse that takes place in the distant future?

Because I'm rooting for him to become veal. Maybe I can wash it down with a milkshake.

Because meat is delicious, their sadness is the marinade and the living conditions the tenderizer, just beautiful.

I was talking about the pic in the post I quoted...op's pic

I'm pretty good in acting like a sympathic normal guy.

Do you understand the concept of equilibrium?
Nature constantly seeks to correct deviations from a balanced course.
Life itself is just such a deviation.
That is why the concept of 'survival of the fittest' is so prevalent. If you are not able to keep your head above the water, you drown, because nature is actively trying to kill you.
Humanity is currently escaping natures grasp.
But it isn't permanent, and when the walls do fall, we will all be as helpless as baby chicks without a mother, because we've been cradled in our own escapist society.

But most peasants ate mostly plants and meat was reserved for the wealthy. Shouldn't they all have died out?
> inb4 well, do you know any peasants today?

I do not know what the second law is.
I do know, however, that I am an meat-eating fatass that interacts with other people as little as possibe and does not care what other people do.

So. I am going out on a limb and say "no"

Checked. This is a truth

Quads are never wasted.

It's "meat" made from plant protein. Every vegan analogue is made from plant protein, starches and coloring/flavoring.

Waste of quads you king of faggots

do you think veganism and vegetarianism is a big difference?

So did I ;)

Well, because one of my major functions as a human being is to increase the chances of survival for my race.
I know that you obviously don't give a shit, but that doesn't mean I can't.

because all life is precious

All negative connotations aside, raising animals is worse for the environment than growing plants.

That's great, glad it worked for you. I tried vegan when I was in college. I've never been more consistently ill my entire life. I was boxing, fencing, and weight lifting at the time. The diet made me miserable until I switched back. I only did it to fuck a vegan chick, wasn't worth it. And you act like you're not judgemental, but we both know you're lying. Your undeserved sense of superiority came out when you used the term "carnist". Only vegans who think their farts don't stink use that term.

Ohh, yeah, that's utter bullshit. I'd rather eat the lab grown meat.

I'm all for meat, and I don't give two shits about the next generations, but the environmental impact tho