Why do you faggots always use stupid words like "sauce" instead of source?

Why do you faggots always use stupid words like "sauce" instead of source?

Do you think it's cool or something?

How the fuck did the English language fail you?

Other urls found in this thread:




Toasting in epic bread




OP is an faggert

Yeah good point wtf

It started in 1987


Then the Russians took over


source of this?







We got here an actual grammar Nazi.
Go fuck yourself OP.
You're a faggot.
I'm sure you're too fucking stupid to even understand the reasons, and that you already have your mind made up about what you think. You're just looking for an argument to try and flaunt your supposed intellectual superiority.



This is even better bait



This is now a get bread

Get bread? Whaaaaaaat???

Posty more toasty


I've never seen this before & I go on Sup Forums every summer. What is your sauce?




This is the first Sup Forums meme I learned 13years ago...they said bach then sauce was easier to type one handed than source but looking at the keyboard ut is not true.

>Local vernacular, that shows you're part of a given community or group.
>I don't get it.
Just shows that you're new to the community.

Aka ur a newfag

Is there a fucking sauce of this pic!?

Great, now we have to explain to op that the word fag doesn't necessarily mean gay person I don't like as well. I was speaking in ops language user.


Your a fag.

You fucking new fags. Originally a source was a censored word, thus people wrote sauce as its more a word that shouldn't be filtered you fucking summerfag, 3 weeks left?


the first time I went on Sup Forums, I went into a thread and it was just OP followed by like 30 posts saying "sauce" and nothing else

fuck I was so confused, and then I saw it all throughout other threads

it took me a disgustingly long time to figure out what everyone was meaning

No doubt the English language failed you.

You have to be at least 18 to post here, come back in ten years.


Because they're all kids that think if they use different words, they'll be cooler. In fact, they aren't.


>not understanding slang

I feel like you read your



because muh memes
stupid newfags hehe xd


