Does anyone know a way to more or less hire a black thug/nigger to fuck my little sister...

Does anyone know a way to more or less hire a black thug/nigger to fuck my little sister? She just turned 19 and is still a super shy virgin, but actually pretty cute (real skinny though).I've fapped to the idea for a while and by now I'm basically ready to to do anything that will get a nigger in her bed. I'd be willing to pay and orchestrate whatever needs to be done, I just need to way to find a local thug willing to put the work in to get her to give it up for him. I don't care if it's sex, head or even just a sloppy handjob or something, I just want a black guy to finally cum on or inside my little sister for once.

Anyone know a way to start putting this plan into motion?

I hope your hired rapist just decides to rape your butthole and films it and it goes viral

and then you can watch yourself get 'blacked' over and over again

cute bait but it's not my butthole that i want filled my guy


Why would you want to give your sister AIDS? You're the worst brother that ever existed.

does she want an std?
because that's how you get an std.

i forgot this site was filled with 10 year olds, but also im in america so shed be much, MUCH more likely to get pregnant than actual aids

Obvious bait. Not your sister, post a picture from her facebook fag

basically same response as

Do this and I'll help u

ni shit it isnt i'd never pretend she was that hot (nice dubs btw), and she doesnt use facebook but ill look for any recent pictures from cameras that i can find, you make a fair demand

Seconded, I can't make promises but if someone bumps this every once in a while I can go look for a recent picture from like the beach or something

Why don't you fuck her yourself faggot?

weird as it sounds i have no desire to fuck her myself, even though id love to watch her get fucked by a bbc. i really dont know how to explain it.

Mightve found a few pics btw

why a nigger though?

i even if she doesnt have a facebook there has to be a way to find a picture of her face

found a few pics, loading them onto my comp now

anyone lurking or have advice or anything?

you lost

Tell her you have a friend you'd like to introduce her to once you get the guy

phone camera inside tissue box, get constant recording app, put tissue box pointing to toilet in bathroom

the idea of some thug with a bbc using my sister as a tight little cumdump just turns me on more than anything else really. she's super innocent and would basically never do something like that, which makes it even better to think of her slipping up one time and getting her pussy or face fucked stupid by some hulking nigger

trying to crop them and shit but Sup Forums file size limit is hot garbage, i cant get it under 2mb yet

hot or not?

im just trying to show you what she looks like, not get creepshots, especially since no one's said shit in the way of advice yet except one guy, foh

here a pic by the way, have to use jpg so idk if the quality is any good

>a black thug/nigger

black fat/nigger detected

>i really don't know how to explain it

That's because its not your sister your attracted to in this scenario, its black cock. You don't want to fuck her yourself further proving this point, you just want to watch a man in action. There ya go OP, fully explained

OP here.

Pic of my shy sister.

Please someone tell me how to hire a thug/nigger.

WTF is that face in the oven from?

from the Downloads From Websites Internets

well shit, try to take a new picture with her and just hope she doesnt ask questions

she's obviously not the hottest piece of ass a black man's ever had, but i dont think a nigger would particularly mind sliding her onto his cock for a quick nut

now that you know what she actually looks like, who has advice/ideas?

then why does it turn me on more to picture her getting drilled than a random pornstar i could google in 10 seconds? i wont lie and pretend that the color difference of the cock against her has nothing to do with it but i also dont just watch videos of black dudes jerking off either

eat a bacon cheeseburger

You should just admit your gay OP

You said she was super skinny you lied

so many replies for a fat bettendorfed nigger

She's probably had sex. I was having sex with a girl who was very cute and religious for a few years in high school and people spoke of her as a "good girl" and assumed she was a virgin. She was a good student and athlete and very shy, yet we were fucking.

You don't YET. I'm not judging man but that's just the vibe your giving off. If it wasn't at least a little gay why would it matter that it be black dick? I don't whack it to solo girls masturbating but I do to girls getting fucked. Same logic

what do you call that?? she's like 5'6" and 110, 115 tops

Goddamn these interracial shills are getting complex

Oy Vey, we upped the notch, Schlomo

she's never brought a boy to the house in any form and also seems to be a rather big loner at college now, there's a slightly higher chance with her staying away for school now but honestly i'm thinking it's still pretty damn slim

How old is she?

will soon turn 18

And she's already away at college? I call shenanigans

I never went to this girl's house, always fucked her in my car, in the woods, in the field house during track practice, fingered her on the bus, etc. She was very good at hiding things and kept things from her parents and brothers.

just turned 19, severe babyface though she really does look 16-17

i remain highly skeptical but hopefully if this did happen it was with a black guy?

Kill your self.

have you ever felt like killing yourself?

I recommend following through on both.

the thug nigger would be glad to oblige

>Those red knees

You may be too late user. Also, what is the point of this? It's not like she is going to let you watch or something.

Even though it's b8 the fact that OP posted this is weird, cuck detected

dont get my hopes up

and even just knowing it happened is plenty enough for me


real shit? i had no idea

If this is real you will post a screencap image of you holding up a paper with timestamp.

Bullshit, one post she's soon to be 18 and now she's passed 19? Fuck you for your inconsistent lies!!

You're blind and retarded OP, fuck off back where you came from

i didnt post the first one dipshit, read the OP if youre so concerned with the logistics

and nice dubs

i'm a product of the Sup Forums system, this is your future friend embrace it

It's kind of creepy that you think about your sister like that bro, get some help. Don't pollute the gene pool anymore than it already is.

What is with that face on the oven?


How do you impregnate a shed.

lots of effort and a winning attitude


Some of us don't share your sibling being knocked up by a nigger fetish user.

I'm not saying that all of us do either, but considering where you are, do you really think that logically talking to this degenerate is going to fix that?

Hey little nigga,

I'm from the future. I know this message is what sets in motion your eventual demise but I can't deny you the happiest moments of your pathetic life. In three months you will learn that your sister is fucking a real ghetto hood nigga. You will have some of the most intense faps imaginable. But it won't be enough for you. You will get caught trying to spy on them. She will be so embarrassed and mad at you that the nigga will find you and stomp the life out of you. The life of a cuck will be complete.



Why is there a reflection of a transgender Fonzie in the oven door?

wasnt me that said that, hes saying this is all fake to shill interracial fetishes to you guys, and if you dont know that by now youre a newfag

I hope you get rappes by a nigger, your sister is gonna marry a real man and have many white kids from what she sounds like and no nigger will get even close

These Reddit Cancer threads need to die. It's very sad, this AstroTurf is a complete failure.

you make one hell of a fanfic there mate, nice dubs

Nice bait nigger

It isn't always shills man. There really just is a lot of white guys into this stuff on here. Many of them don't even think blacks are superior. They even see them as inferior and call them niggers like this guy These guys like the porn because of how degrading it is.

And after you get busted for setting this up you can sit in jail where you can get fucked by as many black dicks as you like. Your an idiot

how is this illegal?? and you're** even more stupid than you think i am


I wish you nigger-loving cucks would just fuck off for ONE day

How do so few people realise this? It blows my mind

Give him fried chicken and watermelon. And a glass of MD20/20.
You will own him like the good old days.
But what did your sister do to deserve AIDS?

>Weird smile and teeth popping out, she's awkward and uncomfortable even on photo
>Butterfly/nerd, looks like the kind of girl who studies 7h/day
>Messy hair, hope she doesn't go out at night with that
>Feet with no curves, just straight sticks
>No tits
>+Good skin

2/10 would fuck
I give her a 5/10 over all

Fucking shit autocorrect I meant butterface not butterfly (?)

Putting a bullet in your own brain might help

Kill yourself.

Honestly I just can't. I just can't fucking do it. I mean its not like I feel good about this. It just turns me on so much to see sexy girls take nigger cock. I really wish I could stop but it is just such a strong fetish for me. I've even been thinking about getting into swinging because my friend is into it and he has mentioned that some couples that he knows are into this. He also said it is the easiest way to get laid a lot. Since I am too beta to find a gf at least I can maybe enjoy myself a bit and also find a girl more understanding that I can't give her the satisfaction that a superior black man can.


Look for them on craigslist?

I'll never understand how someone can have a sexual desire to NOT GET LAID. It makes less sense than wanting to be a trap. And somehow you can't understand that you don't have a gf because you believe somebody else is better than you (based on their shit-tier race). It's infuriating because of how illogical it all is.


if pic related

>super shy virgin, real skinny
>uses bikini like those

she had sex already, man

I do want to get laid more often though. I am hoping that I can somehow find a gf that is already into swinging so that we can eventually progress to her cucking me with a nigger. My friend isn't into the interracial cuckolding stuff but he did say he'd invite me to some one of the events one day if I was interested and told me I could get lucky if I at least am confident enough to talk to some couples.

Everybody says that trans shit is a mental illness. Cuck shit is much more so

>Being this much of a brotherly cuck