I found this thing in a rental car. Do you guys know what it is? see whats inside

I found this thing in a rental car. Do you guys know what it is? see whats inside...

Horse USB

some kind of drug


buttplug ?

Empty all the way take good pic


Looks like coke or can be a random rc.
Rub a salt grain size on your gums. If it's bitter chemical ass taste then it's probably a research chemical.
Bitter but numbs and it's probably coke.

Does the capsule have an imprint?

swallow it

It's probably ricin or anthrax

R. I. P. In peace OP

Nigga gonna rub anthrax on his gums... smfh tbqh famalam


it tastes bitter and spicy it did make my tongue numb in a spot for about minute, didn't seem chemical in taste. The capsule doesn't have any imprints same with the horse

Anybody who find some shit in a rental car or on the street and decides to take it or put any part of it in their bodies because muh free drugs is a fucking retard and deserves whatever ailments and dick rot they get

That means its mustard gas... Rest in RIP

>did make my tongue numb
congrats. you found some coke.

Hhaha, good luck surviving my friend.

ok I'm pretty positive now it's coke, thanks guys

ok, bye

Have fun OP.

giv at shit to me, son

Its called "black stallion" its for sex enhancement/stamina

that is too off white to be coke i would say mdma maybe..

Horse = heroin? Enjoy your addiction.

since its a horse container its probs emergency viagra


Looks like mdma

doesnt look like coke probably RC coke

Horse is slang for heroin but I'm sure it's Viagra

OP's penis is gonna open up like a flower

what do i search for for this?
it's fuckin cool

best case it's coke
worst case it's viagra
fuck it no downsides here.

that looks like heroine
t. heroine junkie