You're cunt tree

>You're cunt tree
>you now realize how GOAT the US would be if the deep south fucked off

What do you mean by that statement?

the south is shit and i was wondering if everyone knowed so

Fuck off you yankee PoS

>muh southern pride!
>being proud of losing a treasonous government that lost a war
>being proud of being the most backwards part of the country

Guess it's expected given all the blacks and hicks that live there

Not the guy you responded to, btw.

Sherman should have killed every last one of you while he was down there. Fucking inbred trash.

yankee that was raised in the south here, the south is better in every way. The wrong side won.


I seem to recall them trying to do just that.

t, liar

sure you did buddy

Idk why yanks constantly have to shove their superiority complexes down our throats. You guys see us talking about southern life, enjoying BBQ and hating niggers, and for some reason you take it as an attack on your way of life. Get the fuck over yourselves. Every single one of you lot just cant stand being wrong or have someone prefer something different; must be the autistic German influence

That isn't how you use the ">you're cunt" thread lede

Fuck the south



More like mockery. You don't even need to live in the North to see how bad it is down here. Where I live (Louisiana), we have the lowest test scores, the worst oil spill in US history, the trashiest fucking people. the capital has the highest rate of AIDS in the country, and one margnally good parish outside of like 60, if that parish is even that good.

Our top college is Tulane, which is great, but past that (the state colleges like LSU, UNO, ULL) is all trash. The other private university, Loyola, is too much of a liberal hivemind to even comment on.

People are proud of being stupid here.

because you're regionalmen unironically vote in dumb politicians who do nothing but fuck this country up. The most pathetic thing is that they do it under the guise of religion while it is obvious to anybody with half a brain that they could not care less about any religion but rather are only concerned with bettering their egos. Seriously, a good majority of southerners are fucking retarded.

See: healthcare.

I am on the right economically but it is seriously retarded to be opposed to universal health care.

>inb4 le athiesm meme

I believe in God

>retarded to be opposed to universal healthcare
Only if you think it's a right and not a product

I don't care how you classify it. If you want to speak economics, the negative externalities associated with individuals who aren't provided with necessary medical care are enormous and that is ignoring the moral argument. Literally the only reason we are not on single payer is because the politicians are in bed with the health insurance companies.

Speaking frankly, if you are against universal health care you are literally a retard or perhaps a rich asshole who ought to realize that in the long run-- most likely not in our lifetimes, thankfully -- the greed willbackfire

I disagree with it simply on the terms that I see it as a product and to be forced by the government to buy that product is removing my choice which I disagree with

Universal health care is not the be-all end-all or some magic palliative and it comes with its own terrible downsides. In the US it would likely be utter hell.
t. Someone who lives in a country with universal health care.

*N/M the t., forgot I was on Sup Forums.

Nobody asked you and nobody gives a shit

Let's suppose you get infected with Zika or another virus that is easily spread and has the potential to spread harm to many people until and unless it is treated which, of course, is due to no fault of your own. What will happen is that you will either spread the disease or be placed in a hospital and cause the taxpayers a lot of money (in no small part due to the insurance markups).

Yes, the situation is an extreme case, but situations such as obesity are common and cost a lot of money of which is funded by the tax payer.

To reiterate, I am completely against the government forcing certain legislation upon the citizens in theory, but the fact of the matter is that it is unstoppable, and as such, we might as well go along with certain things that are in the public good.

The benefits outweigh the downsides. read up on your JS Mill bud.

southerners btfo