Is hunting evil?

Is hunting evil?


No. It's instinct. And if it weren't for our nice strong ancestors then we wouldn't be he

depends on the hunter

food na pleasure probably

No, In the county I grew up (Bucks County PA) and the county I live in now (Orange County NC) there are a ton of deer about, and we hunt them in part to help keep the roads clear.

I donate the venison to a local homeless shelter.

I'm not wild about killing the magnificent beasts, but there's a certain ritual to the thing that feels right.

no. the hunters keep wild hogs off my land

They are pretty cool

No, the extra animal protein from meat is why we evolved into intelligent beings. Look at the size of grazing animal brains like cows or deer. They also require alot less minerals and vitamins to function.

as long as you respect the animal, try to keep its suffering short and use the meat its fine.

if you trophy hunt, or let the animal suffer, you kinda an asshole.

>Is hunting evil?

Is posting the same exact thread every four hours evil or stupid?

No. It's actually more ethical than buying factory killed meat. A happy animal in it's natural habitat is predated, naturally, by a human being. Until we perfect meat farms that grow meat, that is the most ethical way to eat meat.

What if you kill a buck, take the head to get it mounted and eat the meat?


Nah, just plain stupid

I'm trying to justify killing an animal for food

It's not a fair fight, but humans would still be eating berries if we relied on our physical prowess alone.

Hunting deer, wild hogs, and any other animal that has a healthy population is fine. Guys that go to Africa and shoot tigers and shit should be jailed.

Nope, it's not evil, and I'm a total libtard.

I'm fine with this. Eat the meat, and sell the hide to a tanner or something.

Actually it was the discovery of fire that did that, otherwise we'd have a bunch of super intelligent predators on our hands.
It was the easier access to calories through cooking food that enabled us to grow our brains.
We still need meat though, unless we live on a very specific and kind expensive diet.

kind of*

Hunting isn't really a sport anymore. These bitches will shoot a deer from a half mile away nowadays and somehow claim that it took skill or fills some instinct, what the fuck is that about? Way back in the day when it was actually a sport you'd need to get within 10-20 feet just to have a shot at getting a kill.

Evil though? Not really, not anymore evil then eating a chicken wing from BW3's. Animals die, we're the top of the food chain, so we kill them.

not using bones, intestines and skin?

Those parts usually gets sold to the companies who use them.
If you hire a butcher to take care of your kills, this will happen automatically.

no, if you're hunting for food. But if you're hunting for fun yes it is.