All these young kids are now calling each other "cucks." Nice work, Sup Forums.
All these young kids are now calling each other "cucks." Nice work, Sup Forums
>Common johney don'd be a cuck. Smash that bitch.
Having to be a cuck to get a girl has been something that has been plaguing modern man for a while. It's good that we've taught younger generations to put a label onto this aspect of the master-slave relationship that occurs. It's time everyone tips the balance back into the hands of men by making all men afraid of letting females get the upper hand in sex.
This will deter a new generation from becoming cuck normies.
Chad loner generation incoming.
maybe they won't grow up to be cucks then.
Who is being invaded by 12 year olds? Re.ddit or Sup Forums? I don't go to Re.ddit but I think I would be able to tell if we were being invaded by 12 year olds.
we're doing it Sup Forums
we're saving the future
>tfw you psyop the psyops
Cuckposters confirmed for 12 years old.
I remember calling each other gay as an insult back then.
We didn't come out gay. These kids won't be cucks too.
Good job Sup Forums!
Sup Forums is majority underage. Sup Forumsacks meme-spew on Sup Forums and it catches on
I love this so much. I can't wait to tell this story to people decades from now.
>"SO then me and my pals, who mostly just masturbated to anime and complained about niggers, saved the future by spreading memes and electing that guy who sells steaks at Sharper Image President."
We're doing God's work senpai
End cuck shaming it's the current year!
Usually it was the friend that fixated on it too much that turned out gay
We /eminem/ now
We already had this thread. Go away.
I love trump, but this was legit hilarious.
>feminazis constantly use shame and humiliation to cuck men
>meme magicians use this shame and humiliation against them
>All these young kids...
>implying the 12-year-olds in the news story aren't Sup Forums
It's probably Sup Forums. Sup Forums is too boring for most 12 year old kids. I never gave a shit about politics when I was 12 and neither did anyone else I knew.
Maybe we actually fixed that generation.
>but really tho
Both sadly.
Anime masturbators are not real political players they said...
>Sup Forums
>not packed with teenagers
Just how delusional are you?
>Everyone uses the word "Fag" to me "dumb" in the 80s and 90s
>Men grow up to be giant faggots
>Everyone is now offended by the word faggot
>Faggot marriage allowed
>People start using the word "cuck" to mean "dumb"
You're only doing it to yourselves, you faggot cucks.
>Implying most of Sup Forums isn't 12 year olds
A good 90% I'd estimate.
Why despair? Cuck is hilarious.
because they all post here
But gays have really progressed. It's the trannies that are the problem now. I guess it's all the same shit, but still I think it's just a problem of overpopulation.
The entire population is expanding, not just the faggot on.e
This desu
Doubt it. This guy is probably mad someone called him a cuck so now he's pretending to have friends.
In highschool I showed a bunch of kids this place to lure them into the redpill.
I found out it was working when someone drew swastikas in the boys bathroom.
The world's gonna be alright famalams
This is an actually good point.
The widespread nature of the cuck meme will most likely work in our favor. If cuck behavior somehow becomes cool in the spotlight, then all is lost.
We're basically using meme magic to red pill young boys before they get brainwashed by feminism and cultural marxism. We're literally saving the younger generations of white males through shitposting.
Uhhhhh but I did
Lel, my little cousin is one of them, Ive been calling him a cuck and sending an occasional Sup Forums meme for years.
He actually sent me a moonman video a couple months ago and said him and all his friends love moonman, funny stuff.
Cuck is the new 'faggot'. I wonder how long until it becomes politically incorrect to say cuck and we have to find another word.
you dont understand how liberals and SJWs think.
By calling people a cuck in a negative fashion, they become victims, just like trannies and faggots became victims. Soon cucks will become a protected class and the government will outlaw discrimination against them. the next step will be people on social media shaming and trying to get you fired because you dont allow your wife to cuck you.
this is our future
Cuckoldry is built on a foundation of shame. The whole reason cuckolds enjoy being cucked is because in their warped minds, they derive pleasure from being humiliated. To take away shame from being a cuck is to remove the whole basis for that shitty fetish.
>Generation redpill
>that picture
what am i even looking at bro
thats what it actually looks like traplovers
How much abuse do you need to put your anus through to make it look like that? I bet he has to wear diapers due to permanent incontinence.
it doesnt even look like an asshole anymore
It's photoshop you dingus
its fine cuz
god hates cucks im sure
lol spot the virigin
One can only pray
It's a convincing photoshop
Normalfags will not know what cuck means. It will become the replacement for fuccboi.
Pretty sure that came from reddit.
thats when we know its over.
If that narrative takes hold from memeing cuck too hard, then its over.
We're done.