There's a not-so-subtle rule in the United States that maintains that blacks are NEVER to fully integrate with whites.
>Medgar Wiley Evers
ASSASSINATED (June 12, 1963)
>John F. Kennedy
ASSASSINATED (November 22, 1963)
>Malcolm X
ASSASSINATED (February 21, 1965)
>Martin Luther King Jr.
ASSASSINATED (april 4, 1968)
>Robert F. Kennedy
ASSASSINATED (June 6, 1968)
In a mere decade, Americans saw more assassinations since its the country's incarnation, all stemming from political turmoil concerning the Civil Rights Movement and how to deal with the "negro problem". After the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by Lyndon B. Johnson, states that refused to acknowledge the new federal regulations would see federal agents, even soldiers enforcing its desegregation clause by protecting minority citizens and others that would see their lives threatened by honoring the new law. The notorious J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FBI from 1935-1972, hired goons and thugs to help undermine the CRM by surveilling and threatening its key leaders while sponsoring violence in their meetings and congregations.
Social benefits began to be expanded into minority communities during the '70s as per regulated by federal statutes in order to maintain the moral integrity of the program.
Americans, since the end of slavery and reconstruction, began witnessing a sort of progression of the American negro. It's seen as a natural development given what the American founders realized and documented concerning human autonomy in the Declaration of Independence. However, parts of American society aren't interested in what's natural, instead, they are far more interested in supporting a structure that's inhuman, unnatural, and ignores universal moral values.