Hi Sup Forums,I'm a teenage half Puerto Rican half Mongolian,pro trump,pro nazi,boy.I wanted to ask real Sup Forums Aryans about what I can do.Just some advice on how to restore our right wing America and stop social justice.
A Sup Forums young man wanting advice
It's some shitty picture made in Gimp of my face on a nazi.
10/10 thicc aryan
Are there only Turkshit roaches and other sandniggers with German flags on pol, wtf?
Ha!, I had the same pictures made by my friends when I was growing up, except that I am white
>Sup Forums
Are you old enough to vote?
Sadly,no.I can't vote for Emperor Trump.
No, just liberal masterrace who know pol is just a meme
M8 I like you, but you have to be 18 or older, I used to browse Sup Forums as a kid too, but you shouldn't say it, you are going to get b&
also lurk moar, you don't even know how to quote
Yes yes, goyim Sup Forums is a meme
Wilkommen Refugees!
obvious baitpost
sliding the board of serious topics to promote trash
I'm not trying to bait,or any bullshit.I don't know what "trash" I'm promoting.
My good sir,if I wanted to bait,I'd go all out.
Who's gonna ban me?The FBI?JIDF?
Go back to high school.
I'm taking your advice and begin my adventure and exploration into the depths of Sup Forums.
The mods. This is an 18+ board.
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