>Sup Forums hates multicultural trains
Sup Forums hates multicultural trains
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I like them tbqh
What the fuck kind of retarded train is France? Looks like a streetcar
They're called metros
I imagine they have some in Canada
The indian train is missing something.
I wonder what the Indian trains smell of
Yeah, they used to be called dominion but the French faggot frogs hate anything British so they bought dominion and changed the name to Metro.
>was going to say 'where is the Ivan train'
>there actually is an Ivan train
I like Ivan, square faced badass trans-Siberian train.
The show is about very helpful engines, not spic trains made of cocaine that don't work.
>dat face on the Russian train
my sides
Why does India get two? Do they have to put women in separate trains because of the gangrapes?
Shed 17
Fuck off Le funny ledit man
>Ivan train
I want to fuck those female trains.
Wew, Vinnie looks dangerous.
No, it's because they need two trains in order to haul the shit from the streets into a giant loo.
What's wrong with Ivan Ivanovich Trainovsky?
why would they give the tanks genders
that implies so many things
>designated freight cars
poo choo
Always bugs me that the chink is facing the wrong way.
Where's the negro train?
They don't have one.
because, ivan, that is your name
>indian trains
>mexican train
>hue train
>australian train
>no train from japan, a country known for its trains
hey pal look inside the furnace
>"Poo In Loo" Train
>"I'm Surrender" Train
>Shitpost Train
>Non-Country Train
>"Cyкa Блять" Train
>Hand Gestures Train
>"Ficki Ficki" Train
>"HUE HUA HUE" Train
>"Bing Bang Bong" Train
>"I Wanna Fug The" Train
Also i like how Raul does kind of look like our trains
You guys still use steam engines? That's nice, they look nicer than modern trains. It's a real beaut that one nothing better than hearing the whistle of the train.
Yeah,they're the ones used on trips between states. The ones linking cities inside the same state are more modern
I knew all this trains acceptance had gone too far.
I think ours are outdated by European standards but honestly trains are one thing id like to keep outdated. There's nothing I love more than a beautiful steam train, they're a real work of art, there's a reason why kids always draw trains to look like them and not modern trains, they're just so much more appealing to look at.
>No loli trains
It's in DC, and it's on fire again.
if Jesus had wanted me to share a bathroom with a train he would have said so
I like older trains too my friend
Very nice train, we don't have any as far as I'm aware but we do have a heritage street car in our fleet. The interior somehow is more spacious than the modern ones
There's already been a Chinese one
That looks cool
Only street cars we have are some just being displayed as tourist destinations in some cities since they got replaced by LRV's
Pic related is the one in my city,like i said it's just a display,people use it as a meetup spot to drink coffee and read
>no African trains
theres already a japanese train
Don't look at me with them big ol' eyes
That is a metro... Etienne looks weird as shit if you ask me :/
Damn your metro looks cool,ours is boring
Underrated post
That looks hell of a lot better than our tourist areas
In all honesty, they probably couldn't manage to make it look black without looking weird.
Think John Boyega with grey skin stretched across a circular train "face".
Also ironic is that captcha asked me to select all images with trains.
My city is pretty nice desu,life here is quite enjoyable
Yours is boring
Agreed, the trains we have these days are boring plastic things. Where's the colour like this old beauty?
bump for more rail stuff
Shano mate where's the fucken diesel cunt let's get smashed cunt.
Beautiful trains, this is the interior of our first streetcar. Nice and spacious and comfy looking leather seats
And the new ones, also the new ones don't have a bell just a recording of one. How can you have a streetcar without a bell?
>First Streetcar
And current, because Bombardier's full of French losers that can't deliver.
Shit,that looks really cool,i wish we still had those,we had them during the 50's - 60's
We do have LRV's,but they don't have the same charm as the antique stuff
You're thinking of pic related, we've had these ones for like 40 years now or something. And I'm honestly glad they can't deliver, the new ones feel like a can of sardines every time they pass by it's packed full the old ones at least had some standing space. I don't even use the streetcar, I just walk now I hate the new ones.
Same with the buses, my route was always packed so they put the double buses but cut the number of buses that come in half so it made literally no difference. Now you have to wait like 10 minutes for a bus and as soon as it comes it's packed tight.
Since when did India start making its own trains? Wouldn't the Indian trains literally be Victorian British ones?
We have some new one like that being build here but half of it will be underground, we almost scrapped our streetcar but decided to keep it because America was scrapping all theirs back then and we can buy their cars for cheap.
Now it's a major part of our cities system it's not going anywhere, and honestly I prefer it compared to buses they're way quieter and the trip feels smoother
That pic i posted is just the part on the surface,pretty much the substitute for the streetcars,but the underground metro is there too
In most cities here the buses and the metro are really shitty and not very efficient,some cities like São Paulo,Brasilia and Curitiba have quite good public transport but most are bad,like Rio de Janeiro,one of the reasons they built the LRV in Rio sooner than other cities is because how crowded the other parts of transport already are,so they're trying to make it more efficient
freaked poor Percy out
ivan and vinnie look like they're about to violently sodomize etienne
Yeah we have a subway too, what I mean is the LRT will be underground for half it's route it's actually pretty neat.
But Brazilian cities are ridiculously over populated I think they seem really dense
The Ashima train is pretty sexy desu.
I'd put my coal in her burner if you know what I mean.
Looks the same to me.
Yeah,during colonization the economic activities never really left the coast except for some brief periods of time like during the mining era,other than that everything was done in the coast,so coastal cities are fucking gigantic and very densely populated
When were you diagnosed with autism?
Damn bro! Can you imagine a head on with two of those! Shit flying everywhere!