Fucking madman is less than 4 points behind now

How did he turned this shit around from being 13 points behind only 3 or 4 weeks ago??

It's fucking incredible and he hasn't even started on her yet kek

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So far, Trump has defeated every single opponent that was thrown at him by the establishment. Whether it's Bush, Carson, Rubio, Christie, Paul, Cruz or even Kasich, Trump has proven that he has what it takes to make deals and gain the trust of the people. For the first time, America has the kind of candidate who can stand up to political correctness and say what's on everyone's mind. Trump embodies the American spirit of freedom and for that reason alone, everyone should support him.

I am now a #TrumpMissile

The people that make me laugh are the ones that think he is retarded. If he is, then he must have literal forest gump levels of insane good luck

Bernouts may hate Trump, but they hate Hillary at least as much. Bernie supporters in attempting to justify why Bernie is better than Hillary learned about all the bad stuff Hillary has done in her career, and surprise surprise, it's way worse than anything Trump has done.

Holy shit.

trump is digidestined. good luck stopping this momentum

What was that drop in April about?

>What was that drop in April about?

It was a whole bunch of "Trump hates women" bullshit, particulary after the Heidi Cruz garbage.


Now that Trump has de facto won the nomination, people have to make a choice now when they were on the fence before (or frankly didn't care).

Reminder that none of this matters because Hillary is not going to win the nomination. Sanders has a YUGE lead over Trump and it will stay that way for the entire general election. Say hello to President Bernie Sanders.

>he still thinks bernie has a chance

Newest poll released a few hours ago shows Trump up +3.

Trumps recent surge i think wasn't caused by trump. More like hillary getting put in the spotlight as the 2 nominees have pretty much been chosen.

Old cherry picked poll
>hurt trump won't hurrr
Yeah keep telling yourself they becaus th more you do the more he wins

Every time I think that bernie supporters are just otherwise normal people that are just misguided by their greed for gibsmedats they go and do something like this.

No, the primary is over. The choices are a warmongering, wholly owned subsidiary of Goldman Sachs and a shady business man cum Reality TV Personality. Choose wisely.

op picture is an average of polls, takes time to adjust

Why do people like this midget cunt? Looks like Nicola Sturgeon.

High five brother

You fools are going to meme this jackass into the White House!

with a 3 point margin of error
that's a statistical tie

This is why I couldn't really bring myself to care whenever the polls were brought up in conversation. He has been steadily rising since he announced his candidacy, while she has been steadily declining. I didn't see any reason to believe this trend wouldn't and won't continue. If he's ruthless in the debates once they start I think it'll be over for her.

only because he hasn't had as much exposure. Same reason rato and pickle man were beating hillary.


let's hope so

>Sanders has a YUGE lead over Trump

I'm sorry but has Sanders had 60,000 negative tv ads deployed against him and 100s of millions of $ of attacks in every form of media??

Nope. Nobody has even hit Bernie yet and exposed him (because he's not worth the fucking time or money).

I would create a thread on this but here it goes:



Not long ago, I remember the video having 1 million views. It's going viral now.

looks like one of those half brain zika kids whatever that shits called 2bh

Lol you trumptards are in for a rude awakening this november. How many elections do you have go through to learn that A REPUBLICAN WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES EVER AGAIN?? There's been a culture shift to the left. You are literally living in the wrong side of history.

You notice a pretty good similar trend in 2008.

Look at 2008. McCain basically got the nomination and locked it up on March 8th or so.

Guess whos poll numbers collapsed and began leading once he locked up the nomination?

McCain started leading Obama. Once Obama then locked up the democratic nomination Obama started to go back right up and lead huge.

I think Trump supporters are retarded and in for a surprise this November.

>This is not a Pro-Trump video, don't worry, he's next ;)

I noticed that too.That miserable cuck probably added that when the video went viral .

>comparing Hillary to Obama
>implying Dubya Bush didn't give Obama the presidency on a silver platter.

It seems clear that the guy is a Bernout. Thank goodness he won't be voting at all since he hates them both, better none than her.