Feminist hate thread, you know what to do

Feminist hate thread, you know what to do.

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Aren't we kicking a dead horse by now? I feel like feminist is a term used to describe someone who's a cunt

He's more attractive than amy schumer

Why do they always look like shit?


what to hear a joke?


so people know their affiliation like a swastika tattoo



Is that text in the photo supposed to make me feel anything? All I can think of is fucking that hot girl.

that kid always reminds me of digsy of 'digsys dinner' fame the oasis song.


Attractive women get laid so they wont be bitching about males and society

Is that irl Quinton?


This sounds like my math teacher in 6th grade. She was an avid feminist who lowered every boy's grade by one letter in order to "give women the same advantages in education that men get everywhere else"

I got a B in that class...








feminist sjw in the news
jenna burleigh
murdered by mutt who picked her up in bar

was it really rape?

not rape if cuck

Link please



At least she was honest about what she was doing. This shit happens all the time with niggers, too.

known as 'fiercely feminist'

probably defied everyones good advice and sought after the minority type because anti racism says to breed with darkies

gets involved with criminal - gets raped and killed

tragic, never saw it coming. she was an angel

Consent is a social construct.

What'd you just call us boy

This is so fucking true. Some universities and colleges in the US and Canada are even offering cheaper STEM courses for females, and they're still not getting many women wanting to be in those fields.

he kind of looksl ike the bog brothers?

>jenna burleigh
most of these so called feminists like anita serkosian don't belive there own shit they do it for the money

and if you are a woman or a man and get angry or fall for it you are an idiot

>unintelligent people choosing the easy route (gender studies)
>unintelligent people get fed feminist bullshit propaganda
>unintelligent people spout the shit they are told

well don't colour me surprised

Lavender one to the right is hot as fuck

ain't anybody pointing out how blatantly racist she is in the second pic? jesus fucking christ, feminists and modern anti-racists are so hypocritical, it hurts

>pretty much calling out white people on having negative energy
>generalising white people and openly stating that she needs people of colour as friends instead of white people

I'd seriously like to get my hands on people like this. as a slav who has a refugee background but is perfectly integrated, I love to argue with people about racism since they can't tell me jack shit

Holy shit, just super stalked this girls instagram and everything lol


its not racist if you talk shit about white people.

Becuase whites are the majority and racism is power + prejudice. Therefore, anything "racist" you say about whites isn't racist.

Unless it's South Africa, then white people are just racist no matter if they are a minority or not.

It gets better if you go to her tagged pics she runs a foot fetish account and has nudes posted up

>End the cancer killing Sup Forums

dude, you have to respawn this hole first.

Holy shit lol

>have to radically redefine discrimination just to make their ideology work
From this you can conclude that feminist and intersectional ideologies are fundamentally wrong, and that the ideology thus thrives solely on fanaticism and dogma's instead of any actual merit.

This thing's Twitter fills me with fright.

Dead bitches booty confirmed.
Reply when you go see more


the truly retarded thing is that black people etc actually believe this. man, I was so happy while in china. literally everyone likes white people over there while the west is forcing an anti-white agenda on everyone

I'll never forget the day I saw a message from a (club) promoter who stated that entrance and drinks are free for foreigners but not for chinese and black people. if black people think they know what racism is, they should visit asia

>tfw I'd rather move to hong kong than stay in a shit infested europe which can't form a proper society but is willing to divide the people amongst themselves



And nothing of value was lost that day

So western "white" culture has failed and you would rather be treated as a respected novelty in am eastern region? Would you agree with that statement? And just to clarify before you think I'm being an SJW and trying to set you up I'm not.


cap, lavender, short girl and kneeling girl can all be reclaimed..

No. White culture would've worked well, but ((they)) set us up.
Of course, your kids will buy into this race mixing and self loathing shit if you see it 24/7 on TV.

What are board appropriate threads? Can i get a list of them?


>you know what to do.
Ignore this thread?

>that face
Is he one of them?

Lol fucking faggot

Give me a quick rundown

Who is they? And if white culture was besieged and falls to it from within has it not failed? I say these thing because I feel like what was called western culture failed a long time ago, basically when America went to vietnam was the start and the big fall came after we Fucked the middle East's culture 100 years back in time.



don't worry. I don't give a fuck whether people want to judge me on an asian spring roll board. I don't want to be treated like a vip, which is a huge plus in China. I just don't want to hear all the bullshit that comes out of people's mouths when they are given a platform to talk. I want to be respected, pretty much the way I am now, just without all the nonsense associated with western media

believe it or not, it was a huge relief not to pay attention to anything going on in the West while I was in the East. sure, I would check the news once or twice a week but that was it. No race and war propaganda going on over there. Call me a commie all you want life over there was just very relaxing


Couple of rich cunts with weird faces as a result of the disease that is "all old money is worthless to a forward-thinking society".

And that's why I moved to Switzerland.
Where they outjew the jews, tell niggers to fuck off, have an actual democracy and laugh while the rest of europe drowns in violent africans.

>white culture

there's no such thing as "white culture" you fucking moron. you sound like those retarded blacks who try to pinpoint culture to one specific race.

culture is a phenomenon generated by people living in one place at the same time. you can generalise by saying "western culture" or "insertcountry culture" but not "white culture" since there is no country with only whites.

western culture hasn't failed but people aren't fucking sure what they want anymore. socialism is the best excuse for people trying to be communistic but not really and caring but not really, all at the same goddamn time

>hey, we want everyone to be the same
>what??!?!? you want to take our food and split it with other poor nations?!?!? uh, wow, I can't believe it, can't you just make up some technologies to clone food?!?!?
>what?!?!?!?! you can't? you're such a bad person!!!

(retarded) people in the west have nothing better to do than whine all day but do literally nothing. that's why I liked the Chinese people. they don't whine all day and endure things that people in the west wouldn't be able to but still try to make the best out of it

well, I thought about that once or twice (I'm the slavic germanfag who has been to asia) but unfortunately it takes two to move to switzerland so fuck me

>adding hair color and glasses

>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.


>who is they

You tried. Here's a gold star.

Post red hair and glasses or GTFO

Can you give an example of what you'd want to see here?


Yeah, this is reason why feminism excist

Learn to spell you cock sucking dyke bitch. Your dad never loved you and you got bad credit.

Strong independent womyn can't spell excist without CIS, the patriarchy rules our whole excistence

>there's no such thing as "white culture" you fucking moron
Oh look, a nigger is angry because all his culture consists of is looting after storms and pretending to be Egyptian.

are you even capable of reading? I said people who spout "white culture" are as retarded as blacks who do the same thing. people who talk about race are uneducated about the concept of culture 99% of the time, blacks being the most prominent ones in that regard. White people being second because they aren't doing their homework while spouting the same shit as the blacks but in another colour

Wait. Im in this situation. But i dont get called possesive.

>who is they

>feminazi in the drawthread
>always draws fat to obese characters
>female characters always have body hair, scars, stretch marks, double chins.
>male characters are always lean to muscular, hairless Adonises.
>Always pushing fat porn on everyone
>ask her to draw something attractive, always a fat cow
>ask for a specific character, always draws them with a non ideal form, adds things like blemishes or scars
>almost never draws perky tits
>almost always refuses to draw anime, when she doesn't usually makes it fat
>most people in the thread hate her
>white knight faggots defend her.

Shes literally the fucking worse, most obnoxious thing in the drawthread.
I have her tumblr if you all wanna troll her, also if you go in the drawthread and bash her, it sometimes starts a shit storm.

checked. isn't that the slut who diddled little kids?

Lots of Asians are very nationalistic about their culture, more so than whites. Some countries like Japan will treat non Asians and more specifically no Japanese different, Japan's probably the most xenophobic country in the world.

what a fucking skanko bitch

this is so funny hahahah

Who is it?


give. the. link.

thing is, the people will not openly brag about their opinions. they hate the people and keep it quiet.

>Japan's probably the most xenophobic country in the world

only lived in China but I'd say that the only nationalities Asians hate are their own (Chinese hate Japs and vice versa for example). Westerners are usually liked

>Japan's probably the most xenophobic country in the world

this. (but also north korea, they hate white people)


They tend to like their own countries, hating other countries is and staying homogenous is one of the reasons why Asian countries are so successful

>totally asked for it