>Supporting a racist bigot
Supporting a racist bigot
>being a faggot
being this obvious
at least be creative with your responses, losers.
>supporting a testicle
I'm coming for you on the night of the long knives
Vote for my dick.
>never bigotry
>never bullying
>never ignorance
>never hatred
>opposes trump
Trump was against the trans thing so I think this is wrong
>never buzzwords
you will have creative responses when you make a creative thread, we have 50 of those every day
Trump is just a meme
The problem of the anti-Trump speech is that it is always uses a loser/opressed point of view. Leftist young adults need to realize that people that work do not like the "have pity of me!1!" speech,
> I support Clinton just because the media tell me not to support Trump
Muslims are everything in that pic.
uninformed faggot. know what you're talking about before you talk.
>pot calling the kettle black
Wew lad
Trumpfags, everyone
Muslims are usually not racist, they just hate non-Muslims and maybe different branches of Muslims.
You are going to have to do better than this OP. With so many non-white women and past employees who have nothing but praise for Mr. Trump...Shillary is going to be left dumbfounded, it will be glorious!
>Pissing in an ocean
>projecting this hard
Is it raining on your parade in your area burgerbro?
aLittle cloudy here
>Call a man a bigot/racist/Hitler/Nazi because he has the same attitude towards illegal immigrants that Bill Clinton had in the 90s
The problem is you bastards have pulled the Overton Window so far to the left, that you demonize anyone who disagrees with you as being on the far right. The same way in recent memory, a Swedish political party called a slightly less leftist party there [as in, further left than the Democrats] Nazis for disagreeing with them.
You people are the real fascists, trying to censor thought and debate and control policy through intimidation, and you must be and will be stopped.
Its like you're not even trying to hear what he's saying, that's why people vote Trump. They're tired of people shouting out buzzwords like racist and bigot which contribute negative to the topic, as in less than 0. It's less than nothing you contribute, and this thread represents exactly whats happening in America right now.
you retards voting for "my IQ is the highest" are what's happening in america right now. go hump your bibles, faggots
can anybody give me one example of trump being anti gay? it seems like they're just pulling every word out the book to try to use against him
He's against gay marriage
Even your insults don't make sense. If we wanted a theocrat we would have elected Ted Cruz. You're calling a man who wants trannie faggotry to be decided by the states and whose religious affiliation is best described as cultural Christian a bible-thumper?
This is why no one will seriously engage you. You simply throw around buzzwords to silence the opposition, no matter how little sense you're making. The era of PC being used to suppress dissent and limit discussion is over. Make an argument, or get the fuck out.
that's nothing personal towards gay people
i believe the majority of america would like to disagree with you
At this point youre being a shill.
Completely disregard what the other user said and threw out bible as if you entered a fucking church you fucking fedora robot
so who to vote?
ANYONE but trump
even hitler would be better
>Being ablist
Believe- hold (something) as an opinion; think or suppose.
But all of those things are awesome
Trumpfags, everyone.
No, they would not. An extremely vocal minority of college students and media pundits disagree with me. Most of America values free speech, which is why Trump is so popular.
If you cannot make a constructive argument against Trump that does not involve accusing him of vague buzzwords, you will not be taken seriously in the new America.
>a racist bigot
Sounds amazing. All the anti-white propaganda over the recent time showed me one thing that those cucks fear that whites could once more unite in an collectivist fascist hivemind and purge our ancestral lands. in this regard: Sieg Heil!
t. Dumbass
fuck off man
True racism has never been tried. It can work this time.
You're the one that literally said that racism was OK, retard.
>a fucking leaf
>Fucking 50 stars
I think your off by a border
Bernie lost, you should kys
explain why any of those things are bad in an omnivorous species.
If trump loses anything i'm happy
he's the worst president that america could POSSIBLY have in a million universes
I'm so tired of hearing the word bigot around without those who do not knowing the definition. Being against Trump makes them a bigot as well.
I hate this shit
it's bad for non-whites
thrown around*
>Never say never
>would rather vote Hilter than Trump
>I would rather elect a man who intentionally killed 12 million people than a guy who said some mean things
>This guy is slightly better therefore he's good
>racist bigot
made up words get fucked commie jew
Word hurts.
But Islam is all those things. They even hate other denominations of Islam.
Why do liberals adore Islam so much?
Christians are much more arrogant fucks than Islam and therefore they deserve more hatred
>This guy can't comprehend even his own arguments
That all ya got, faggot?
TRUMP 2016!
Says the Trump supporter
Wow OP you sure changed me with those hot opinions
What race do you think I am, oh man of thy high horse?
>projecting this much to open a studio and theater
Get a load of this garbage.
hitchens was wise
>opposes bigots
>also opposes people with differing opinions
I really like the irony of "Never bigotry".
>call someone racist
>use an insult that is derived from the designation for those that are mentally incapacitated through no fault of their own
I don't give a shit about the word retard, but you can't even play your own game well
Ableist :^)
why should anybody be pro-minority? what's the advantage of it?
>never ignorance.
>never bullying.
>never hatred.
okay so, shut the fuck up and sit in your corner while I support trump.
kek you got it
OP can't do shit about my racism
mullattos are human cancer
Do you know who he does support?
Let them echo their bullshit canned opinions at each other all they want. The more worked up they get, the more delicious their rage will be in November.
For a group that's really adamant about stereotyping, literally fitting people into 8 negative categories is pretty damn prejudicial.
Most likely Bernie. His whole FagBook page is loaded with "anti-trump" half assed memes.