Why doesn't the U.S. just annex Canada?

Why doesn't the U.S. just annex Canada?

I mean, it's Canada, who cares?

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We have too many liberals as it is

because they'd vote democrat

We're all the same anyway, what difference does it make?

Why would we want it?

Because they're too pussy and retarded to survive in our climate. We would literally exterminate every single one of them and eat them while they're still alive and crying and then impregnate their women.

seriously if your flag aint red white & blue you can just fuck off

Because then we wouldn't be able to play with tariffs and international trade laws and other creative financing, you silly person, you.
Yes, You.
Stand still, laddy!


All we need is Alberta, and they will join us soon enough as Canada gets eve more cucked.

I would actually support this at this point. Canada is a sinking ship and joining the USA would open up so many opportunities for non retards.

We'd take the more redneck parts of Canada. The Chinks and the French can fuck off though.

Not like JUSTin would do anything.

Why doesn't eu annex uk, I mean it's not like they have a spine anymore. Oh wait, lol nevermind.

>we were cool one time, honest. It was like 100 yrs ago.

>letting in 30000 rapeugees from canada


Why don't you annex it right after you Brexit? They probably wouldn't even notice.

we can take the lower-left provinces, theyre redpilled and want to secede anyway. The rest of canada is cucked

I would wholly support this. Plus your flag sucks. Pre leaf version actually stood for something.

i hold this for a valid argument

>American anschluss
Fuck yes.

dad have you been looking through your old war photos again? you always get so sad and mean


>British Columbia

maybe not redpilled but its the least cucked part of the country, they can still be saved

Alberta's cool. the rest wouldn't be worth the trouble.

First post best post

oh god don't start

Remember when we used to be cool?

Canada has become a gay tryhard version of Australia.

It's like Paris and San Francisco got together and had a big fat chink baby.

We'd be better off annexing Central America and removing taco.

That's a nice flag. I could be proud of that flag.

As a portuguese living in canada. I wouldn't mind holding the union jack for my best and oldest ally.

Funny posts, but Liberals here only exist in Toronto the mini Commiefornia.


>tfw t. Alberto Barbarossa will also be their.

>cuckservatives getting burned

We don't want you. Our sluts would probably elect Trudeau as well

That would set off a huge political crisis. United States would get shafted.

Could trade Puerto Rico to the Quebecers for Anglo-Canada.

Didnt realize muslins went to canada

for who? liberals?

For you.

But Toranto is the only place there most Americans can name anyway.

Was legalizing weed part of your plan?

if that's true how do super liberal trudeu win?

> adding 40 million Bernie Sanders voters