Sorry ladies, the men are opting out of your gynocentric hellhole and going their own way.
Sorry ladies, the men are opting out of your gynocentric hellhole and going their own way
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how about you opt-out without being a giant fedoralord faggot about it?
why do you hate pussy?
just come out of the closet.
Oh look, three post-wall cunts who are booty blasted about not having their betabux.
Cry moar, whores.
>post-wall cunts
Dude.. no such thing on /pol.
I don't understand why go full-MGTOW.
Just don't spend money on them, don't let them waste your time, probably don't marry and have children with them, but don't completely reject the idea. Why completely shut them out? Just don't let them be a nuisance to you. There are some good ones out there for sure.
Spotted the female. It's ok, you can do better than op anyway :D
There are no ladies here lad. So why the fuck are you talking to yourself?
Yes good goy. Don't have a wife, don't reproduce .
Yes, good goy. Follow the same subversion tactics of feminism with the gender swapped.
Good goy. Keep the white birth rate down. Don't start a family.
Good goy. Good. Follow the same extremes feminism uses
"All men are sexist scum "
"All women are slut golddiggers"
Yes good goy. Allow Ahmed, Jamal, and Paco to rape and fuck white women while having on average of 5 children
Good goy. Spread the propaganda.
Reminder: subversion only works on low IQ targets and only those who are willing to be subverted .
Technically mgtow is a good thing as it will weed out the betacucks from reproducing.
Good goy.
im fairly sure mgtow doesnt mean asexual
>Yes good goy. Marry and submit yourself to voluntary slavery.
Yes, good goy, follow the same path that the sorry shmuck who is now living in a rinky dink one-bedroom apartment after losing his house did.
Good goy, start a family despite working a job you hate.
Good goy. Good. Add more stress and misery to your life.
You'll be dead in 50 years or so.
What difference will it make?
How can men make more men without women?
>There are no ladies here lad. So why the fuck are you talking to yourself?
Why do people still believe this. True, maybe a year ago. But Sup Forums is mainstream now. Women are out to hijack it now.
They want to hijack everything. Why can't we just fucking be here in peace.
All they're going to find here is bitter people who hate their ass anyway.
Women simply cannot stand a group of men getting together without a woman interrupting it.
You simply must keep the red flags red. No tattoos. No non virgins. No drop outs. No children of divorce or born out of wedlock. No tattoos. No drugs. No cutters.
Unfortunately you can do everything right looking for a "good" woman and still get royally fucked over.
>Sorry ladies, the men are opting out of the gene pool
Implying women will care about a bunch of virgins dropping out of the game
>Sorry ladies, the men are opting out of your gynocentric hellhole and going their own way.
>the men
Why are human males forced to deal with an inferior gender? Why wasn't our design intelligent enough to make us actually equal?
Hitler has weak ass fruit peeling game. Look at that shit.
das rite, they turn back and fuck 5 dudes
We know they don't... until they want a beta to marry. That's the part men are opting out of.
That's why there's such a serious push to get men to "MAN UP" and all the articles about "manchildren" at 30.
They just got tired of waiting and being used.
terrible persuasion
MGTOW makes me wonder:
What are all the sub 7-8/10 girls are doing?
I know a ton of chads from work, and they refuse anything that isn't prime.
So what are all these girls doing?
It is going to be very interesting and amazing when we develop artificial robots with fully functional reproductive organs. Men will never select for it to become pregnant unless they feel they really need a kid for some reason. Women will just cry rape when they become pregnant after the male robots inseminate them.
itt: autism
>14 words
God the artist that makes these is such a butthurt little Asian.
Literally /r/asianmasculinity personified.
Remember that time you were mowing the lawn with your push mower and two hot babes came cruisin on by with a dope drop top convertible and professed their love to you. Maybe life WAS better back in the day heh
Getting fucked by chads. Chad isn't going to stop fucking the girl just because she's a 6
Pussy is pussy. Men don't really fucking care.
They can pretty much always do that. But they expect that there will still be guys willing to marry them in their late 30s. But even if they have no other options, more and more men would rather just not marry instead. Some women will end up pretty unhappy, but most of them will be fine. They have jobs and they can still have casual sex an short term relationships pretty much for as long as they want to, eh.
Why do you have to form a fucking movement around it and wear it as a badge on your chest? Just do your thing. We're all going to die anyway.
mtgow is just like an ironic thing righ
Except they do.
I work with a ton of chads... they all have several 7-8+/10 girls chasing them.
They have no need for sub par girls
Nothing is more pozzed than MGTOW
We can literally win the entire election for Donald in ONE FUCKING MOVE
We can literally win the entire election for Donald in ONE FUCKING MOVE
We can literally win the entire election for Donald in ONE FUCKING MOVE
>These implications.
Sure... forever alone by choice... whatever lets you sleep at night.
Above the last panel there are missing frames, they depict the gruesome murder and epic flight from elements of the U.S. Government, leading to his smuggling out of American territory to the war-scarred battlefields of his past.
Afterwards, it's like a buddy-cop comedy series but he just gets a different suicide-bomber colleague every episode.
Coming this fall.
I want money for this, Jews.
They should totally "Man UP!" and marry them at 35, right?
My sister is 31 and in this position right now, it's hilarious.
Is she one of those who put A LOT of fake tan that her skin basicly becomes orange color?
White women are on sex strike, user. Why would they, as white people, want to have a relationship, like marriage, with somebody who is anti-white? They've rightly stereotyped white men as being sick, self-hating, anti-white traitors.
Therefore, the white birth rate and white marriage rate has gone down. It's the white women sex strike against White Genocide, O.P.
heres my own experience
im 30 now
went to university, got a degree but that field was limited so i got a trade instead
>Junior High
>just starting to think of girls
>ask a few out
>get rejected softly twice
>get three horrble rejections
>"okay, whatever, ill just have to try harder in high school"
>join football team
>Defensive linebacker, offensive lineman
>girls flirt with me, or so i thought, turns out they were just getting close to me to ask my Quarterback friend Ryan out
>"fuck it, im just gonna study my ass off, and if it happens it happens"
>girls try to flirt, but it turns out they just wanted answers to tests
image is the moral of my story pretty much
I was never a mgtow, but ive been called one. Cause it pretty much fits my thoughts on women.
They have a nice sloppy hole between their legs that i like to put my penis into every now and then but thats it. The "package deal" is shit. Anyone that has been around women will agree.
They cant hold a conversation outside of pleasantries as they dont:
-have any real hobbies
-do any particular interesting careers (wow, you're a secretary/HR person? whodathunkit!)
-have no ambitions
-have no dreams
-no creativity
so communication is out
they often have no brain power, they drift throughout highschool and university on their parents whim/dollar. I met ONE WOMAN who i could say tried as hard as the average guy in University but she was already taken. The rest were vapid whores who do what i described in green text.
So Intelligence is out.
i dont like the label of MGTOW as i said but i guess im one
It would be if it didn't mean there's a lot of men looking for a very small minority of good women
It's pretty fucked up and means a lot of people are going to NEET and be useless to society
After all, why would they bother?
>messaging girls I fuck occasionally
>they want to start getting serious
>tell them I'll pass
One even threatened to not take a plan b pill once crisis avoided
I know this image is meant to be inspiring, but it's really based on a lie.
How many MGTOW would be in the situation as the lad you posted?
He is in shape and has women swooning for him. I'm confident that he'd be part of the 0.01% of men who gets to live the good life.
Men go their own way when they discover there is no woman waiting for him at the end of a hard life.
Your picture should show a regular guy getting off work from pay day with cash in his wallet, turning down women that are trying to leach off of him.
She's not orange but she lays the makeup on thick. She's also a party girl. She also has an obsession with the idea of living in Australia (it's a cliche thing for a lot of Brits). She went travelling there in the hope of meeting a man, no luck.
Then she went to New Zealand (second best I guess) and no luck there either.
She genuinely thought she was going to get hitched.
Now she lives in the middle of fucking nowhere in rural north Wales with not a decent catch in sight. She's 31 and living in my parents cramped house.
Fucked doesn't begin to adequately explain her situation.
At least she has no niglet around her, or does she?
Also what is her major? Did she actually went to college or uni? Is she stupid that she can count only to potato?
She didn't go to university. She dropped out. Me and her are mixed race actually. You guessed it, white mum, black dad.
Well, he's technically half himself, white mum,,,black dad.
Point is she's a mixed race girl who wears shit loads of makeup living in the fucking ass end of north Wales.
She's not academically stupid, but she does seem to lack common sense.
watch this experiment, it scientifically proves that MGTOWS and feminazis are just lonely faggots who nobody wanted to associate with and had no chance to pass on their genes anyway
That means she has nice chances for another 9 years. Not even joking. That comic was sorta true. But if everything that you said is true she still has a chance.
I'm going to take a guess that whoever it is she marries is a beta.
its just mother nature being bro to us all
Ok let me get this straigh. You DONT want your sister to marry and have kids, right? Its obvious that she will marry "that guy", but its a last resort for her. Dont you want to be an uncle to Travyon or something?
I actually don't give a fuck about my sister. She's superficial and shallow and has the intellectual depth of a tea spoon.
I couldn't care less if she becomes a spinster. She brought it on herself, she had plenty of chances but fucked off to do the whole finding herself thing.
>Keep the white birth rate down
>White men do not have choice when it comes to women getting abortion
>thinking men in general have any say in reproductive rights
>implying men should put society before themselves when society only wants to see white men suicide 24/7
The sub 7 girls are the ones they bootycall drunk at 3am until one invites them over.
When will it be legal to hang mgtow cucks from street lamps?
Yea no, I am MGTOW now, but in my teenage years I went from having a few GF's to strickly fw/b. Was nearly taken advantage of by this hot 13 yr old chick when i was 17 on a cruise and drunk for the first time. I even turned my first GF into a fw/b at 19. I wasn't until about 22ish that my hormones calmed down and I was able to go full MGTOW, but even now some women just think I'm playing hard to get.
Also still a virgin, though I have gotten head a few times, but have never been made to cum by a female.
Kek. MGTOW is a steaming pile of shite but these comics always get me.
You can't deny that they're true though.
You just have a great and concise explanation of why to mgtow without going full ghost or Galt or whatever.
I think we should go full ghost and Galt though.
they're humorous in the tragicomedy kind of way
>but have never been made to cum by a female.
maybe you're gay?
>tfw we're all screwed
No you dumbfuck, if you are white you can't go MGTOW, only sub-humans like me have the luxury to kill our own race
But they're not. I'm happily married with three children and there's nothing particularly remarkable about me.
MGTOW is a bluepill painted red by the kikes and their idiotic shabbos goyim.
>I'm married therefor it must be your problem
Kind of like how it's an inviduals fault that they have no job when there are less jobs than working age people.
Just because you have a happy marriage does not mean those girls exist in abundance. Depends what class you are too. I'm from the working class so all the girls I know are whores.
I'm working class too and have a pretty shitty job but I'm content because I have enough to get by and I'm not a materialistic cunt.
I'll spell it out for you; all you have to do is find a single decent woman in the sea of shit out there. It's really not difficult if you get off the internet and leave the house every now and then. Good luck, brother.
I rejected most women and avoid women. Tbh,it's just a vag you put dick in. Majority of women are dumb giant children.
Still, best to seek outside of the western world.
Why do you guys care if someone is calling themselves MGTOW? Less competition for you right? I mean its not like opting out of being a beta atm slave will effect the Alphas pussy game.
Having said that I'd call myself a MGTOW, I've had gfs and not a virgin but I just largely can't be fucked playing the game honestly.
I walked out of my church when the pastor brought in this woman to talk about how it was our "Christian duty" to "man up" and "marry women with children who need a dad in their lives".
I literally got up out of my seat and walked out. I had 2 ushers ask me if I was feeling ok. I told them "never felt better. God told me this was the wrong church and I am glad I am not wasting any more of my time here."
I really don't know what to do now. It has been 3 weeks since I have been in a church. My faith in Jesus Christ is still as strong as ever but I know that most churches around here are fake and gay and I don't want to fellowship with them.
I am looking into some traditional Catholic group that has a chapel close by. Who knows if this is where God is leading me.
All I know is that I am NOT going to be picking up the pieces of some whore who made bad decisions. That is not what God expects from men.
fuck that is a strong move.
i would have done the same.
women are not held to the same standard as men. and yet they still get away with their crazy shit all the time.
If God is real, her wouldn't want you to be forced to marry a evil whore.
>I walked out of my church when the pastor brought in this woman to talk about how it was our "Christian duty" to "man up" and "marry women with children who need a dad in their lives".
What was the context of this?
ITT: nightmare fuel.
Can some user please post something positive? I don't want to die today.
I know this may sound strange but it was almost like an inner voice said to me "get up and leave. this is evil and not from God."
It frightens me what is happening to Christianity. Almost all churches now are completely feminized and they no longer teach the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is an evil spirit that has control of most churches.
What do you expect? Probably some cheap ass church in a piss poor area with a fuck load of sluts who rely on the church for little community things and are now trying to pressure the men in the area to marry the used up whores and be their cuck providers.
Get out of dodge.
>fat neck beard faggot.
>"all girls are sluts" "never get married, lets be genetic dead ends"
Kek. Just marry a virgin dipshit. Oh? Your an Atheist and you are fat and ugly?
Sorry, the future belongs to the religious. I can't wait to see nu-males like you die off.
Weak genetic dead ends
You weren't meant to breed.
>not marrying girls who are sub 25.
Kek, Why would you want retard babies?
Protestants aren't Christians. That dip shit pastor is probably dumb as fuck.
Has femenism taken grip in india yet Pajeet? Does the Alpha - Slut - Beta game happen there as well? Tell us about India. I'd like to learn something before work.