Have any of you actually ever killed anybody? What was it like?
Question for Sup Forums
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Yeah I killed your mum with my dick m8
Wew lad
I murdered your moms pussy last night
I'd describe it as wet
I shot a man in Reno once
Motherfucker...beat me
just to watch him die?
hey Uncle Sam
Yes i've killed a nigger 2 years ago and it felt so goddamn good, i want to do it again.
no, I took a kids eye by accident, felt really bad.
Well, I shot the sheriff, but I didn't shoot no deputy
I killed myself but it didn't last.
Yes, I have. I've lined up multiple sand niggers in my sights, pulled the trigger and down they went. Dead. Off to the big aloha snackbar in the fuckin sky.
I didn't do it for any stupid notions of God or country or 9/11 revenge shit... I joined the Marines to kill people, and I got to do it a lot.
How did it feel?
Well, pic related my friend.
Depends on your defenition of "kill".
Im an RRT. Used to work in the MICU. I performed 9 terminal extubations.
Ever hear of "pulling the plug"?
that was part of my job.
One time I grabbed a woman off the street and got her in my rape van. I tortured her for seberal hours(it didn't feel like that long) before decapitating her. After killing her I had sex with her corpse.
It felt really good.
Did you kill any women?
Three rifle, two medium machine gun, four via called-in 120mm mortar fire, and a dozen killed or wounded via called in OH-58D support.
Sort of disappointment. M855 is shitty fucking ammo outside of room-clearing brain shot distances. 7.62mm works much better. Aside from that, it was "hold still, you fucking prick, I am trying to aim and drop you clean here, goatfucker."
You are more of a man than 99% of the faggots on this site, user. Good job. May the Lord bless you.
What's the point of killing if it's not a woman?
And not in self defense.
You too, my friend. I respect you for being more of a man than the rest of the NEET faggots in this thread.
Of course you did you fucking faggit, but killing people online doesnt count. I bet you are a fucking manchild who still lives with his mom, faps uncontrolably and have insecurity and constantly cuts yourself.
I am from the fucking brazilian special forces and you may ask what we do: We fuck your shit up, you keep beeing such a massive faggot all around im going to have to kill you, marines my ass, i bet you cant even go to the police station to report Tyrone stealing your trap gf, stay mad
Let me tell you about the National Guard. We are bored. CHIMP-OUT IN COLORADO PLEASE!!!
Fucking settle down Rodrigo. That guy is an edgemaster to the umpteenth but you have nothing to prove.
DId you ever said when the family was there and the ill was still conscious before pulling da plug
Hasta la vista baby?
Some of you are cool. Don't go to Germany tomorrow, a sandnigger will probably try and rape you.
Ok britbro, just because i respect you flag, but next time i'll smash that faggots face
Thank you for your service.
Drove a kid I bullied to suicide once. Felt terrible. I didn't get shit for it but I cleaned up my act, and down the line ended up talking two people out of suicide.
I don't feel like I am clean of my sins or ever will be but at least I can try.
Do you not like Americans, user?
I had to choose between my best friend and the really cool popular guy in my class to stay the night after my birthday party.
Originally I'd asked my best friend to stay the night, but I canceled on him when Clay (yeah, that was his fucking name) brought Tomb Raider II and a 2 liter of Coke.
My mom made me pick one. Just one.
Well there was a fucking storm that night. The power went out and I couldn't even play Tomb Raider, and Clay was all pissed because it was boring. We went to bed early and didn't even talk.
The next morning I found out that my best friend's house got hit bad in the storm and a fucking tree fell through his roof right onto his bed. Killed him.
I didn't bring the tree down. But I was the reason he was there. I wanted to be cool, and I lost my best friend. Clay and I never hung out again.
You mean people from the USA, I am american because i was born in the Americas .
Yes I hate them, the american man has been pushing down our throats their shitty culture, burguers and degeneracy, and forced us to declare war on Hitler, the Great.
So yeah i fucking hate'em, but Trump is nice
Yes I did. In Iraq 2006 and 2008. First time I do not remember what happened except for what my friends told me, which was, that I shot two guys in the head so fast it was bang bang. This happened inside a room. Second time I remember I got one guy while he was running and he simply folded straight over backward like his spine was erased. Later I saw him up close and his head was resting on his ass as he stared at the sky.
How I feel about it is pretty fucked.
Sincerely, user.
when i was 15 i got in a fight with a dude and hit him in the head, he was knocked out and i left a winner with everyone in school cheering me on.
he never woke up, i found out the next day that he had died, brain bleeding.
At least we're not pushing the burgers into your asshole
I kill white people in the war against the etenal EURO BLOOD
>Originally joined the Army because it was a normal thing to do for a texan
>Saw 9/11 and got angry and shit, plus I didn't have a future
>Had a tough time adjusting to life without my neck beard luxuries, not really fun until we deployed
>I was thinking of deserting, but got shipped off too quick
>The middle east was fucking horrible. in the beggining, I was scared to hell every time i heard a gunshot, still couldn't wait to fight though
>When I first was deployed, Marines had just finished cleaning up a sandnigger village. we were then rolled through
>As soon as we entered the city, there were shots fired bc hajjis had been left over
>Didn't think I'd ever even see a fucking hajji, but guess i got lucky
>Dude next to me got shot in the arm by a sandnigger. tired to return fire but my m16 jammed
>Useless thing had jammed bc of sand since i was shit at keeping my weapons in shape
>Pulled out standard issue m9 and poked it over the hood of a humvee. looked up, and nigger was dead, shot multiple times
look at the first letter of each line
Burgers are irrelevant in the eternal war
I sometimes have extremely overwhelming urges to rape and kill young college aged women. Im not trying to sound edgy but literally overwhelming urge to bludgeon and strangle them to death and sexually assault them. During the course of burglaries, kidnappings, maybe attacking one walking home from class or something etc. If I dont get help it is a matter of time before I actually act on said urges and would probably stalk multiple college campuses within a 100 mile or so radius and rape/ strangle/ bludgoen atleast 4 or 5 women over the course of a week. I would probably hang myself afterwards. These are just sick fantasies in the back of my head for now I should probably seek a therapist and start taking antipsychotics and depressants. I sometimes drive around local college campuses masturbating while looking at women and also get off to watching victim impact statements of family members of young women who have been raped and killed.
>seberal hours
Cleared a little school building full of assholes. Didn't feel anything but fear and anger. No bad feels no regrets, didn't lose anybody. Spent time with an indirect QRF group back when firefinder was used for return volleys and pulled a few strings. At first nothing, then i got promoted and stuck on the after action sweeps with terps and a camera; suddenly feels everywhere. One faggot with a mortar tube or a rocket fucks property and people that didn't give a shit about one side or the other. Easily killed 50 plus people I've never seen that never had a chance.
Nice try, FBI.
I killed my childhood when I was 13 and my 18yo sister masturbated me in her sleep.
Was a 15W in the Army, drone pilot. Armed with the lethal toys. First kill was some small city outside Iraq where a small group of jeeps were gathered outside a bar, guy inside was poised to attack a Humvee convoy with explosives.
Long story short he came out and I plastered him, turned into a paste. Made me vomit and shake but you get over it, to much excitement. Had 3 more after that, felt fine, didn't lose any sleep. Weird though, they go from completely animated humans with all these plans to liquid in like 1 second.
Not sure.
Yes, I once scared a man to death.
If I could go back in time, I would not do that, even though I had no consequences from this. Because there was no reason for him to die.
I doubt you can understand me on this, as your language and thus your mentality are highly literal and is a flaw, when you want to describe mentality and cognitive conditions.
take some comfort in getting to see it, and that it's a strike with low collateral.
How many Xbox live points do you get for killing a real human?
I killed my beta self 5 years ago faggot. No one has tried to fuck with me since, therefore I haven't killed again.
Not enough, my gamerscore is to low. Should have went marines, go top of the leaderboard.
How does one scare another person to death?
What did he mean by this?
I only found this website looking for nudes of young girls, but here is my story of murder and death.
When I was a cop, I would make sure to kill at LEAST 2 niggers a month in much subtler ways than bullets at traffic stops.
I mean first off, 2 is a lucky number, but not so high as to draw suspicion.
Now you may be thinking "Liar, you couldn't do that cuz you'd get fired!"
Well you'd be wrong kids, and this old flatfoot is here to lace you with strategies to take down wild animals.
What I used to do when I was on the force was scrape the corrosion of my patrol cars battery with my pocket knife at start of watch.
You know the white or green flaky crust that builds up around the leads? I'd just put it in a little paper I would fold up.
Then I'd start my night patrol. Now this was Oakland back in the early 80's and Heroin and coke were both huge, and crack hadn't been there yet.
By 1-2am I'd eventually roll up on some dope fiends with a bags full of coke or heroin. I'd pocket the dope and give the piece of shits a warning.
Then I'd pull over somewhere else and put some leather gloves on and make a few hot shots up.
I'd take the battery acid gunk and rub it into the ball if it was heron, or just dump it into the bag and shake it if it was coke.
Then I'd drive down to the 20's or Sobrante Park or West Oakland BART station and toss the "hot" baggies onto the sidewalks in front of the usual drug spots at the end of my shift.
Sometimes I'd wait and watch from a distance to see who picked it up. Sometimes I'd leave as fast as I could filled with glee.
By that time I was already back at home, listening to the emergency response on my scanner.
You could easily hotshot 3 pavement apes a month without raising suspicions.
Those were the days.
Grandma died of lung problems because I didn't keep my birds clean enough.
In retrospect it wasn't anything terrible, these were worthless goat fuckers who were poised to kill my brothers. I don't agree with the foreign policy agenda and intentions of the war etc but I wasn't about to have that happen. So, much like the trolly moral dilemma, I saved more lives then I took in the long run.
Kunar and Nuristan provinces Afghanistan. 2 tours . 1st Infrantry. 2 Taliban right after I finished taking a shit others I'm not too sure about because things tend to get chaotic in a fire fight. Returned to the states and shot a 17 year old black kid after him and a friend broke into my house and shot my dog with a 22 rifle. He lived though albeit with a colostomy bag in his lap . They were charged with 12 burglaries and one home invasion (my home ) They both got 17 years in prison and one got a bonus wheelchair.
Wew lad
This is completely normal behavior.
>all these made up stories
Fuck off fbi
>being so autistic that you think people will believe this
by making an ugly face
pretty sure charges wouldve been filed
Don't feel bad. If they genuinely weren't strong enough for the world, then its best they head off to the light anyways.
This has become a copypasta.
Did your dog live?
Black user
Killed 3, two spics and one other black.
Roleplaying obviously...
only a
fool would take anything posted here as fact, etc
b --->
Things like this just happen on oclayssion... it's oclay user.
You'd be surprised how easy it is to get away with murder.
They say it`s like this: youtube.com
But I believe it`s a classified information. The guy was relatively healthy.
How would you guys kill someone and get away with it? This is purely a discussion for fun and in no way meant to condone any illegal activities.
Personally, I think hitting someone with a vehicle is pretty much the fastest and easiest way. In my city awhile back some drunk guy was in the road and got nailed by a newspaper deliverer early in the morning. The car was only going like 35 MPH but the drunk dude was in a coma for awhile and got FUCKED up. Teeth busted out, right arm broken, shit was a mess.
If you hit someone with a truck at 35 MPH and drove off it'd be damn near the perfect crime. Some evidence may get left behind, paint chips and shit, but I doubt that you could get convicted. I mean, if it came down to it you could always claim that you let friends borrow your truck and may not have even been driving it that night.
>not getting top score by using the recon drone and tagging assists all game
You guys are not even hiding it anymore
Fuck off shill
Get therapy, dude.
Jesus, user.
Holy shit this is not political discussion.
I'm getting flashbacks from my Sup Forums days. Read the rules, faggots.
>because I was born in the Americas
Nope. He was a two year old German Short haired Pointer named Klaus. He was a good dog. The one little faggots family tried to sue me in civil court but lost.
>Born in the Americas, makes me American
Keep dreaming junglenigger, Brazil is the India of South America. DESIGNATED.
This post is highly suspicious but if it's true then you should probably just chug the stuff under your sink and be done with it.
Yes. My high school bully.
10 years ago.
>26 now.
Thang you for freedoms
How or what am I shilling?
It's a purely hypothetical discussion for fun. I don't think that anyone can get in trouble just discussing ways to murder people.
If anyone is a shill it's the OP trying to gather incriminating statements from people.
can't say for sure
was fun trying anyhow
this is why my home defense weapon is a semi auto beretta shotgun. no survivors.
Gotta love the massive ass hurt south Americans have over "American" universally meaning a US citizen. It seems to be a uniquely spic phenomenon too, you don't see Canadians bitching about not being considered American.
Same here, I'm Army though.
>united statian mental capacity
Why do I even try
I can’t believe it’s already been this long, constantly hearing them bitch about dating, or clothes, or allowances, and every time I hear it it’s like, I want to scream in their face, fuck you, you little shit, shut the fuck up. I’ve killed people, and then I washed the blood off my hands and went to school and acted normal the next day!