Sup Forums BTFO!
Sup Forums BTFO!
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>acknowledging that immigrants get shit jobs and go nowhere in life
Having a good, stable job that provides for your community is somehow a bad thing?
MFW I can walk to the field without having to worry about some fucking illegal stabbing me in the back and raping my wife.
>Oh no corporations can't employ modern day slaves anymore! They have to pay domestic workers real wages!
Trump is going to open up job markets to Americans so we don't have excuses to avoid work?
I was a trumpette until now but it's time to feel the bern.
No one self aware made this.
>you have to pick your own food
>that sucks, we should make brown people do it for pennies instead
is this the sweet smell of progress?
Look at the pleb who submits to the Grocery Store Jew.
Grow your own food.
glad the Dems haven't changed in over 200 years, still want cheap labor from color people
A white guy would probably just invent a machine to pick fruit, sort of like the cotton gin.
This on hs to be fake
>Having more jobs is bad
wtf how is that a shit job
chill in field
eat apples
get exercise
>people don't want jobs
So why do white people have no problem working in sewage treatment plants but can't pick a fucking apple?
Oh right, because it's fucking bullshit.
Maybe if teens had to do some hard labor they'd stop turning into huge pussies.
>dems literally admitting that they only want illegal immigrants so they can work in cozy offices while the mexicans do the icky physical labor jobs
Op's image cant really be from occupy democrats right?
>borderline slave labor is okay as long as they are mexicans
>americans starved to death from laziness before they imported illegal mexicans
>Mexicans cant work
>They are forced to increase their wage
>I now make good money picking oranges
Yep this.
And I love how hard the all of the leftist kike outlets are trying to shame and defame Donald Trump and his supporters, especially when they're shilling full-on communism, or a warhawk NATO nation-wrecker.
>fruit picking, housekeeping, landscaping jobs go vacant
>wages go up to attract workers
>we see actual organic increase in minimum wage instead of the price-fixing imposed by the government
>this is a bad thing
I've seen hipsters mention this all the time, is this even realistic? How big a garden would you need? How long until the crops are edible?
Occupy DemoJEWs puts out a lot of nonsense. Absolute nonsense.
This image was clearly created by a Mexicant or an Africant butthurt about Trump.
>Occupy Democrats
That face you make when you're making $12/hr to pick fruit because 3rd world slave labor can't under cut you.
>what is automation alex
what a jew
>I now make good money picking oranges
oranges now cost $20 each
Ah yes the old liberal " but we need Mexican slaves to stock whole foods" argument
MFW I grow my own food so it doesn't matter what shills for desperate politicians post on an edgy image board.
You'd need about an acre or so for 2 people, and with 2 acres you could probably make a family of 5 work. Of course, this assumes the weather cooperates with you. A drought or late frost and you'd all die. This is why we invented a system of global agriculture and distribution. It's also why millions of North Koreans died when they tried to go it alone.
Which becomes our minimum wage
It's like those fags who furiously samefag through threads hoping no one will notice it's the same guy
It would just cause anything that could be cultivated by machinery to be grown more. Anything that requires manual labor to become more niche.
Less illegals doing shitty work, would also reduce the amount of food related illnesses from neglect.
>picking my own food
>hard physical work
>out in nature
Why yes, this is what I want.
>when "freedom loving" liberals unironically argue that we need slave labor near me
forgot my face
Dembots, then and now.
Because somethings never change.
>it takes one person one hour to pick one orange
Nah, fuck off cunt.
Sounds like good honest hard work to me.
This isn't seriously used as "bad" by liberals is it>?
remember when nate silver analyzed data instead of just shilling candidates for money?
me neither.
Illegal aliens =/= temp visa workers
Why does nobody understand the difference between illegal and legal?
apple picking machine
potato picking machine
corn picking machine
cherry picking machine
digging machine
This, I want a fucking job.
TFW you are the machine.
Liberals are lazy as fuck, they won't even cut their own grass
slavery was ended because we can get tools and machines to help with that shit
>cherry picking machine
How did agriculture survive before the illegal invasion? Did humans not need food back then or did crops pick themselves?
>Picking fruit
>Backbreaking labour
I work hard every day so I have the oppuritunity to own my own land and farm. 20 mo years.
And a tan! All while on the clock. You could probably listen to music too.
My dad and all his brothers picked citrus, and other crops from age 10 till 18. My uncles won harvesting competitions and I pick my own orchard (only a few acres). Its not backbreaking work, unless you're doing berries which is why tiny little southern mexicans are best for that job, its just that its beneath anyone that isn't a child or monkey.
Most people will evolve past the field like the japs irish and white Americans did. They need more guest worker programs here though.
>Indians waiting litterally for 20 years to come to US legally
There's millions of people who would love to LEGALLY enter the US and work those same jobs. You fags love to harp on about what is "fair," so how is it fair for people who legally apply to come over and work to wait 15+ years while an illegal can come over night?
always fpbp
When will it end?
Documented workers or permanent legal citizens are fine.
If you're hiring undocumented workers and paying them slave wages you're doing a dis-service to not only those workers but to your country.
Lots of these workers are here on temporary visas and work seasonally. Those who aren't usually have no problem getting citizenship because they have an actual reason to be here and give a fuck about this country.
If you think hiring a bunch of illegals under the table is a good thing you're fucking retarded because you don't understand the implications or because you're intentionally misrepresenting your opponents argument to prove a point.
>what is a u-pick
nigga, white people pay to do fucking farm work if you advertise well enough
>tfw grew up growing and picking my own food
>tfw grew up killing and skinning my own food
what is this new fpbp meme
Woah apples, come from trees? and someone has to like PICK them off the tree? and people are demanding decent wages for doing this?
Why don't we allow illegal migrants are who are uncovered by labour laws do it for pennies?
Smell that sweet progress berncucks.
who's this?
fpbp=first post best post
I worked for 3 summers out in a corn field growing up here in the States, no regrets, just good memories. Cushy job with an engineering degree now, nothing is as satisfying now as the feeling I used to get getting into the air conditioned van at the end of a day in the field. Made about $9/hr, you'd be surprised illegals make close to that picking grapes in California from what I've heard. My folks grew up in Soviet Russia and as school children would get loaded into trucks to help with the potato harvest to stock the school cafeteria cellars. Likewise I have a cousin in Siberia now who spends part of his summer helping in the school garden as a substitute for not paying 3000 rubles for the annual school lunch fee (his folks are dirt poor). Good luck telling welfare niggers that their kids are going to be sent to fields to work off their free lunches, the ACLU would be on you like stink on shit. As another poster said, I'd welcome some manual labor foisted upon America's youth, they could really use some.
>Sup Forums BTFO!
Are you trying to say that giving jobs to americans is a bad thing. One of the biggest movements of americans was during the great depression. It moved(forced by drought) hundreds of thousands of americans out of the dust bowl to find work. Thats what your country needs right now. There are hundreds of thousands of black americans in poor urban areas and just as many whites in rural areas who need work.
thank you.
you mean illegal immigrants.
We can always increase the number of DOCUMENTED AND TAX PAYING LEGAL immigrants if things really get bad.
Super ultra nigger 9000?
>literally admitting you want minorities around for slavery
>I can finally get a job
Fucking hell mate, that's perfectly fine with me.
>Golly jeekers we might actually have to work for our food, I thought that was for the plebs!
Snobby libshits.
Illegals here in California make like $12 hr picking strawberries etc. Shorter you are the easier it is though. One of the shittier crops to pick
norks are just dumb and lazy, it was never hard to produce more than you need one year and then pickle/can the extra in case of a drought or famine in the future.
>illegal immagrants and unfair pay is okay as long as it benefits ME!
How fucking stupid can democunts be
We could actually stop a lot of food borne illnesses! Most of them are started by mexican's shiting in the fields on or near food.
No, off course not.
co-ops are doable, where you grow local and sell to the local community, but growing your own food straight up is retarded, and actually less 'environmentally green' large farms are much more green effiecent.except for a few cases, such as hothouse tomatoes out of season which take a lot of power.
Why would we need Mexicans? Machines do a better job at picking the fruit off of trees.
>Potato picking machine
Micks have no chance now
so we need cheap labor to pick our fruit, but we have to pay a $15 an hour for some idiot to flip burgers?
>literally rolling factories
So...what this is saying is that they support slave labour, but only if it's shitskins who have to do it?
you know shit about produce production.
Did you know farming/picking is one of the few jobs in California that still allow per Diem wages? minuiam wage exempt.
You get paid for how many boxes of grapes you pick, and your card gets stamped. You lazy and only do one box an hour? you only get paid for one box, you do 4 boxes, you get paid for 4.
>isis is the only musliam terror group
nevermind the Indonesian massacre by Muslims, to maintain just one.
Illegals do alot more jobs than just picking fruit. I dont give a fuck if a bunch of wetbacks work in the orange groves i want them the fuck out of the construction industry.
>Implying that sounds bad to me
>Implying I dont already grow, raise, and pick my own food
>Implying all hispanics would leave the USA because trump built his wall
Liberals everyone.
I have a large garden and several fruit trees.
I do that anyway.
Have you seen the genetic modified tomato plant made by UC Davis and the machine that picks said tomatoes? it's bad ass, made by Anglo inginidtiy
They still haven't made a orange picking machine yet. They have tried, like where they shake the tree trunk, like they do with nut trees.
Part of the plan needs to be the spics getting deported though.