Ask a slav anything

Ask a slav anything


thats right you slavic piece of shit, stay quiet.

Are you squatting right now?

Why are old slav people angry and av
Gressive all the time?

Boris why is cousin Anatoli under your tab-

Which country are you from

How do i squat and keep heels down


I don't think they are, just the always drunk types


Put your elbows on your knees while you squat for the perfect balance


Czechfag here, hows the weather? It is shit over here

Same 15° in Bratislava

return the lands to Hungary you goat fuckers

Asian squat is superior, tbh
Hell, every Asian knows it instead of just gopniks.

Welcome Obama lover


Can you teach me how to squat properly?

why cant slovaks build their own shit instead of stealing it from hungarians and czechs all time time?

Amerikansky Spy spotted

Why'd Czech and Slovak split? You guys had a great thing going on


You tell me I can already see you're very clever and educated young man

Pyccкий, я пoгляжy? Чтo дeлaeшь здecь a нe нa cocaчe? Tyт - пиздeц, гypo тpэш и g/fur, a тaм - бoлee мeнee милaя oбcтaнoвкa, хoть тeбe пpи любoм yдoбнoм cлyчae и %дeйcтвиe_нeйм% нa poтик.

kvo stava?

Missed this one-
Basically, I've asked "why you don't prefer russian alternative for Sup Forums".

>Ask a slav anything

> be on Sup Forums
> see pics of Slavs in track suits squatting
> go to Prague for 3 weeks
> see no track suits
> see no squatting
> Everyone polite
> almost all speak fluent English

> I am disappointed

Don't know I'm not fan of that either I'll be much happier if every Slavic country get united to one big federation or something

Most of the people in Prague you see are tourists if you want to see gopniks you better visit Russia

Fucking hell, they've got walking trash over there, of course no gopniks! If there are any, you won't see those things walking around.

Everytime you do this they break apart after a few decades
Jugo, Soviet, Czechia, etc.

cant agree on food, position of sun, wind speed, not to say politics

I know a lot of them got amerikazed... Basically we left with just a few patriots

fuck you gypsy euronigger

Doesn't work, heels still in the air.

>a few patriots
Sad state of fair, bratan.
Well, time to look to Bog and start a new war

Close your eyes and imagine you're in a group of gopniks drunk as never before

Tru comrade