My identical twin brother and I, with our very different spouses.
My identical twin brother and I, with our very different spouses
Ahahahahahaah a
Which ones you hahahahaha
HAHAHA could you imagine your fucking brother getting dicked by a giga nigger every night?
>tfw he greets you and kisses you on the cheek
if twin studies are anything to go by, right twin loves his wife's strap-on
Are you guys Puerto Rican?
The giga nigger might actually like to take the dick
Or he's absolutely getting dicked up on the side and going home to his wife late at night
wow so one is transracial and one is transexual?
or is one both trans-racial and transsexual?
so that would mean you or your bro is a black man?
So are you saying homosexually is a choice?
If you're identical surely you both would have been born that way.
Or perhaps the woman is a beard.
It's it some fact that if a brother is gay the other one has a huge chance of being gay. His wife is a trap...
race war now
That means that nigger thought of fucking you
I just saw this on the frontpage of reddit also fellow redditor!! What's your name on there? I'm radbrad7!
>Implying OP isnt the bald one
top frog god m8
I unsubbed from r/pics, my fellow sir
going bald sucks what can you do
The girl looks jewish
yea i can see ur brother has gay face. he doesnt have the same protruding eyebrows u have and the muscles in his face around the eyes and forehead resemble more feminine.
That's on the frontpage of reddit just now XD!
am I the only one a bit creeped out by the body language, makes the "foursome when" scenario even weirder
dont hold your brother like that OP
ok, but who are the two fags in the middle?
So much for homosexuality being genetic.
Sure, twins have a higher propensity toward sharing a common sexual preference but that's only because they often share a very common nurturing environment.
Look at the "girl" shoulder / head ratio.
It more than a 3.0 ratio; traps are more femenine this days.
>his adam apple its little, i suspect hormones use for it too
*double checks pockets*
This is literally on the front page of reddit on r/pics you fucking kike
When will this smug internationalist smiling end?
that big nigga on tv
>This is the kind of shit that gets upvoted on Reddit.
>implying a well dressed hotshot would date some dude
please don't bring up body ratio's with that flag
please don't make us use body ratio's
I don't get it
Hey dude, what a nice picture. Hoping this is real user!
Post time stamp and prove yourself faggot