The Pope is promoting white genocide.
The Pope is promoting white genocide
This can't be real. Archive?
I hope in my lifetime that Christendom will regrow teeth.
that's his job. Roman Cucktianism was the Jews' 1st attempt to foment a race mixing ideology
to weaken Western civilization's founding stock so they could better control the empire
And this is why Protestantism exists. Fuck the Pope.
Funny how the Bible, nor any other holy book for that matter, mentions equality.
Why did you think you could just make that fact up without anybody calling you on it? How did you think that was true?
so innacurate. How is someone a cuck if they don't take a wife. 10/disinfo
Wrong. Considering how Christians and westerners were killing and expelling jews all around Europe.
Cucktianity will be the death of the white race.
>The religion that brought the west to its greatest empire will be its downfall.
Times really do change
Why on earth would he care about declining birth rates? It has nothing to do with religion. I feel like all these people are reading the same newsletter or being briefed by the same people. Where did he even get this opinion from I doubt it was the bible.
>The holy light wants you to surrender to the invaders
Pol is the pope a dreadlord?
This can't be real.
The fuck is this shit.
This can't be real.
Oh wait, it's the current year; I completely forgot.
Never mind then.
>People falling for proddy shitposting
Oh dear.
Here, this links to the actual full interview and not the infowars one
Fucking uruguayan pope
Well. I guess that confirms it. If either one of the Roman churches is the right one, it's going to be the Eastern Orthodoxy. It took nearly a millennium, but apparently they have won out in the end.
>Not the most cucked religion to ever exist.
>Turn the other cheek and accept the poz load.
Worshiping a jewish sand religion was a fucking dumb mistake. Face it people.
I miss John Paul II.
>the head of the original church of a religion based upon a hebrew storm demon coming down to earth and living in jew form born of descendants of King david and who lived as a rabbi supports white gonocide
Really? Wow, how odd. I would have figured the head of the religion that taught whites to stop valuing strength in favour of submission would surely have just had our best interests at hear.
Also his Jesus comparison is really odd, he's saying ISIS spreads their faith with the intent of conquest and that in that regard Jesus' disciples are not different from Islam which he tries to differentiate from ISIS but also makes sure to mention the idea of conquest with both of them. its actually really hard to understand what the hell he's saying in some of these answers.
Meanwhile, in reality:
>On April 16, you made a powerful gesture by bringing back the refugees from Lesbos to Rome. However, does Europe have the capacity to accept so many migrants?
>Pope: That is a fair and responsible question because one cannot open the gates wide unreasonably.
Anti-pope when
>as a result of a selfish search for well-being, Europe is experiencing the grave problem of a declining birth rate
Pope is right though, you can't have first world living standards and also a high birth rate. How is that even possible? Being well is selfish.
>Ultimately, co-existence between Christians and Muslims is still possible. I come from a country where they co-habit on good terms.
We suffered two terror attacks by Hezbollah and Iran (1992, 1995) after Argentina took part in the Gulf War in 1991.
We told you not to pick him.
You mean the John Paul II who strongly advocated against Apartheid, resulting in the destruction of South Africa and the genocide of whites that remained?
Now why would the cardinals elect a cuck fetishist? Bergoglio clearly gets off on this shit
SSPX looking increasingly right
Wrong. Protestantism is mostly a feel good ideology where you get into heaven by asking for it instead of by Catholic Style sacrifice.
One sissy pope and we forget the literal wars fought by Catholics for supremacy.
>All these mad Catholics who have never read Luke
You brought it on yourselves, Christcucks.
John is the best gospel
Did he really say they should breed? I read the interview and it doesn't say that anywhere
so, anyone still Catholic?
y tho
I'm not a papist.
Catholicism is more than just the Pope. That's why we can have a dumb spic with a cuckold fetish as Pope and still have the core teachings unchanged
Its not in the bible. We are told not marry non-Christians.
>Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Primo. John is the only true spiritual Gospel imo.
I just got into a huge argument with my Catholic parents about this over dinner
I called him a Christcuck and revealed my powerlevel and now things are awkward and my parents are appalled they raised a Nazi
So when DOES the Pope speak with infallibility?
Matthew is the worst. It lacks the urgency and theatrics of Mark and the style and poetry of Luke while adding very little.
It's complicated, but the simple answer is: when reaffirming previous church teaching
Because it's first?
John is best because of how it ties in Christ with the Old Testament and the Hellenic philosophy that forms the basis of Christian theology
I have a dry mind. I like the solid rock foundation of Jesus Christ.
I call bullshit on this one. As much as he drools for commie dick I think this is too much.
Wonder why Pope Bendict stepped down, did he not want to sit at the helm and give direction like the current Pope is doing.
I am
But this pope really hasn't sat well with me thus far
at least i'm not some staunch methodist, random calvinist, retarded episcopalian, demented lutheran or evil jehova's witness.
The baptists are alright, and don't even get me started on the mormons
Well I admit Luke and Acts is the most complete. Technically Luke I and II, but I still like going back to Matthew for comfort.
How do you feel about a Fundamentalist Baptist?
welp looks like it's time for white christian protestants to rise up against the cuckolithics again
>Forgetting the Presbyterians
>Arguably the least-cucked Church in all Christianity
I miss him
>when reaffirming previous church teaching
So what's the point at all if its merely just agreeing with what doctrine already states?
>We suffered two terror attacks by Hezbollah and Iran
blaming towelhead for something jews pulled
>Believing in a heresy tier religion
When he says what you're praying to and how exactly you're doing it.
The Papal State once went to literal war with other Christian countries. A left-wing puppet pope of a rump state attatched like a boil to a Europe whose religious and moral immune system has died is not a root of the cause, he's an outgrowth of it.
A politically subversive Pope is not any more of a condemnation of the RCC or Christianity than a politically subversive German chancellor is a condemnation of Germany.
Both the RCC and European countries need major reforms, though.
>turn the other butt cheek
Couldn't have written it better.
>Pope likening Jesus to ISIS, a band of savages slaughtering people and massacring Christians in particular
>Advocating ISIS and inviting muslims in to rape you while they kill his own people and destroy everything
I have now lost every single atom of respect for this man entirely. I already knew he was a cuck and a shitty pope, but this is just insane.
I didn't find what the OP claims
No, you're wrong. The Jews and Catholicism are in bed together.
Well cucktianity is a non-white religion after all.
>giving a shit what the Pope thinks ever
What's it like being an idol worshipper?
It's something that goes back to the Apostles, though only put into explicit terms with Vatican I.
You can read this to get a full understanding of what it involves:
>Christians haven't read the bible
Fucking Christ, we know. You don't have to keep laboring the point. Jesus.
>nearest Orthodox church 4 hours away
>nearest SSPX church 3 hours away
>go to nearby RCIA classes anyway
>"the real demon is racism and were all possessed"
haha everythings going to be fine dudes...
>not white
>Coming back to the migrant issue, the worst form of welcome is to ‘ghettoize’them. On the contrary, it’s necessary to integrate them. In Brussels, the terrorists were Belgians, children of migrants, but they grew up in a ghetto. In London, the new mayor (Editor: Sadiq Khan, the son of Muslim Pakistanis) took his oath of office in a cathedral and will undoubtedly meet the queen. This illustrates the need for Europe to rediscover its capacity to integrate.
>I am thinking here of Pope Gregory the Great (Editor: Pope from 590 – 604), who negotiated with the people known as barbarians, who were subsequently integrated. This integration is all the more necessary today since, as a result of a selfish search for well-being, Europe is experiencing the grave problem of a declining birth rate. A demographic emptiness is developing. In France, at least, this trend is less marked because of family-oriented policies.
Import millions of African men. Forced them to integrate aka breed white bitches in order to counter low birth rates
>white people
That's delusional.
The Enlightenment wasn't Christian, it was anti-Christian. Economic Marxism was too, and so is the current cultural Marxism.
If there's going to be a broad revival, it'll be Christian.
Else white identity is confined to nutty speshul snowflake groups, though for the larpers in these circles, that's a feature not a bug.
It's not a racially-based religion, that's true.
But religion shouldn't be, any more than science and mathematics, or secular philosophy. Truth is universal.
And even aside from that, Christianity's prevalence is due to white colonial success, so using the non-white population of Christendom as an example of Christianity's nature as "cucked" is undermining your own argument.
Neither did I.
Nonetheless, the pope remains utter shit.
There is no afterlife, but I'll gladly help you christcucks purge the mudslimes.
Pope Francis needs to die.
>yfw he gets "martyred" by ISIS
>yfw that sets off the habbiding
>yfw God has a sense of humour
John Paul II kissed a Quran
>We're all the same! Clean slates! Mix! Mix!
I'm never joining this shit church.
Why? So it can start acting like islam again?
>Greatest empire
That was Roman polytheism. Everything that came after was a pile of shit in a red bucket made of shit.
People are beginning to. That's why cuckstianity is dying a brutal death right now. The only reason pisslam is expanding is because Amerijew war profiteering is encouraging radicalization of muslims. It'll die down too. Polytheism is already making its rightful return and one day this awful kike nightmare will end.
The christian gospel is very clear about spreading itself to every corner of the Earth. What the hell do you think that means? Even the kikes of the time knew there were multiple races in their myopic, tiny backward little world. Egalitarianism is from the bible. Nobody can dispute this because it's such a fucking stupid idea nobody else ever came up with it and the history of egalitarian movements is openly christian.
Never argue with someone who belongs to a jewish religion. It's a tradition of complete and total brainwash and anything you say will only be ignored and reviled.
Paul has a really important verse on it that says slave and master, man and woman, jew and gentile are all equal
You have a very inflated self-image for a complete idiot
Your problem is interpreting Biblical passages in light of modern politics and nothing else
Liberalism has not only infested the Church, but it has become its operating philosophy.
Abandon the empty temple and build a new one. It wouldn't be the first time.
If he really said those things, then someone needs to take him out. Anyone here live near the Vatican?
Put down that razor blade, Nietzsche
Pick one, faggot.
You mean like any based on judaism. Christians should be burned at the stake for their part in destroying humanity and the natural world.
What's it like being a kike wannabe?
There are far more non-white crosskikes than there are White ones. And the Whites are just retarded traitors anyway.
>And even aside from that, Christianity's prevalence is due to white colonial success, so using the non-white population of Christendom as an example of Christianity's nature as "cucked" is undermining your own argument.
What a stupid fucking argument. Your argument is literally "the right side of history". You forget the part about crosscuckery being a literal JEWISH fucking religion that worships the JEWISH god, while holding JEWISH kosher law sacred and reading from a "holy" book which is 2/3 JEWISH. You're a faggot. Kys.
Ireland of all places. You bring such utter shame to our ancestors.
>Fucking leaf
Ayy, finally renaming your standardised shill pictures that only you repost?
Since you obviously are full of hatred for basically everything (including your own heritage, talk about daddy/mommy issues), what do you like?
I am Roman Catholic and traditionalist generally in practice.
Forget this arch Bolshevik cuck. There are multiple reasons to doubt this Marxist moronic Argie is even legitimately Pope.
I resist him to the face. He is an abomination and literally the tool of the enemy for spouting out this demonic spew.
Nietzche was right. Hitler knew it too. That's why he created Positivist Christianity. We either need the Orthodox Church to adapt itself as a barricade on Western minds from degeneracy or a new branch.
Wasn't mine. It just has a great point.
My heritage isn't kike.
>in light of modern politics
No, I'm interpreting Biblical passages on their actual words in a philosophical framework.
Any religion that preaches equality in the eyes of ultimate judgement inherently opens itself to being used as justification that people are all equal because the only moral judge of humanity uses the same principle.
You can argue otherwise, but the very clear justification is there. And it has been adopted by all of the faith.
>who negotiated with the people known as barbarians, who were subsequently integrated.
Does the Pope forget that most of the Barbarians were already Christians at that point (though most of them Arian)? Muslims are a different breed.