Wanting Sanders to go independent would split the vote and give Trump the victory but Trump supporters wouldn't be playing Sanders' supporters. Back when the primary began and the media described the GOP primaries as a circus, BernieBros were laughing at Trump that he was the candidate the GOP deserve, his carnage would tear apart GOP and the loss of face would be deserving of the meme "how will they ever recover?" while they were absolutely sure Sanders would win. If Trump lost the nomination because the GOP stole it from him rather than him losing fair and square there was little doubt Trump would go third party, BernieBros pointed out that would give the Democrat the victory but it was done on principle. Now the tables have reversed, BernieBros are on the ropes not sure if Sanders will win but they don't have resolution for him to go third party. Sanders and Hillary aren't alike, Hillary is for corporate socialism akin to the 2008 bailout, they get to keep the profits and the public got the bill. Both were for socialism for the minorities but that has changed when BernieBros got redpilled. Sanders called Trump a racist but the black vote went to Hillary just because Bill was titled the first black president and Sanders was white. BernieBros was created by Hillary but it stuck because women Democrat voters voted for Hillary just because a women and leaving Sanders with mostly bros. Then BernieBros got SJW, the threats against the DNC chair was wrong but tacking on misogynist because she was a women was stretching it. And finally during the Chicago rally Trump supporters were peaceful while the protesters were violent, the media switched that around and the same thing was done to BernieBros at Nevada by the same person, Hillary.
Wanting Sanders to go independent would split the vote and give Trump the victory but Trump supporters wouldn't be...
I want to put a baby inside anzu!
i wonder if that roachie has a roastie
Can she do a Yuru Yuri cosplay already?
Specifically Ayano
I'm not reading all that shit you stupid redditing faggot
I'm saving your Anzu picture, you fuck
god that roach looks like a 12 year old boy. disgusting, all of you freaks that want to fuck her!
Get this T*rk weeabo grill outta here!
I don't think it's possible...
Anzu would give perfect Aryan babies.
I'd gladly do so if given the chance
Isn't she a tranny?
tl;dr: Trump will win, fuck off roaches.
Why would you want to make that poor deranged young man eat a human infant. You mestizos really are a disgusting people. Thank god there will be a wall separating us.
>blue contact lenses
>blonde wig
ok shmuel
You gonna give her a belly full of halfbreeds?
Learn to break your prose into paragraphs.
Have some consideration for your audience you heathen.
I want to stick my dingaling in her locotaco
She's got sperm on her dress.
>those stains on that dress
You stupid leaf poster. Anzu is a wholesome lady born with a vagina.
This semen demon triggers my urge to protect.
She seems so frail
>you will never fuck her boipucci