Day has 24 hours

>day has 24 hours
>sleep for 8 hours
>work for 8 hours
>less than 8 hours for everything else

what is the point of living?

this is suffering

I'm tired of everything

Shit son, I work 14 hours a day. I sleep for 6. That leaves me less than 4 hours for everything else.

lmfao, try my schedule
>day has 24 hours
>work 12-16hrs per day
>1 hour drive to work
>3-4 hours of sleep
>1 day off per week if lucky.
buckleup, buckeroo.

even worse. god I hate this fucking society

>get up for work, 5am
>get ready, drive to work, 6am starting work
>work 6-6, have to deal with bullshit shift changes and waiting on final employees, really get off at 6:30pm
>drive home, get home at 7pm
>take shower, cook and eat dinner, 8pm
>have 60 minutes of time to myself until 9pm
>9pm arrives, go to bed, get back up at 5
>repeat 6 days a week
>sleep until noon on sundays
>wake up, spend 3 hours doing laundry and dishes
>watch a football game
>look at that! 6pm! time to have dinner until 7 and then go to bed in an hour for work tomorrow

Life is great.

Become rich

Find a job you like doing.


t. theoretician

hell, i got home at 9am this morning, woke up at 1:30. Gotta be back at work in 2 hours for 16 hours.
>nicotine and coffee

Have a spouse and kids. Then there's no fucking personal time EVER!

I find that food is very lovely.

this is pretty much sums my life.
>family asks why i don't have girlfrind
>i work 72+ hours per week and have no time to even beat my dick.

Pleb slave goyims

exactly why I never plan to have kids.

>work tomorrow
>you know you have to wake up early
>want to watch a movie/play games but you can't enjoy anything
>just browse the internet until you go to bed

>Wake up at 4:30
>Breakfast, coffee and get ready for work, read paper
>Drive 1/2 hour to work, start at 6
>Work until 2:30
>Drive 45 min back home, with traffic
>Tuesday thru Thursday, have to be at night school by 5
>If no school, work out for a half hour, shower and make something for dinner
>Do homework and maybe watch a little TV or vidya
>1/2 hour to 45 min depending on traffic
>On average there until 9:30 but can be as late as 10
>Go to be around 10:30

It's not too bad because after I graduate, I'll be making double what I do now.

the dick measuring contest about whos live is shittiest because you work the most and have the least amount of free time is exactly what the capitalist society wants from you. I don't understand the mentality that you should brag about how shitty your life is. Move to a country that has labor laws protecting its workers instead of raping them.

thats pretty much the standard grind for everyone who doesnt have a really shitty job that requires them to work more than 8 hours a day. So either quit your bitching realize you dont have it as bad as you could, suck it up and carry on.... or abandon ship and relieve yourself from this mortal coil so we who wish to stay dont have to listen to your incessant whinging

>day has 24 hours
>spend 1 hour to school
>spend 7-8 hours in school
>spend 1 hour home from school

I either sleep 6 or 5 hours a day

sooo xd

You understand very little, obviously, since advice "change your entire fuckin life" is the only one you can give. Probably because actually understanding the problem and coming up with a solution demands some basic comprehension

that's exactly what i'm doing right now

We tried the infinite resource mode on the RL server before and it turned into a goddamn chaotic nightmare for literally everyone due to the impending boredom so we had to re-enable resource gathering requirements to keep you bitches occupied.

>be in the military
>5 hour work day because I work night shift and nco is too lazy to have us pretend to do maintenance on the electronics all night when nothing ever really breaks
>6 hour sleep because reasons
>literally getting paid to do college or play games

Given that turns on its heads during deployments of big projects, but...

Am I living the dream?


the guy who fucks some chick while being in some luxury apartment on 49 floor, being able to see whole city while drilling that slut, is living a dream

there was a webm, someone posts it if you have

Well you're sleeping in the bed you made for yourself.... You could have decided to enter a profession that doesn't require you to slave for 8+hrs a day 6+ days a week. But no be mad at the people who made smart choices in life and don't have to put up with that bullshit. I got ya.

I paid my dues and earned my way to where I am now through hard work when I was young so you can get fucked ya little whiny cunt.

Healthcare jobs, 3 x12 hour shifts, endless overtime if you need it. 4 days off a week.

signed control of your life over to a government organization. No, Objectively you are not living the dream.

> day has 29 hours
> work 12 of them
> don't bother sleeping, it's for the dead.
>17 hours of doing nothing

Enjoy bring a slave

then stop "work" and be free again dumbass...LET GO OF THE LIE

>Sleep for 8 hours
Sleep should be a good thing. it's a break. a rest from EVERYTHING. You feel good, you relax, regenerate, It's usually instant as well, it's not a grind.

also sometime you dream while sleeping, and a good dream is one of the best experiences. you can do anything you want. sleeping is like virtual reality and you're in control.

>less than 8 hours for everything else
minus a few hours for brushing teeth, shitting, pissing, and all that maintenance stuff.
This can be good or bad time, depending on how you live. if you have hobbies like gaming, building, drawing, you enjoy this time, it's fun.

Now it's 16/24 good hours

>work for 8 hours
If you like your job then chalk it up to a perfect 24 hours happy life.
If you hate your job then it's a shitty time but it's not the whole day, and weekends off. If you really hate working, then just be like a nigger and live off the government.

also think about using money you get from your job to enhance your free time, eating tasty food, buying things you like, going to the movies, going to concerts.

Life only sucks if you are uncreative and stupid.

you prove it again that you lack basic comprehension, because literally nothing I said was comparing my work-life balance to yours.

it is literally basic comprehension, they teach that in elementary school

also, literally noone here cares about your dues and what you earned

>claiming to be successful
>on Sup Forums

I'm an IT consultant which means my evenings during the week are spent in a hotel somewhere where I don't know anybody. I tend to just watch TV and order room service. I'm usually sent to a new location in 6 month/1 year cycles. Weekends I generally spend sleeping and playing Battlefield 1.

It's depressing because I have the money to live a more fulfilling life and I'm not especially hideous looking or anything. There probably aren't any reasons for me to live a totally anti-social lifestyle. I just don't seem to have the motivation to do otherwise.

the worst

>god I hate this fucking society
It's the best we got. In any other system ever you would likely have it worse. Even your grandparents can probably remember a time when they didn't have "everything else". When they got back from the school their parents gave them work and they had fun with their friends while doing the work.

And who are you to tell the universe how it should be? Life can be whatever it wants to be. No one ever said it's gonna be easy

Get paid to receive training that nets a $80k per year job on the outside, paid to go to school, paid to do barely any work, working in a career field that I'd generally full of family oriented people, free healthcare for me and my family, gi bill that I can use or give to my daughter, guaranteed income that won't go away unless I seriously fuck up, working in a non combat career field thst rarely deploys. All for 4 years then done.

And that coming from a guy that was homeless before he joined because his parents were fuck ups.

I'll take that ticket.

what am I lacking to comprehend?

The fact that this thread is full of lazy cunts bitching and moaning about having to work more than 8 hours a day? It's not like they didn't and still don't have other options in life.

Life is a game play it any way you like. Just don't choose one way and then cry about how unfair it is when you're the one that put yourself in that situation.

It mostly matters what you do in your free time
And ofcourse how easy or/entertaining or atleast forfilling is.

But if you live in the USA thennI can wrecken it's difficult, since you can't get a breakdown because the income always has to come from someone instead off here where the government gives you some money and says get a job and for now have this to keep yourself alive for the time being.

True. But I'm on my way. Just tied off my engineering bachelor's and I'm done with my contract soon. And to think I was homeless from age 5 to 20 (24 now)

We are not even having a conversation now, you are just talking with yourself, because you can't understand what I wrote, and it's not like I wrote some high-brow shit.

You are the most pretentious, self-loving, egoistic cunt that ever appeared on Sup Forums

If it seems good to you and you honestly enjoy it good for you but there could be a downside:
>get deployed to some middle eastern shit hole
> get limbs blown off by IED
> PTSD/depression/alcoholism - GF leaves you - family abandons you - children hate you

not saying it will happen but its all possible.

My life for more than one year until just got moved to another shift

>40 hours a week, night shift, 12-8:30
>work every other weekend, usual weekly schedule
>Monday: class at 9am -12pm, always arrive to class late, eat a meal after class, go to sleep until 10pm, shower, leave for work at 11:15pm
>Tuesday: work, get back, eat, take two hour nap, class at 1pm, stay up a few hours, eat in dining hall, sleep till 10, shower and leave for work
>Wednesday: work, no class today, eat, do homework, sleep
>Thursday: work, get to 9am class late, go to sleep 3-4 hours if lucky, class at 7, leave class, take nap, head to work at usual time
>Friday:work, 9am class, eat, do homework, stay up and go to sleep at normal time (10pm-12am) if not working weekend, otherwise sleep until time to get ready for work

Was brutal physically and mentally, work was either I'm moving all night or completely dead with nothing to do (in which case I did homework or watched vidya on Netflix on company wifi until they blocked it)

>None of my rules, by the way, of success, will work unless you do. I’ve always figured out that there 24 hours a day. You sleep six hours and have 18 hours left. Now, I know there are some of you out there that say well, wait a minute, I sleep eight hours or nine hours. Well, then, just sleep faster, I would recommend.

>i work 72+ hours per week and have no time to even beat my dick.
Well at least you get payed at the end of it right?

I gave up and got a part time job and live in poverty, but I'm happy and I make enough to get by. I highly recommend it to anybody who doesn't need success to be happy.


Okay. My first post was not in response to anyone post specifically. You responded to that saying:
>You understand very little, obviously, since advice "change your entire fuckin life" is the only one you can give. Probably because actually understanding the problem and coming up with a solution demands some basic comprehension

I think you're just pretty mad because you realize what I have said is true and describes your situation. You have the power to change your life if you wish. If you believe you don't then you are not free. So are you a free man who decides your own fate or are you someone else's puppet? Cuse you talk like you're a cuck bitch with "no options".

I make more money than the vast majority of people I know and yet after all my bills I have very little left over. I don't live a lavish life, either. I don't have cable, have a cheap car (which i need for work) and cheap apartment.

I dunno how the fuck this is possible. I'm almost 30 years old, too. So when I say I make more than most people my age I'm not talking about people fresh out of college. I keep telling myself I just need to work harder and things will turn around but I work 50+ hours a week as it is.

When I paid my taxes this year and saw how much went to the government and then realized how I'm struggling to put anything into savings it makes me feel enraged.

Motto mentioned the cost of food here is insane. Even cheap meat is like $40 lbs.

To expand on this I have a very easy job where i spend most of the day on my phone and I only work 3 days a week. That means I have more than half my days for ME and not for slaving away for money i can't even find the time to enjoy. I read, go hiking, fish, browse the internet and game (I am 1 generation behind on console because it's cheaper that way but the games are all new to me because I don't keep up with the latest games and consoles anyway). I'm very happy with my life the way it is.

Then - what a surprise - you are wrong. Thinking isn't exactly your best trait, obviously.

I'm done wasting my time for you. I assume you will understand it as your victory and my tears of failure, but kinda dont care

I'm just trying to figure out what important, intensive shit you have to do that 8 hours every fuckin day isn't enough for. Are you just really bad at time management?

What do you do and where do you live?



Cut your sleep to 6 hours you lazy shit.

you never provided any "argument" as to what your problem is that you are claiming I am failing to understand.

Do as you wish and remain in your gutter.
I'll keep doing my thing and remain in the top 10% of earners while working kthx gg

>Even cheap meat is like $40 lbs.
Where the fuck do you live the moon?

pretty sure he wants to be able to live life in a cycle of gaming for 16hrs then sleeping for 12 and is butthurt he cant do that.

lul wagecucks

1 hour mental rest (like sitting or taking a walk in the woods or meditating, reading a book, just not being busy with creating thoughts or doing something) a phew times a week is totally worth it, even if you lose some money due it. Just relax and after that focus on what you want and have the patients (same for relaxing btw) to get what you want.
Oh and don't be an animal so listen to your rational mind not your feelings, unless it's love what you feel ;p

>you never provided any "argument" as to what your problem is that you are claiming I am failing to understand.

lol, argument you want
you can't handle basic sentence, what the fuck are you going to do with actual arguments

it's like giving a chainsaw to a kid who still can't figure how to use a kitchen knife

wake up 1 hour earlier to get ready for work. +1 hour lunch that is practically lost time at work too + 1 hour coming back.

is this nigga autistic?

Veteran here, heads up you are not living the dream you are wasting your time.

Get into audio books or somethin.

1 hour mental rest (like sitting or taking a walk in the woods or meditating, reading a book, just not being busy with creating thoughts or doing something) a phew times a week is totally worth it, even if you lose some money due it. Just relax and after that focus on what you want and have the patients (same for relaxing btw) to get what you want.
Oh and don't be an animal so listen to your rational mind not your feelings, unless it's love what you feel ;p

sounds like Tokyo

Southern Ontario. I work for a contractor as a skilled tradesman. I make $25/hr, certainly isn't brag worthy but most people I know, with the exception of a few are making less than $20/hr. After income tax, hidden taxes (which there are a lot of in Canada) they take about 60% of my earnings.

There's no where for me to move, really. It's like this for vast majority of Canada in terms of taxes or cost of living and in rural areas there aren't many jobs.

Almost everyone I know my age is either still living at their parents or had their parents help them buy a house. It shouldn't be like this.

I have an MBA and worked corporate for a few years after uni, making approx the same as I am now, but that branch closed down and I wasnt able to find anything that paid more than $13/hr hence why I got into construction.

I'm pretty good at it, a m hoping to start my own company in the next couple of years but my equity/debt ratio won't even allow me to get a loan of $10 000 to start a small business.

Wow, and you call me stupid.

You say i lack comprehending but you never provided anything to comprehend thus your point is moot.

Then you continue on for multiple posts attacking my lack of ability to understand whatever the fuck it is you think I should magically know about what the voices in your head are telling you.

It all comes across as a very weak attempt to make yourself feel superior when it's obvious to everyone you are rambling like a complete moron.

I think your posts more than adequately highlight why you are a failure in life. You cant even string together a coherent thought that lasts more than 12 syllables.

>they take about 60% of my earnings
There is no fucking way this is an accurate statement.

very accurate, actually

What the fuck secret taxes are they taking out? You should have less taxes than similar people in the US for your earnings bracket.

I work 10 hrs. I spend 3 hrs total commuting each day. I sleep about 6 hrs. I have 5 hrs, much of which is preparing for the next work day. Quit bitching.

Well, sleeping is pretty dope. If your sleep isn't dope, you can train it to be dope. BAM that like doubles your life enjoyment. As for work, If you pay off your debt and cut out a lot of the crap you don't need, you can shorten yourself to like 5 hours a day plus weekends off, while you're at it switching things up you can get a job that doesn't suck ass. Your life doesn't have to be shit forever, You just gotta get off your ass and do something about it.

Well my income is 30% tax, gas (heavily taxed in Canada), license fees, sales tax (%13 in almost all cases), forced Canadian pension that I'll likely never see because they have no money in there for people anymore, utilities are at ridiculous rates right now and never likely to go down (government run so vast majority of the costs are tax), etc.

>double nothing is still nothing

>no, getting paid to "do college" or "play games" is not living any kind of dream

some good points, badly made, doubt I will do better

>I am successful and on Sup Forums and have been for years (both)

here's my £0.02 (britbong)

I do this 24h calculation daily. I've tried polysleeping and all the rest.

In fact what ends up happening is I lie on my arse until about 10pm, then drink a bottle of vodka and work like a madman til about 5am.

Real schedule:

5am baby wakes, I doze with him
6am little boy wakes, I get breakfast
7am I sleep on couch, wife wakes and washes them & herself
8am I get back up and take them to school/nursery, am at work by 9

>thats my first 4 hours, 3 family, 1 sleep. i usually cram in 60 mins work in 2-3 min tasks here and there

then I work 9-6, so thats me got 9-10 work hours under my belt.

>kids finish at 3-4, she gets them (having shifted on 7-4 and worked 8-3)

she gives them dinner, I get back and put them to bed 6-8.

then I got 8-12 to do what I want, which is a mixture of gaming, work and working on the house

the good bits:

>every wav-y day, I go out at 7 and surf and she does the kids
>every wind-y day, I take 6 hours out to windsurf
>weekends I only take sunday off and still work 6 hours
>i drink alcohol from 10 and just let my body tell me when to sleep.

I work for myself and I love my work. Its several companies so its not a particular trade. Mainly creative and automotive.

I genuinely hate the work hours even though I love owning the companies. Some years I made 6 figures, some years my wife paid everything and we ate stale food.

Its no more reliable now, but we bought a house and own 75% of it from the kick-off, so thats something.

No advice. Just thats my situation and taking the occasional mornings/days for surfing/windsurfing is what makes it all worthwhile.

Paying direct for utilities is not a tax you mong.
License fees aren't either. Retail is a percentage of a percentage so that doesn't add straight to taxes either. Pension is separate too. Also I fucking checked and your meat isn't 40 dollars per pound.

take some vacation time?

>guess the only advice I can give is:

- there are x minutes in a day, you never get em back, make em count
- i do not do this, I frequently find myself slacking cos I drank the night before
- a life without drugs and alcohol is no life
- a life based around drugs and alcohol is no life either
- time and plan your bingeing
- internet time on a limit, I have programs that give me 20 mins here/other shit during day and 40 at night.

don't spent 4-5 hours a day on Sup Forums then complain you got no shit done 7 days later - you robbed yourself of what appears to be 4-5 x 7 - anybody?

calculator says over 9000

I realize that but at the end of the day that money is going to the government.

Cheap meat is 17-20 per kg.

he literally said "non-combat career field, you don't think everyone in the army is a fucking infantryman do you, retard?

And a kilogram is 2.2 pounds. ergo your meat costs 8-9 per lb

>Sales tax isn't taxes

Wtf are you talking about? They add an additional 13% tax to virtually all goods we buy. How is that not considered taxes? Every price you see of a good on the shelf has 13% added to it that goes directly to the government.

Hi can you tell me how you made the switch to construction please? I also have business degree but its fucking depressing working office jobs id rather be on site doing a trade.

This whole thread sounds like BS. If you get payed so well buy a Nannie.

Youre Right. My bad. That's still relatively expensive. That's not good meat either that's the bottom of the barrel.

>wake up 7:30-8
>shave if necessary
>get dressed
>drive to work
>work begins at 9-9:30AM (I'm a software dev, flexible time. Theoretically should start 8 to 9 but nobody cares)
>turn on pc, log into 6 gorillion different systems, fire up all the dev tools, etc.
>have coffee and bantz with coworkers
>start actual work at 10AM
>12:30 have nice lunch at the restaurant around the corner
>13:30 back to work
>16:00 more coffee and more bantz
>16:15 batch to work
>18-18:30 leave
>home by 19:00, 19:30 if I stop to shop.

>get a big fat paycheck at the end of the month
>own a car, an apartment in the city, and a country house
>all paid by myself at 23yo
>less than 60k left on the mortgages, will probably pay it back in 5-6 years

I'm sorry all your lives are so shit, anons.

This, I work 10-12 hours 6 days a week and come home to take care of a 2 year old.

i recently let go of my full time job and I've never been happier. To everyone that is strong enough to keep forcing yourself to go into a job you hate for the rest of your life, good for you. To those who are tired of the suffering of dealing with work/getting money to survive, give that shit up, its not for everyone. I promise that you'll be happier without it even if that means just barely scraping by. The only one holding yourself back from a happy life is yourself. Good luck guys.

If they take 30% of your income and then take 13% of what is left how much did they take?.
by my math that is 9% + 30% also shouldn't you be in a lower bracket than 30% isn't that only for making 200k or more per year?

I couldn't find work and someone offered me a job helping him flip houses. I didn't know jack shit so pay wasn't great at first but after a couple of years when you get your skills up money climbs steadily.

Most people are alcoholics or drug addicts so if you show up on time and sober and are relatively smart you can make good money in a relatively short time. I want to start my own business soon because I can probably charge myself out at around $60/hr but there are costs involved with that I can't afford at the moment. The hardest part is making connections because jobs don't just fall in your lap so as you're learning you need to be networking with other people in the trades.

What is your mba in?

Also making the same as you are now? That's putting an mba to poor usage, I know a lot of guys who wouldn't accept any less than 30-40 per hour after getting their mba, dependent on their experience in the field (most guys had a 3-5 yrs, but there were some older veterans that had like 10+ and could easily make the case for 40-50+ an hour

No you're thinking of only fed taxes. There are provincial taxes as well.

Get a non-shit job. I like doing it so it doesn't feel like dragging myself to a misirable hell hole.

Find a job that you like doing. I like my coworkers and have plenty of upwards trajectory. I don't make a ridiculous amount of money, but it's a good place to be. If you think about it, several thousand years ago we spent 8 hours a day hunting wildlife or harvesting food so that we can continue to survive. The stress levels of this society are very low. I really just think you need to make a goal and shoot for it. Give your life some purpose.

>just give up your job guys it's gonna be great
>gets thrown out of house
>dies stabbed by a nigger in a dark alley

Don't forget VAT and fuel taxes.

After you take all the hidden taxes into account I pay 7-8000€ of taxes per year on a 25K salary.
That doesn't even take into account all the additional taxes that _the employer_ pays and I don't see on my paysheet.

What do you do? Restaurant biz?

I paid 30% in total income taxes. I pay $400 a year for my trade license which is just another tax. The 13% sales tax is taxes taken when you buy shit, so it's 13% of your post tax income.

Gas here is almost all tax (significantly higher than in US), heating costs me $400 a month now because government thinks this will cause us to conserve even though 4 months of the year is sub temperatures (utilities are government run and they make huge money off of it).

There are a number of other hidden taxes but these are just off the top of my head. It's not a stretch to say that almost 60% of my overall income goes towards the government.


Now that I think about it it's probably closer to 12K.

>5K income tax
>1K (((additional))) income tax for city and region
>22% VAT on almost everything
>70% tax on fuel, of which I buy at elast 1k worth per year
>property taxes
>garbage disposal tax

not even close, but I knew that was a possibility when I left. Luckily I'm making do. but to be honest I rather get stabbed by a nigger in a dark ally than waste my life being an unhappy piece of shit.