is this just a meme gag or do you guys really hate our policy in aiding israel and jewish lives?
Does /po;/ really hate jewish people
Theyre the cause of a majority of shit that goes on, besides mud slime events that happen. I really believe they should be wiped off the fucking earth along with the middle east.
so you agree with hitler?
No strawmanning.
I agree he was right about the jewish influence on the german economy and removing them was a wise idea.
hmmmm, really makes you think...
please red pill me on theyre elaborate influence on german society? and wolrd society if anything?
majority of people that lurked pre 2013 did. now idk, all mixed up.
Personally, no, I don't think so. Jews DID give us the Bible which gave us the Crusades to wipe out the mudslimes when they were about to overtake Europe. Gave all the europeans a cause to unite behind. It would have been game over a long time ago without the benefit of the Bible, because I don't think the New Testament on its own would have been enough to drive the Crusades.
That being said, I do believe a fraction of a percent of people on the planet have tremendous power. I really doubt their religions have anything to do with it.
and yet he put them in gas camps and killed 6 million of them
Kikes ran the media. The media is the best way to control a population, with propaganda. Newspapers, tabloids, ect. All swayed the opinions of the people, and in his native Austria, ripped it apart. Ripped apart Germany too.
I like a much higher percentage of Jews than fellow white nationalists, if that answers your question.
lurk more newfag
>Muh six gorillion
Those numbers are greatly, greatly, greatly over exaggerated, as proven by the lack of mass graves in Germany.
Hitler didnt really know what was going on in the camps. He put them there as a place to work and help the war effort with a liveable status without influencing the status of the economy. Thats pretty smart
But goy, they were all burned to ashes, so there wouldn't be any bodies :^)
>Please red pill me on they are elaborate influence on German society and wolrd society if anything?
Someone needs to redpill you on the English language you inbred fuck.
It takes eight hours to burn a body in modern prisons. The only way to make that feasibly possible is that their 1944 furnaces are more effective than our modern furnaces. Which they're not.
phone keyboards make us reallyl ook retarded.
im serious though. i would like to know on how they are such a threat and how they influence the world economy.
For me it's just a gag. I honestly do not give a shit about those cheeky merchants.
>please red pill me on theyre elaborate influence on german society
German revolution 1918, Communist republic of Munich,...
No, I have some half-Jewish cousins and one of my best mate's dad's Jewish. A lot of them are liberal cucks though.
Why would they be in Germany?
Most Jews lived in Poland and Russia,
>redpill you on the English language
That's rich, coming from a fucking leaf, whose region of the world can't even pronounce the word 'about' properly.
Seriously, what do they do with the ashes ? Let's entertain the possibility that some were burned. Say that there was a big trench full of bodies and fire. What do they do with the ashes?
I always doubted my Sunday school teacher about the Holocaust, since it wasn't very efficient. Why not just kill them after the war? Or use carbon monoxide?
Do you think the holocaust happened? What do you think of your fellow Jew?
They didnt even need to be their either which is why hitler went into poland. They were fucking up everything
The "death camps" are in Germany, they're not in Poland.
That's the grand mystery. Especially stunning are the post war population explosions which just as mystically leveled off instantaneously.
Then what the fuck was Auschwitz? A theatre arts training camp?
Of course it was a death camp. But they sure as crap weren't responsible for six million dead jews. There is no physical evidence whatsoever to support a number that high.
it wa place where they killed the jews you moron
Are you being retarded on purpose?
Six million in TOTAL, you faggot, not six million in that particular camp.
The holocaust is no longer a relevant atrocity. It's also loaded with man absurd accounts that just don't sound fiscally possible, or even reasonable with the technology of the day. If the Germans wanted to exterminate them, they wouldn't leave them in camps waiting in line to be gassed. There weren't even 6 million Jews in Europe at the time. There's so much propaganda in that period, it's hard to tell exactly what went down, much like it's impossible to tell how many Vietcong were killed because the media would always bump up the numbers.
That's what I meant, retard. Who on the planet earth is retarted enough to think someone could mean six million in one camp? You, apparently.
coming from the guy who believes the jews should be killed off.
fuck off you cuck
>give us the Bible which gave us the Crusades to wipe out the mudslimes
Who do you think owned the ships that allowed the invasion of southern Spain, Portugal
> Jews DID give us the Bible
According to the Talmud Jesus was the son of a whore and the roman soldier Pantera - not Jewish
“Yeshu ben Pantera”
I don't dislike people that post with an Israeli flag. Otherwise fuck you.
No. We love Israel actually. We just kid around about not liking them. We use r/the_Donald for serious discussion.
Nah, my bad, I assumed YOU meant 6M in one camp alone, lol
Huh. I forgot about the Talmud. I was thinking of the Old Testament, as written by Moses and Abraham and the other old testament prophets.
>Implying Jew is a race, and a genetic factor.
Judaism, the root word being Jew. It's a religion/ideology, you fucking normie.
This guy
Total, as in gypsies, Slavs, Christian denominations, political enemies and retards. Groups that, today don't bitch at all about Hitler nearly as much as the denomination that actually got their own country out of it.
You need to lurk more and watch as many banned documentaries as you can. It's very difficult to summarize why we hate kikes but the gist of it is that they literally control every aspect of our lives: the media, the banks, the corporations, and even our own politicians. They constantly create conflict between two different ideological groups and create degeneracy everywhere around the world except Isreal. They are the true evil of the world.
Im not the moron who thinks hitler is as evil as he was written out to be.
He rose germany back from the dirt and gave the country a great banding of unification. The medical science, militarization and economical strength boosted rapidly. He did everything right for his country
so you do agree with the holocaust.
wasnt that hard to admit it was it?
Well, that's cause 'muh thousand years oppression' is why they got that, sure. Also, thought it was that the overall total came to 12m or so, after all groups included.
Not to mention he was a war hero in the first world war. I have a hard time thinking a war hero could be a scumbag. Honestly, my judgment of him only hinges now on whether or not he invaded Poland or whether Poland provoked Germany.
You're strawmanning again. You need to learn your logical fallacies, son.
Oh boy here we go
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Jews control the world but nazis are douchebags.
Not when it comes to Israel, only with regard to the United Kuckdom
Says Ahmed. :P
>>Implying Jew is a race, and a genetic factor.
What does Israel think?
Birthright told Yakerson, whose family is from Russia, that to prove that she was Jewish, and eligible for the trip, she would need to take a DNA test.
Birthright claimed that the test was required by the Israeli consulate, and further that a DNA test would be required if Yakerson ever wanted to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel).
High there muhammad. What are you doing here?
It's like a reddit/leftypol invasion tonight.
Stop posting, start reading. The redpill will come.
Or just leave.
hitler always hated the jews. why else would he put them in the death camps during world war 2?
There's a popular claim that the total count was around 15million
They are generally treated as more important than anyone else due to their influence. I don't have a beef with John Doeberg walking down the street, but the ones in government and mainstream media are overwhelmingly loathsome
He had jewish friends. He put them in work camps because it was the only way to at least unify germany by putting the jews as a scape goat.
And I will hand you that, that IS head-up-the-asshole retarded. Again, Judaism is an ideology, just like being a mudslime. Nut-on-Yahoo can fuck off with the continuation of the DNA policies, yeah.'
>does Sup Forums really hate jewish people
All camps inspected by the U.S were marked as concentration camps. We used concentration camps on the japs during our war with Japan. Poland was primarily Jewish. We locked up japs, they locked up Jews while they were fighting. We share the same sin.
Where the fuck was THIS? That number is exaggerated, I'm sure.
concentration camps were non existant. they were put to death because of hitlers need to rid them from the rheinland
I do not like Israel, but it has nothing to do with the fact that they are Jewish. They could be fucking Hindu and I would still feel as strongly about them as I do now. I don't mind supporting allies, but that fucking country is just a parasite that has no regard for the United States or Europe.
>t. Hasbara troll operating from JIDF/ADL headquarters in Tel Aviv
why are you denying the holocaust
Show the mass graves. Show the furnaces capable of killing six million. The numbers, the facts, nothing adds up to six million.
That's why we're here right? To explore this premise? The numbers don't add up. Why are you denying facts?
Some do and some don't.
Anyone who thinks your average middle class benny is ruining their life is nigger tier.
But yeah a lot of Sup Forums resents the media manipulation and the forced utopias.
Sometimes its honestly just like shut the fuck up and stop. Just stop constantly forcing the ideological agenda of a fraction of a group that is merely like 16 million people, onto the entire world.
Then there's the arrogance and the chosen people meme.
Because a round up of specifically 6 million jews is a big sham and the numbers dont add up as much as like to say.
Why are you ignoring facts and figures? Why are you ignoring numbers? Why are you buying into false claims?
wait a minute why are we on about the holocaust when this specifcally questioning why you guys dislike jews and israel?
I just don't think those jews should have did whatever they did to get all those germans that mad
I don't care about Israel. I don't care about Jews. They're the same as everyone else in my book (minus muslims, those fanatical scumbags) But I won't pin genocide on a nation that wasn't guilty of genocide, until there's clear evidence of such.
what is the bloodbath in the city of cyrene
Is it just me, or is OP trying to play victim over his people's past?
This is why we fucking hate normies. They aren't willing to suspend their beliefs for a second. Think about it for a second. Who writes history? It's always the fucking victors. There are huge inconsistencies with not just WW2 but other incidents involving Jewish influence. Stop regurgitating the garbage that the American school system indoctrinated you with and stop to think about how the world really works for a second. Stop talking and start listening, be cautious about sources and pay attention to world events and the media manipulation that also happens in the "land of the free". No country is free from propaganda.
im not jewish. im just trying to figure out what the jews did so wrong to make people against the aid of israel in foreign policies
>forgetting that the majority of communist leaders in the 1918 german revolution were jewish.
The only Cyrene I can think of was Trajan's reign in 115 A.D . Do you know about a different Cyrene incident?
what you are doing is regurgitating the bullshit youtube "documentaries" teach you.
>9/11 inside job
>sandy hook hoax
>bolshevist zionism, protocols of the elders of zion
>freemasonry, illuminati, bilderbergs
you think you're smart because you know about these things while the average normie on the street doesnt, but you're wrong.
I think it originated with something regarding the fact that Christians couldn't lend money out, and there was no religious law against jews doing so, which means that Jews owned the first banks or something. I think that's where the money-grubbing stereotype comes from.
All I know is that I asked my Jewish friend why certain pickles were labeled Kosher, and he just stared at me.
Dear OP, you don't really know what is going on.
Or you are a shill.
Not all Jewish people are bad, but the very wealthiest and most powerful people in the world who are also khazarian / ashkenazi Jews and also Saudi - Dönmeh Jews - actually are trying to create a one world government.
This one world government sits at the top of the pyramid with their elite families, then we have the agency the police state, and then we have feudal peons at the bottom of the pyramid. The slave race at the bottom will be fucked into a cultureless society that the elite can enforce a new religion on, where the elites are worshiped as gods and people work and die for nothing.
Basically OP do some research, but you probably are a shill and know these things.