General Drug Thread

General Drug Thread

Quick question: why does this generation has such a big benzos problem? literally 40+ y/o women i know take benzos of some sort

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I don't know why anyone would want to do benzos, I guess it's down to availability

I do shrooms and amphetamine instead

im an avid DXM fan, even though i would never encourage or reccommend anyone to try it
did shrooms twice never tried amphetamine

Tell me about DXM? Encourage me to try it

some people are more likely to like downers and some more to like uppers, depends on personality

I dig opiates and get why benzos are fun, although I associate them more with actual medication purposes, on the other hand I've tried amphetamines and coke and don't really get why some love those drugs so much

Also: LSD and shrooms

before i tell you about DXM, it is a powerful drug even tho it's cheap and really easy to obtain

the effects can be divided in 4 stages (or plateaus whatever floats your boat)

Most of the effects of the first plateau relate to the senses. The best known, and probably the most responsible for first plateau use of DXM, is the effect upon hearing (specifically upon music). Sounds may seem "richer" or "deeper", and music in particular is affected (the difference between listening to music on DXM versus sober has been compared to the difference between music in a concert hall versus on a cheap radio). In addition to the change in the nature of hearing itself, music can bring a sense of euphoria, often quite intense. In comparison to the positive effects on music reported by some users of cannabis, the DXM music effect is usually characterized as much "speedier".

The type of music with which this effect most strongly occurs will tend to vary from person to person. Rave music is one of the most commonly affected, possibly due to the regular beat (at higher plateaus especially, much of DXM's sensory effects seem beat or rhythm related). Classical and Celtic/folk also seems to be popular. Really, though, the strongest indicator of personal response to a given piece of music seems to be 1) that the user enjoys it, and 2) that it has an "intense" or thematic quality.

Not everyone notices this effect. Some notice the opposite -- DXM makes music seem less impacting, and bass tends to be attenuated, leaving everything sounding "tinny" and distant. There does not seem to be any factor predicting whether DXM will improve or degrade the musical experience.

Visual effects are not particularly strong at this plateau. If present, they usually consist of motion trails (as if afterimages of each "frame" of vision were not clearing quickly enough). There may be some deterioration of stereoscopic vision (and thus depth perception). Colors may seem slightly more vivid.

With the second plateau (around 2.5-7.5 mg/kg, 6.4 mg/kg suggested from regular users) several new effects become evident. The most profound is that DXM begins to take on a heavier "stoning" characteristic, and senses and cognitive function are affected accordingly. Closed-eye hallucinations start for some people on the second plateau. Some of the first plateau effects, e.g., the music and motion linked euphoria, may diminish or stop entirely.

Second plateau trips usually take between 30 and 60 minutes to start (on an empty stomach), peak about 2 to 3 hours later, and last about 6 hours. Again, gel capsules take up to 1 hour additional to dissolve. Hangovers are not common with lower second plateau trips, but some people experience them.

A general narrative of the second plateau: The trip beings identically to the first plateau trip, although the alert and early effects may be noticed earlier. After passing to the music and motion euphoria stage, the first plateau sensations begin to be overshadowed by disruptions in sensory processing, as sensory input begins to get "choppy". Both sight and sound take on a dreamlike characteristic and one begins to feel increasingly detatched from the outside world. There may be bursts of sensory deprivation where the outside world seems to go away, but overall one maintains contact (somewhat incoherent) with the outside world. After a few hours of an overall "stoned" feeling, the sensations begin to subside. A slight hangover consisting of lethargy may be noted the next day.

It's what is being pushed the most.
Its easy as fuck to get a legal script for xanax or klonipine.

Increased rates of autism, population density/increase, and technology? Idk, I'm a dummy, but benzos have always been a go to for me because I have pretty bad general and social anxiety.

i would not reccommend the next two plateaus, since they can really fuck you up and not be sober again - with sober i mean, what you will see, what you will hear, can really really REALLY change the way you see the world

any questions check this amazing website

as someone with extremely bad anxiety issues how the fuck do i even get prescribed this shit? i've been to probably 5 psycchiatrists at this point and they seem conpletely against benzos even though i need something

The reason for the benzo problem is the emergence of this new genre of rap where they talk about nothing but fucking pills. Danny Brown has an album with the cover being someone literally just taking fucking xanax. Every god damn sound cloud rapper talks about xanax or codeine or percocets. Trap is garbage and that's the reason. Plus benzos are fun as fuck.

I'm glad I'm rich enough to afford my cocaine

You want a chill pill? Take a seroquil. Not addictive, cheap, and you'll have a nice 12 hour sleep because it hits wayyyy harder than benzo's.

a man of culture, who still takes old school drugs

really? is it otc?

Honestly pills are just a fucking meme at this point. Maybe they're just not for me, but their effects are just overhyped garbage.


I totally feel you, my doctor recommended fucking anti depressants for me even though I told her I was having panic attacks. I'd stay away from benzos tbh just because of how addictive they are. If you've been to 5 people, you're probably not gonna get a script. It's best to try to cope using holistic methods like meditation and all that jazz. However one thing I would recommend is phenibut, totally legal and effective.

I'm not a drug user and I'm not here to judge you or to tell you to stop, I'm just being curious : why do you guys do drugs ?

we need them

>meditation and all that jazz
None of that shit works and its been CLINICALLY denied.

My nigga.

It breaks the endless monotony of everday life.

Say you get panic attacks and that you have bad insomnia, some times you stay away 2-3 days.
They would be inclined to give you benzo for sleep as well as anxiety
Also depends on where you are located geographically and how the abuse market is in your city

i tried to keep it going for a while, but once i started 'blowing' over a grand a month i realized i need to be way richer.

Would you stop if you were strong enough ?

>It breaks the endless monotony of everday life.

Escapism then ? I guess that's a fair reason

I never bought into that shit anyway. Why the fuck do medical professionals recommend the shit then? Referral money?

yes and yes.

>Referral money

what is speed (amphet) llke and is it worth trying?

need to escape reality

fuck i was browsing 420chan forgot about this thread

because they are fun and people (you) that can't handle it bash its use

im on clonazepam right now. I take it for panic attacks. Especially helps when you are hungover.

it's like an utilitary drug, at least for me. wake up in the morning, get through the day etc


temporarily changing reality is fun

obv popping 4 advil won't make you dizzi you fag

? i only do dxm and cannabis i've never done benzos in my life

is cocaine worth it?

it's more expensive and it makes you aggressive. i'd say stick to amphetamines if what you want is staying awake through the night and being able to dance

I think the only reason why I'm not really an addict is because I don't have the supply. It's almost impossible to get anything but weed here.
Otherwise, you have to have to have contact with some REALLY shady fucks. That really turns me away from it, because I the people are almost impossible to contact and change all of the time. Plus you can never be sure that they will rob your ass or that the stuff has dangerous shit in it,

I used to think I did it therapeutically because of my schizophrenia, but I soon came to realse that in the end, it's to just break free of the monotomy of everyday life

Fuck I'm giggling because I'm so stoned on mushrooms

Has anyone here ever smoked amphe?
I heard that there is also weed laced with speed.
Seems interesting but I dont really know anything about it

exactly the same with me, i live in portugal its almost impossible to get stuff that isnt weed

man i wish shrooms were easy to get ahold of where i am.
id like taking a break form acid and get shroomies form time to time

no wtf yuck. have you ever used bourbon in an oil lamp and sniffed the smoke ?

From what I've heard the euphoria is ten times better, but it really fucks with your lungs

anyone ever mixed amphetamines acid mdma and booze ?

don't. it'll be a wild night but the days after will be hell on earth

You could always buy a growers kit from holland, you can just deny the package if they find it in customs

>I think the only reason why I'm not really an addict is because I don't have the supply.

i read about these but i hear it's really easy to fuck up and contaminate it with external spores and stuff

oh speaking of drug thread, if you were in the battlestation thread earlier, no i'm not dead i just went out.

Just wear mask and gloves. The shrooms I'm tripping n were homegrown by a mate who did it like this.

I've thought about doing the same

nnnnnnnnngh ... how much do you get out of one box ? and how long can you store them after picking before they lose potency ?

I wouldn't know, I think he had a pretty good yeild meaning he had enough for himself (To a few trips) and a few friends to trip on.

They're not the best strength, I've had 4 grams with a redose of 2 grams, and I'm still completely out of it, but I'm not experienced with shrooms

because despite being just as addictive as opioids, having FAR worse effects on your behavior than opioids (barred out people are fucking terrible), and having worse withdrawal than opioids (hello seizures)... benzos are not nearly as stigmatized, have far less legal restrictions on getting them, thus making them extremely popular

i hate benzos; had an ex-gf that was a bar head, couldn't fucking stand her on xanax, but opiates were fine. could tell stories for days about all the stupid shit she did while barred out

and me personally, i hate the effects; it's like alcohol, all stupidity but no pleasure

DXM is the fucking stupidest drug you can do after inhalants.

man it's so tempting.

Just fucking do it already :)

Quick question:
Do you guys parachute your shrooms or how do you do it?
It's fucking disgusting otherwise imo

wash down with booze

I either chew or make tea

not really, high plateaus really enlighten your self knowledge

What does it mean to parachute ?

It works on the same receptors as alcohol. Everyone has replaced drinking to calm their anxiety with benzos

make a little ball around the thing with rolling paper and gobble down


Ah, couldn't you just swallow a mushroom whole ?

or is it to avoid the taste ?

Smoking it is the way to go. Much more intense but you will go through your stash much faster. Also way more likely to get addicted that way

mostly to avoid the taste

you can get stupid dreams like dxm does by smashing your head against the wall over and over or by chugging gasoline too. it's still fucking stupid.
if you're looking for enlightening self knowledge, you turn to lsd and dmt

I've been sober for a while. I can tell you right now that to me it just isn't worth it. circumstances rn prevent me from drinking or doing any sort of drug, though, so...

Then make some tea with taste

i live in portugal, literally impossible to get anything else besides weed

dxm is otc

this was me for a while, until I started ordering research chemicals online. also shady and stupid, I know.
the funny thing though is that alcohol actually took the biggest toll in the end.

Have you even ever done DXM?
> chugging gasoline
Have you even done drugs

word, dxm is shit.

you were the guy with all the stampbags and used needles on his desk?

ded thred. tell me all about your experiences with ecstasy and why you don't take any anymore

portugal, where every drug including heroin is decriminalized, and you can only get weed?

yup. have you ever done a better hallucinogen than dxm? not a chance anyone who has would still think dxm was good

i'm diabetic it was all insulin!

I believe you man

yeah me too
post pic?

seroquel gave me restless leg syndrome and I couldn't sleep, but I was hella sedated. Weird as fuck.

its apparently quite popular

Does anyone here have any experience with botched cwe (cold water extraction)? Is it even possible to botch it? For example putting it in the freezer to drop its temp to separate the paracetamol from the codeine what happens if it take a super long time to filter it afterwards? if the temperature of the water drops back down to room temperature before it passes through the filter (lets say i live in a very hot environment) would that cause the paracetomol/apap/what not to re-dissolve into the mix and thus seep thought the filter? I have had some minor issues with my liver before so im getting a little paranoid about it

yes some of would re-dissolve as the temperature increases, but there's just too many variables for anyone to give you a precise answer as to how much

>i hate benzos; had an ex-gf that was a bar head, couldn't fucking stand her on xanax, but opiates were fine. could tell stories for days about all the stupid shit she did while barred out

Ditto: ex-wife was the same. We lived in Asia at the time. On a trip to Thailand she found a pharmacy that sold very cheap, so she filled up a tylenol container with about 200 valium (lorizapam I think). Going back home (another asian country at the time) I thought nothing of it. This was 2003, I had no idea what benzos were, she said they were just sleeping pills.

At the Thai end, if caught at customs, we risked 1-5 for possession, 1-5 for consumption (her, not me), and 1-5 for trafficking. And of course, similar at our destination. And, international criminal records for drugs. Waht a fucking risk to take, and I had no idea at all.

Fuck people that take benzos. They lie and steal. I reached a point where I would hide my wallet before I went to bed.

Funny, I tried and felt nothing. Later I understood, that's the high, being numb. What a useless drug.

I used to smoke occasionally. Fun things happen when you smoke meth. Mostly because of the people who do meth. I was addicted to heroin and for the longest time refused to do meth knowing what it would do to me. But one day when withdrawals were real bad, my buddy made the point that I couldn't feel any worse. So I started smoking a bit. First time I smoked, we played call of duty. But we were so tweaked we spent 4 hours trying the different loadout combinations. Its basically super adderall but more euphoric like xtasy strangely enough its less shaky then adderall

ativan is the big trade name for lorazepam. valium is diazepam.


you actually thought meth helped opiate withdrawal? always made it so much worse for me, same with coke

Its a dissociative. If you treat it like a hallucinogen then you're going to have a bad time.

But to answer your question, sadly: no.

I too wish to know why the drugs do not flow in Portugal, I wanted to retire there.

I've got my second one in the fridge. APAP only dissolves 1mg/300ml water so you should be fine. Impossible to botch, remember to wring out your filter.

She found ativan. that was it.

>Would you stop if you were strong enough ?

not an addict, i don't take them for recreation. would stop right away if i could do what i wanted without having to take them.

The euphoria made me not think of heroin. But I've tried heroin and meth at the same time and I gotta say I do not like it. It takes away from the H.

yeah its not that good with opiates after the rush...

coke on the other hand, IV speedball is literally the most physical pleasure the human body is capable of experiencing. makes your best orgasm seem like nothing

it takes the pain away from their husbands cheating and their kids leaving and the dwindling looks tbh

all the anxieties of a mid 40's woman

would you recommend opiates to someone who did tons of acid, amphetamines, pot all kinds of MDMA and ecstasy for recreational use ?

so uh, is their a way to microdose meth

like take a small key bump and it would be enough for the day, with the paranoia and anxiety?

lots of young hot girls take it too. the absolute worst bar head i ever met was a 24 year old 9/10. she was snorting fucking 40mg of xanax a day, every day.
one time she ran out and had to go cold turkey, bitch was seizing hard every 5 minutes