This is a giveaway that Sanders supporters are doing a lottery for, if get 1 ticket if you call somebody in California and shill for Bernie.
It just can't get more pathetic
Can someone please explain the fascination that autists have with this children's show? Is it because they're repressed pedophiles or something?
Does it have a vagina?
How do I get that plushie though?
>why not create bootlegs of it and sell it and get bernout's commiecash. We should make money from that sinking ship before it dissappears forever.
Every time.
pfft... keep your plushie, Donald Trump's got the real deal.
I am a "brony" and i have supported trump since the beginning. I am also gay and masturbate to gay furry. Just because you are a degenerate does not mean you are an idiot.
i was actually thinking about doing that. Just make shirts with their shitty bernie memes and get some easy cash
Just say you're a horse fucker and save yourself the extra cringe.
Fuck I hate my cult sometimes...
I like watching cartoons but mostly cartoons from when I was a kid like Dragon Ball Z and Tintin is that the same thing?
>just because I make bad life choices most of the time.... Doesn't mean I'm not trash
Here is a more modern Canadian Superhero. See if you can tell the difference between it and what you used to watch.
you know what's pathetic?
the clintons
>Yvon claimed this land for his countries glory
This show would probably be banned now just because of this one line
Any answer I try to give will be waved off just as any other argument counter to the Sup Forums narrative always is.
It's honestly easier for you to believe the circlejerk that they are all autistic than it is for me to try to convince you otherwise.
Do not put that on /mlp/ or EQD. They would find whoever made that and tear them apart. Trump 2016!
my sides are in orbit
looks like fucking shit...
>tfw some faggot will pay for this.
But i watch the show and don't really mastetbate to it.
I do it all in the privacy of my home if that counts for something.
Do it in the privacy of your designated gassing chamber you degenerate.
>bernie bronies
We've gone too far. Creatures this pathetic are only supposed to exist as parody, not real life.
This plush is dogshit quality
Also Fuck this person
I wonder if barneyfag will shitpost this thread
I do. My family... For the most part excluding by brony cousin and furry cousin do not know a thing.
They all know i support trump as well.
I beg for the sweet release of death
What is the bernouts deal with the cutout of bernies hair and glasses?
I'm completely fucking befuddled by the logo of bernies hair and glasses.
Just. Why?
We must find a Trump pony plushy that doesn't make him look unflattering. Ours would be the best pony!