If you weren't here for this, or don't recognize it immediately you are Nu/pol/ scum and are no better than redditors. This is truth and impossible to debate
Jaffa Calling
Other urls found in this thread:
What an amazing time to be on Sup Forums
>Zimmerman trial
newfag gtfo
thinking this too. newfags always used to make those threads like "hey summerfriends you are all new, i've been coming here for a whole year!"
Thank god for the anons who called it was a circus!
i watched that shit live because i used to be neet
Yes. It was a good old time. Next court case should be Scarcellas, but I doubt it will be televised
I post Jaffa an hour and a half ago randomly and it's blown up to two separate threads. Incredible. What a time to be alive.
Why do people keep ignoring me when I post this?
It's obviously a sign tbqdesu
That user who called in with the Jaffa avatar is the absolute madman.
The 'liminator!
404, safety harness not found
muh courtfu
presence of bones confirmed
someone have the pic of west's daughters?
nothing can beat the livestreams of rachel jeantel's testimonies
Back when Sup Forums was good
dats jus retarded sir
I am nu/pol/ scum and even I recognize this one
Do you remember happening ball?
The great NK DMZ evacuation happening?
Who else remembers gate guy?
What about the Jap tsunami!
We need more happenings...
Sup Forums was shit waaay before the Zimmerman Trial tho
it was best during the ITS HAPPENING times.
I was actually the original image post (don't care if don't believe).
> had live stream of court in one window
> had Sup Forums in another
> noticed the prosecutors were going to skype in a testimony
> trial feed goes to computer screen mode
> can see skype name
> know epic is coming
> record trial stream
> Jaffa Calling
> Grab screen shot
> post
> meme happened
Yeah, the kikes really need to invade gaza again. Always fun
>What an amazing time to be on Sup Forums
My face when my redpilled dad is Tay, my middle name is Tay.
Delicious digits, fâm.
das real retarded sir