What is the point of Sup Forums anymore? All i ever see is shitty porn posts

What is the point of Sup Forums anymore? All i ever see is shitty porn posts.

To look at shitty porn posts

fuck. i wish 4 can was more exciting. all the events that used t happen here

In the last two weeks we almost had a happening against some 13 year old cunt who was torturing animals and another against buzzfeed. It got annihilated by over saturation of porn threads and the "not your personal army" faggots. It sucks.

>shitty porn posts

fucks sake i always miss that shit. i wish ther were less fag threads on here


stop ruining the site

Wouldn't it be nice if we had mods who actually did their fucking job instead being lazy faggots?

I just went through the catalogue, there are currently 27 porn or pseudo porn threads up right now. Twenty goddamn seven. That doesn't even count trap faggotry, furfags, and loli shit.

What the fuck do we even have porn boards for if the mods are t getting people to use them?

i just want some OC

there's no porn board for fur or loli. That's why they're here.

it was before the endless desensitizing, to uninvovle youself til it took up space in your mind. if ppl now just say fuck it and try to get together not like a fucking internet orgy but like actual real life events maybe something can become of it. I don't mean like text your friend after reading this i mean like get something nobody else has and find a way to make it public for us Sup Forums. meet up threads have the right idea but that is the the alure of hanging out with new faces. im not talking turoments or anything that follows an agenda. fuck it i use to run an abandoed trap house i would of glady given the coords out and stocked beer and music for a party. like real shit guns, and drugs. things that make world living competative. a scene is nothing without it.

then you're clearly not spending enough time here, fag

don't like porn well I have the board for you

Yeah, nice try, not going to happen.

Nice nuts bro

What is the point of Sup Forums anymore?

The only purpose it serves is to make some jew money and make casuals/teenagers feel like they're in the wildwest of the internet when that is no-longer even close to true.

your clearly blind

To be honest, I wouldn't mind that much if there was a (one) loli thread and one furfag thread up at all times. The real problem is all the fucking porn threads that are all basically the same. Do we need different threads for Instagram/FB faps, family member faps, girls you know faps, pics you shouldn't share, etc. etc.? It's the exact same thread spammed 20 fucking times.

The whole board is just cluttered to the point of all the interesting threads being choked out by all the garbage.

Nailed it.

Looks like the meme rush turned the wild west into a boring, sprawling metropolis of actual faggotry.

Preach bro. its the repetitiveness that pisses me off


yeah for the more normal stuff I agree. I don't come here for porn either.

But there's no real easy fix and Sup Forums is never moderated in such a way that would reduce these threads.

/bant/ is basically the retarded baby of Sup Forums and /r9k/. It's mostly just people ripping on each other for their countries, frogposters, racism, and TWO SCOOPS of autism.

The question is what's causing this much obvious repetition ? An endless raid from somewhere? A CIA type agenda to ruin this place and make us all actual fags? Porn companies basically bought this place?

Or is it just that the current generation are just truly boring beta faggots?

It could be. If mods did their job and started moving threads to the correct boards and banning people who keep making them here, eventually it'd level out.

Gookmoot doesn't give a fuck, though, and has just let this place stagnate, so this is what we're left with.

The whole culture has changed as old users quickly became outnumbered by new users who didn't adapt to the old culture.

Sup Forums is now full of moralfaggots who take the internet seriously. The moderation included. The point of Sup Forums is advertising revenue and pandering to the shit userbase and it will only get worse.

New unspoken rules already exist to curb non-advertiser(and crybaby user) content that used to exist on this site.

The internet will slowly become more and more babyproofed as time goes on. Things will become more controlled and restricted just like in regular society.

The last one. Most of the people here now are in the 14-20 range, are horny little fuckers, are normies who use social media but are too beta to actually talk to girls they like, and think the "right" way to act here is to shitpost and act like lippy little shits to each other.

Actually, I've reason to suspect that mini-raids do occur every now and again. There's one in particular that you must know by now.

I guarantee that most of these porn trap threads are run by one guy. its too easy to run a successful page on 4hcan

You gotta move on user, nothing on here will get better.

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>Complaining about Sup Forums (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.

We're in the WildWest Internet GUIES aren't you loving your freedom?

So, your point is because we're technically allowed to turn this place into a fucking toilet, we should?


Thought a quick reminder was in order.

You see Sup Forums allows everything.
If you want to have limited content? YOU need to read another board.

The entire purpose of Sup Forums IS to be a toilet and to contain the crap you don't want elsewhere. So YES.

Sup Forums does not allow everything. Sup Forums used to allow non-nude threads and pedo-related discussion.

This is unnacceptable to the moralfag and threads of this type are now silently pruned and may result in a ban.

It does happen but the bans are removed as soon as one appeals and they only happen when particularly prudish MODS happen to be on duty.

Sup Forums is also a board for anything that would be considered off-topic in another board/doesn't have it's own board.

Sup Forums used to sometimes be interesting but now it is an impotent and filled with porn. The current userbase and moderation likes it that way.

It happens everytime. So all the mods are prudish which is to be expected when all the users are too.

Interesting threads are rare simply because there are now boards for most topics.

Still no one is stopping YOU from creating an interesting thread now are they?

You overstate the case. I have seen pedo discussion threads recently they are not banned automatically.

Again it depends on the MODS that are active and the number of rules violation complaints they receive.

>they are not banned automatically

I never said they were, I'm saying I can't remember the last time I've seen a thread like that die naturally.

I'm talking about raids and things like that.

Stuff like the popularizing of NYPA and the massive increase of trolls-trolling-trolls killed Sup Forums as a place where "action" happened.
I'm not talking about having an intellectual discussion on Sup Forums because you can do that wherever and it's completely acceptable everywhere.

Sup Forums isn't "wild" anymore and it sucks. It's like a wolf someone caught and brought home that now spends it's days being dressed up in stupid outfits and eating shit.