>tfw you realize Hillary will win if there is a school shooting
>tfw you realize Trump will win if there is a terrorist attack
>tfw you realize Hillary will win if there is a school shooting
>tfw you realize Trump will win if there is a terrorist attack
*mexican music
You know what you need to do OP
When a "Beslan Massacre" happens in the USA it will involve multiple schools in places all around the nation
Imagine the rapes and murders of thousands of school children by Muslims while police jerk off for days.
singles pleb go to bed now
School shooting I'm the name of Islam. Check them senpai
Look at those repeating numbers my selvatic neighbour
The communist might just have to do in this case, fuck it and the people who allowed it
>mfw upcoming European happenings will redpill voters into voting Trump
By lord kek I summon repeating digits and future happenings.
Terrorists with AK-47's shoot up a school then get blasted by cops.
Press 1 for Trump
Press 2 for Hillary
>terrorist attack
>people fear ISIS
>Trump wins
>school shooting
>Obama tries to enact stricter gun control
>muh 2nd amendment
>Trump wins
Trump is literally unstoppable
>tfw you realize Hillary will win if there is a school shooting
but muh gun free zones
why would a shooter bring a gun into a GUN FREE zone?
Both, different places, 1 hour apart
hillary can lose if only people would inform themselves
>school shooting
>by Kebab who felt his bullies were "Islamophobic"
Who wins?
The libtards will whine everyone into Clinton because their beloved brown people got hurt
Better shut down /r9k/ before the elections
School shooter and Isis show up at the same
Time and have an akward confrontation.
>school shooting about to go down
>it's a white trump supporter
>suddenly, an ISIS sympathizer shows up to blow up the school in the name of Allah
>high energy school shooter kills the mudslime
Who wins?
The jews
>"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,'' Trump told New York magazine in a 2002 profile of Epstein written three years before Epstein began to be investigated. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
That wasn't discussed before, why would it be discussed now.
It's not a matter of "which one will happen first," it's "which will happen the day before the election."
Murderin' Hillary won't win the election,screencap this
This shit has been discussed since the 90's.
There will be a school shooting in Kansas City, Missouri on July 9th, and a bombing similar to the Boston Marathon on September 6th.
You've been warned.
Screenshot this.
Just remember that it was the Jews guys
>school shooting during july
>not shooting up the school when people least suspect it
normies get out reeeeeee
>Just shooting an empty school building in the name of Islam
You guys are hilarious lmao
me on the left
>implying Hillary won't fabricate a school shooting like sandy hook to win
She might actually do this tbph
terrorist attack will surely happen first in europe
Lisbon when?
Noone will attack Lisbon. Nobody cares about us, fortunately.
Probably right.
I keep on forgetting that you're the Mexico of Europe.
>Fuck off in class all year shitposting Trump memes on your phone
>Sent to summer school for failing all your classes
>Have to study math and shit while your friends have fun
>How can this shit get any worse
>Some faggot shoots up the school
>Be American, get shot
>Your mom goes full retard, cries on the news about how "Guns took muh baby! I blame Trump cuz he incited violence!" and plasters your shitty childhood pictures are all over the news
>Your dead ass becomes a symbol for gun control, Hillary supporters put your face on T-shirts
>Hillary elected pres on a wave of public sympathy
>The "CURRENT YEAR I MEAN COME ON" Act is pushed through congress, All guns are now outlawed and all knives must be binned.
All i know is that when Trump wins, US will have its second civil war.
You think nogunz liberals can start a civil war? Riots at most