>Be me >Raised mostly by mom because dad was constantly in a different country >mfw she is a crazy ass bitch with anger issues >I inherit those anger issues as a young lad and suffer from mood swings >makingafoolofmyselfinpublicbecauseiwantcandy.exe >Autism is a hell of a drug >Mom has to deal with me >Doesn't take me to a therapist or something similar, who may help me actually act like a normal kid >Instead says I'm spoiled brat and yells at me >I believe her, even though I don't get away with anything and I have strict rules >Already feel like a loser in elementary school >Have trouble focusing >Get bullied >Get pulled out and start being homeschooled >Autism intensifies >I have bouts of depression and suicidal thoughts by the age of 10 >mfw I haven't gotten any better as the years went on >Get put in a retarded "gifted" homeschool group at the age of 12 >Actually some cool people in the group >Too bad I have chronic autism and act retarded >The kids there befriend me anyway >feeslgoodman.jpg >They all are really nice to me because they were bullied when they were in school as well >There's this girl there who's perfect >We'll call her Waifu (because I'm autistic, get it?) >Waifu likes video games, has similar taste in music to mine, and is just a great girl in general >Talking to her somehow makes me less autistic >Having someone to relate to and hang out with makes you feel normal, even though I only saw her once a week >Fast forward 1 year >Dad takes family to Taiwan for a business trip >We stay there for 3 fucking months >Autism intensifies >I don't have anyone to talk to and I'm stuck inside an apartment most of the time >I'm 13, so I'm perverted as fuck >Don't know about porn, so I look up pictures of hot anime girls because autism >I don't even watch anime wtf was I doing >Discover hentai >Develop a fucking hentai fetish because I didn't know what porn was when I was younger Next: the return to America
Cameron Clark
Daniel Williams
Andrew Fisher
> give me more story time OP
Connor Sanders
Part 2: Autismo Wants Love
>Return to America >I'm 14 now >There's a new kid at the good 'ol homeschool group >We'll call him Alphamale >He had far better social skills than me, and was actually likable >Had already been hanging out with Waifu. >I become friends with him. >Waifu friendzones the fuck out of me during this time. >I'm autistic, so I thought she liked me. >Too chicken to ask her out. >Probably a good thing, she would have turned me down and she was my only real friend >She takes a liking to Alphamale >I'm too autistic to realize this >Fast forward 1 year. >The climax >We're all invited to Waifu's friend's birthday party >Another friend of ours comes along >He's more autistic than me, so he was on the verge of retardation >We'll say his name is Tardboy >He likes Waifu too >Everyone who is male in our circle fucking likes Waifu >Should've known I didn't have a chance >At the party >Me and Tardboy are fighting over Waifu because of autism >Waifu hangs out with Alphamale >Alphamale asks Waifu out that night >I wasn't even in a relationship and I got cucked harder than the lovechild of a male feminazi and a morbidly obese machild. >Who am I to talk though, I'm more pathetic than both of those aformentioned cucks combined. >I have a cucktard tantrum when I get home >All my hopes and dreams ruined >Waifu is in a relationship now, and she will never like me back >Like I mentioned, I'm autistic, so I had turned down two girls who asked me out because of this woman. >Fuck >Probably the only two women who would ever be willing to date a guy like me, and I had turned them down because of this fucking woman >Decided it was time to move on >Go back to school >Get relentlessly bullied >Contemplate suicide every day >Too chicken to act on it. >Fuck >My >Life Next: Conquering autism