I want to join the military to develop discipline and social skills, but I am morally opposed to it

I want to join the military to develop discipline and social skills, but I am morally opposed to it.

What are viable alternatives? I'm 22, with a college degree (math), overweight but otherwise healthy.

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crossfit. hot crossfit chicks

One of those fitness bootcamps.
Take one of those martial arts classes

>but I am morally opposed to it
Do your self a favor and dont bother enlisting, your bitchmade moral code will discourage you at every turn and you'll inevitably wash out.

As for alternatives for developing discipline and social skills, try getting a fucking job -any job will do. Maybe go outside for once while you're at it.

Coast Guard muthafucka

>Morally apposed to serving your country

>serving your country
>implying the military serves the country and not the government
>implying the government is the country

>semantics, the argument

Join as an officer in the navy and you will make decent money and people will respect you

Like the other guy said. Get a job.

Go back to school get your phd in mathematics and become a professor

Yeah, Army E7 here, this guy is right. Don't join. You'd be the bitter little cancer in the squad questioning ever stupid fucking order or tradition and bitching constantly until washing out or riding a profile until your ETS. Look for a martial art or fitness class.

Kys for opposing the military

Oh wait

>Morally opposed

How do you figure?

Thank you for your service, user

>Air Force
>Coast Guard

>serving Halliburton and big banks

>morally opposed to blowing up sandniggers
Why are you on this website again?


martial arts

Not everyone in there is a grunt you dumbass, but why even join if you're not going to kill.

>developing social skills in the military

ah ha ha ha

I'll take the navy as an example.

>travel the world, regularly pull into places like Japan, Straya, Greece, Spain, Thailand, Singapore etc.
>Get to party in this places and party hard, unless you're a retard that stays in the ship.
>be living with thousands of others.

It's almost impossible not to develop social skills, not to have cool stories to tell and not to get laid.


>join the navy
>ship collides with a chinese boat

Anecdotal shit and you know it. Personally I'm all about that grunt life cause there's nothing better than killing sand people and get paid for it

happened twice this year and a bunch of people died. Don't get whacked bitch.

>>Freedom Isnt Free it cost people like you and me

Oh no, it happened twice so that guarantees that it'll keep happening and it'll happen to everyone ever. Eh, if I get whacked so be it.

>underage b8


Peace corps. Seriously good option. Its like being a missionary but less preachy more helpy

As a squaddie, take my advice. Never join the military mate, worst decision of your life.

There are anarchist and communist volunteer militia fighting in Syria, similiar to Durruti's Column in the Spanish civil war. If you want an opportunity to make the world a better place by fighting ISIS *without* aiding imperialist powers, that's a good option. If you have money, the anarchist Zapatistas also have a program where young activists can pay them to train you in harcore community organizing and traditional guerilla tactics.

Why are you morally opposed to it?
Leftists, and right wing populists know jack shit about foreign policy. Don't fall for their conspiratard bullshit. The war in Iraq was objectively good for the iraqi people. Iraq has held four democratic elections since Saddam was toppled, and their leader isn't a genocidal maniac. Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, etc etc, are all better off when America gets involved. Don't be a dove. Be a hawk.

freedom > not freedom
Inlist you pussy.


You're a fucking moron. *Millions* of Iraqis have died because Amerika bombed their dams, bridges, hospitals, power plants, water filtration plants, and factories. They've been forced to live in neolithic conditions which has killed millions of people. Before Amerika decided Saddam wasn't allowed to switch to the Euro (which is the real reason they invaded), Iraq had socialized medicine, free education, and a first world economy.

You fucking ignoramuses are the reason Orange Mussolini was elected.

Well, he explicitly said he didn't want to join so it's kind of unnecessary telling him not to. Thanks for having the courage to get your head shaved and do a lot of pushups, you're a true hero.

You, too, are a fucking moron.

OP, the military will not teach you social skills. They teach you to kill people and break things, in that order, and that is all they teach you. I know, I was in it.

What you're looking for is cameraderie and a place in which you fit in. I can't tell you where to find that, maybe look up local clubs for your interests/hobbies. I promise you live fire exercises are not what you're looking for.

Jumpin Jesus on a pogo stick... a moron calling a moron a moron. I'll just stick you two in a fucking blender and call it a day. You're both idiots with no concept of how the world works.

Army officer here. If I had someone like you in my company, I would look for ways to make your life miserable, which would inevitability lead to kicking you out with nothing to show for yourself. Your personality is the type that would not fit in the military

go watch adam kokesh's youtube channel about whether you should join the military. it's a shit idea all the way around, shit pay, you'd be an agent of immorality, and you won't learn shit as far as social skills, you'll just come out more fucked up than you went in. you can literally do pretty much anything else and be of more benefit to yourself and your country. go get some training somewhere if you want discipline.. shit go become a buddhist monk.. it's free housing, free food, and you won't be brainwashed into mindless murdering zombie cannon fodder or asked to take part in killing anyone.

volunteer to work for some organization like the salvation army. there's hundreds of legit organizations you can join that will present opportunities to socialize with genuinely GOOD people... joining the military isn't one of them.

Millions? Are you actually retarded? Literally 200,000 are approximated total casualties of the war. That is nothing compared the immense violations of basic rights the iraqis faced under Saddam.
Source all that shit or it didn't happen. The sources have to be from actual think tanks, and not propaganda outlets Russia Today, and Al Jazeera.

You can go fight under the command of a president who before being elected had no experience in international diplomacy, never served in the armed forces and famously ignores the advice of those with experience choosing instead to defer to the judgement of the tabloid journalist of Breitbart and Fox News.

Yeah, that sounds like a great plan. Get up on the ground floor of world war 3.



1.2 million dead as of 2007. Many more have died since.

Peace Corps
> they spend their days digging wells and getting to know people and their nights fucking other Peace Corps volunteers
> You'll meet young, pretty girls and fuck them every night
> You'll get a fantastic line on your resume

Coast Guard
> military style training
> no imperialism / murder required

Self help
> read a fucking book on conversation
> practice in your mind
> practice IRL

Toast Masters
> practice networking and giving public speeches
> meet people who can advance your career

Pick up camps
> I mention this reluctantly as the field is full of frauds
> There are good camps and they teach you to approach women

Martial arts
> do BJJ or Boxing
> develop confidence
> make friends
> get in shape
> develop discipline

> Bing or google it
> math degree is awesome

> why not meet people by tutoring them
> work college tutor lab 2 nights a week

Don't imageing that the military will develop discipline. You have a math degree and hwile you might be a bit of an unorganized / unmotivated guy (many young guys are) you are obviously smart and have the discipline to defer gratification long enough to do something few people can do.

Coast guard? Firefighters? Plenty of non combat jobs that share a similar culture to the military.

fuck you libral nigger

That's terrible methodology.
Here's a good one.

Just join the airforce and get a nonner job

>I want to join the military


Even George W Bush served, albeit the coast guard. Then he had experience as a governor.

These guys are right, I figured I would chime in for the sole purpose that I considered commissioning.

I went through most of the process. At the end I was denied on medical grounds but told I could be waived in either a conflict, or if I go get expensive medical tests by my doctor to prove I'm good.

My doctor never did the tests but cleared me anyways and then I had a long hard look at my belief systems and how that would conflict with the military.

I value it greatly. I think it's a great path to take in life. But I'm too independent. I would be pissed all the time.
Also I'm 25 now. All I would really be doing even if I commissioned is baby sitting some 18 year old fuckheads who would get in trouble regardless of what I do.

Take up a martial art

No. Someone has to. Might as well he this guy. He seems less likely to rape women or slaughter whole villages or innocent people to cover up a crime. We need people who have moral consciouses on the battlefield.

The Navy is currently operating at a deficit of men. Jobs are getting piled onto sailors and officers who are now working around the clock. Stressed, tired, homesick etc.

I'm the user who was planning on commissioning and the Navy was throwing every neat sales trick they could to get me to go Pilot route. Which is a cool job, but horribly stressful.

Not how it works user. Military is chain of command.

You will constantly run into bureaucratic bullshit and red tape to applying "change".

>unironically thinking this is the norm
Doves will never cease to amaze me with their stupidity.

Also OP I want you to ask yourself the simple and small questions.

Yes it can provide you with great benefits, a cool title, continuation of your education, camaraderie, life skills.

But do you like sleeping in?
Do you like occasionally smoking weed with some bros?
Do you want to start a happy family?
Do you get easily irked when someone tells you what to do?
Can you handle illogical bullshit orders?
Do you want to be close to family?

And the list goes on and on.

Remember to have fun in there big boi ;) ;) ;)

Morally opposed to what exactly? Do you even know what each branch does?

no respects naval officers. They just tolerate them. Naval officers are literally the worst people.

Don't be faggot, go infantry. Learn to kill subhumans and get in shape for the coming civil war.

They're all soldiers first.

Careful user or he'll cut ya with that edge.

Officers are retarded in all branches

Fucking this OP, go in there and become a killing machine. No better skill than knowing how to kill the most dangerous animal in the world. Checked faggot

>Bitch Force=Airmen
>Marine Corps=Marine
>Coast guard=Boat fan club

And what does that even mean anyway?

I wanted to join one of the uniformed services, but I have a crooked spine and psychological problems.

So now I just drink and hope for a swift death

No worries, they'll wave that shit now that we're invading the norks. How do they even detect that you're a psycho anyway or is it on record?

"At the end I was denied"

Only relevant thing you posted. No one gives a fuck what a guy who almost served thinks about what it takes to serve. Don't speak for those of us who actually got past maps.

With your shit attitude I'm glad you were medically dq'd. You don't belong.

I live in australia.

I was raped at gunpoint multiple times when I was a kid, I have PTSD as a result. The government here keep that shit on record.

I can't ever get in. Maybe as a cook, but fuck all else.

Haha, nice try pal

Man, I dunno if trolling, but that got very dark very fast. Oh well, will you at least tits or GTFO?

Alright, question time faggot. Do I lie about smoking weed in HS, will the recruiter snitch on me? How hard/easy was the ASVAB? Any general tips? Thanks in advance and am willing to fuck your mom as a thank you for your service, you can watch too!

join the air force... just make sure you get the job you want and it could be like having a normal job....but you have to wear uniforms and say sir/ma'am.

Coast guard?

Not trolling. I know what the disclaimer says, but this story is in fact non-fiction.

I'm male.

Consientious onjector in the coast guard?

>morally opposed

wow, of all the lame excuses ive heard not to get a life this is one of the most lame. its like blaming the world for your problems.

Become a trap sheepshagging Sup Forumsro. Jokes aside, stay tough man, get a fucking farm or something.

Sorry man.

If you're not morally on board with killing for your country then you need to pick a different field to go into.

Try corporate America or something.

I'm not trying to be rude, I just had to deal with plenty of guys who had moral qualms about fighting while I was in. They were liabilities.

I want to get a farm, but I can hardly keep a job. It's a miracle i'm still in a relationship.

Navy and airforce dropped a lot of bodies over the last 15 years.

Do you know where your air support comes from?

Don't lie. Recruiter won't snitch as they would lose a recruit and get in trouble. Asvab is pretty easy. Don't quit, pull your own weight, be a teammate, and always be an asset not a liability. Also...if you get in don't become an entitled vet faggot...they make us all look bad.

I don't need your thanks...i give fuck all about what you think of my service.

So uh... when were you deployed to Iraq?

I was there, didn't see millions of dying Iraqis. Wierd.

Your a millennial you do not need discipline or social skills, just a brown nose.

If you want something badly then quit the shit and get to fucking work man. Watch this video, it's about veterans, but it does apply to civies as well youtu.be/PUSz0ZRdEHE

Try another country like Switzerland.

Peace Corps. With that math degree i'm sure you'll get in.

Just some banter you cunt chill and thanks or the reply. I have a ged cause I was fuckup in HS, is there a way to wave that shit or should i go grab some college creds first? I know I should be asking a recruiter this stuff, but I don't wanna waste anyones time and no worries, I'm not an entitled moron, I just want to do something meaningful

>If you want something badly then quit the shit and get to fucking work man.

I did. I spent 2 years studying. I coaxed myself out of the house, beat agoraphobia, graduated a cert in warehousing and logistics with honors, got a job in a warehouse, and 2 years later my spinal disability reared it's head. I've never felt so much pain.

They forced me to quit my job, wouldn't come up with alternatives for me.

I have since had a mental breakdown, i'm on suicide watch.

Believe me, I want to get better again. It just takes time.

Right now I have $800 to my name and no income.

You can get in with a ged. A diploma is preferred however.

Kick was on your asvab and you'll have lots of options.

Don't worry about wasting recruiter time. They are literally paid to answer these questions.

Good luck kid...i hope your fuck up days are behind you. The military is one of the few meritocracies (for the most part) left. Excellence is usually rewarded however fuck ups and integrity issues are punished much more severely than in the civilian world.

Damn bro, someone really hates you up there. Good luck man