Has anyone ever tipped at Mcdonalds or Wendys drive in...

Has anyone ever tipped at Mcdonalds or Wendys drive in? I just tried doing it as a joke and they said no and looked kinda weirded out.

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never. but it's only a matter of time. the coffee shop people always ask for tips and they hand the coffee to you from across the counter just the same as they do at mcdonald's.

Most places like that don't allow it. They actually tell you that accepting tips could result in termination

is it weird though?

because the look on her face, either she thought I was hitting on her or she she thought it was really fucking weird.

or maybe there's a rule against it.

I've tried to on multiple occasions.

Usually its the blacks that take it as something weird. Like they don't take handouts (from anything but the government)

Hispanics ask if I'm sure then take it when I say yeah.

Asians just take it.

Whites either make a big "Oh my god, thank you!!" scene or if its the fat unattractive manager they look around so none of her employee underlings are looking and say "You know we're not supposed to take tips but I appreciate it" then proceed to spend it on a couple mcdoubles most likely

yeah like said. there's probably a rule against it.

also, it's probably never happened before. your dog probably thought it was weird the first time you licked his balls too.

I accept your trips

The only fast food place I tried to tip at was a sonic because she was on skates and all. They can't take it apparently

I work at Wendy's and I'm white and my manager said you can take tips if they offer them to you so idk why they were weirded out it just doesn't happen ever so I guess it's not normal.

I tried searching to see if there's a rule against and not finding it.

I always go to that wendys. Fuck I hope that bitch doesn't think I was hitting on her because it's gonna be so awkward again.

first world problems.

They probably aren't allowed to accept tips.

not tipping anything and im paying in all dimes out of spite.

why tip rich people that's retarded.

naw, man. make it as awkward as possible. pretend you're on a sitcom. tell her you really admire her bag handling technique.

Might as well just tip the cashier at the grocery store, and your barber, and your ...

It's the employers duty to pay their employees. I expect my bill to have everything I need to pay on it. I mean holy shit, in my country they would be closed for tax evasion if I would be obliged to pay for something that isn't on the bill.

it was a joke...it was a lot of change and I was thinking it would fall down when going to grab it so I said just take it as a tip.

>go in coffee shop
>place order
>giant gratuity jar ostentatiously on display immediately by register
>have to choose to tip and how much BEFORE your drink is made and how fast

this shit literally makes me REEEEEEEEEEEE

Don't you have paypass in 'murica? I haven't handled cash in two years.

how do you pay for hookers?



I pay for my hookers with birthday and anniversary gifts. For my hookers are called girlfriends.

>paying for girlfriends

>forgetting your girlfriend's birthday and your anniversaries
see, this is why you need cash for a hooker, because you obviously can't keep a girlfriend

Haha, of course, you old-world dullard. It doesn't matter how you pay. If you pay by card or phone, they give you a multitude of options for how much you wish to tip before you even decide what you want to purchase. And, if you don't wish to tip, they make you scroll to page two.

>thinking girlfriends and hookers are either/or

I never tip. Like I said, anything not on the bill is tax evasion.

If such a car showed up, I'd not tip at all because those dirty sandniggers are already rich enough, and I don't see why subhuman trash who get rich off doing nothing deserve my hard earned money.

Not like I'd ever tip anyone, anyways. Unless it's a really shitty job.

>but tips are taxed in many places

>I don't know what bills are for
Jesus Christ, go to bed, it's a school day!