Quality of Sup Forums has gone down

I've noticed a stark quality shift in threads here on Sup Forums in the last year, especially in the last several months.

A good chunk of threads in the catalog are "Ask Sup Forums" threads, of which are based on trivial, non-politics related topics with the rest being bait threads, then there's the slew of "Sup Forums BTFO" bait threads that add absolutely nothing, then you have the the rest of threads, which just go over tired, worn-out subjects and are are poorly structured.

To top it all off, the subject field is seldom used anymore, which is definitely how out can tell how many newfags have flooded the board.

To be quite honest, I know I'm not the only one noticing this,and it's only getting worse and worse as the days pass.

Now I'm even seeing some outright admitting they frequent reddit. This is quite worrisome.

>inb4 short/one-word/image replies and/or cancerous memes
>inb4 "[board] has always been shit" excuse used by unintegrated newfags

OP can't >in b4, newfag.


Trumplets are to blame. They attracted alot of retarded racists and rednecks.

I miss old pol. Xenophobic, but pragmatic.

Now its "nigger this", "jews that", "muh degeneracy".


Did anyone notice all the crusade threads are gone? Now it's anti Christian fedora posters in every thread

Oh, it's always been "nigger this", "jews that", "muh degeneracy," but newfags see it as a meme and just LARP like they actually know what they're talking about.

Then, many knew the facts and had arguments (albeit, slightly half-baked) to back up their blatant assertions.

Now it's just meaningless remarks, as we're being filled with redditors and newfags who have absolutely no clue.

>posting thread about the state of pol

newfags out

Yeah you can thank the reddit refugees for that.

>what did he mean by this
>Sup Forums BTFO
>prove wrong
>really makes you think, huh

wow...really makes you think

Its a mix of shitposting, b8 threads, new fags trying to become Ebin meme lords turning this into new Sup Forums and of course that high quality shilling

Hopefully it'll get better after the election is over


If I recall a while back a strawpoll was done on the religious beliefs of Sup Forums and it was ~60% religious to some extent. Another one, if I recall right, was posted about 2 months ago, with a staggering 70% being irreligious of some type.

Definitely redditors.

Oh please, you probably weren't even here when the flag options existed.

I miss being able to select the pirate flag.

Slow news. I don't blame Trump I blame that there is absolutely nothing interesting going on right now.


Welcome to your first Sup Forums during election cycle babby

I hate that posting something about being a Christian like wanting women to dress modestly gets met with responses like "LOL ACHMED XD"
It's not even shitposting at this point it's just retarded and sadly I think they're serious

Blame Reddit cross traffic. Better yet blame the absentee moderators who let this shit slide

there are highs and lows in the market goyim it is election season after all

Yep, its the same 4 threads over and over again

The sticky just appears to be overly ignored and pushed to the side.

This too Bongo's second run was shitpost heaven

I agree but hey have you ever noticed in the old planet of the apes movies all the light skinned monkeys are really smart and the dark skinned ones are stupid grunts

>thread hijack attempt

Literally Sup Forums-tier

>To top it all off, the subject field is seldom used anymore, which is definitely how out can tell how many newfags have flooded the board.

While I agree the quality of this board is poor that is an untrue statement.

I've been coming here for four or five months now, and even I can see that it is shittier than it first was.

This is how you spot newfags and shills. Pretending pol wasn't a straight up nazi storm front board for over 2 years, with a good section of libertarians and ancaps

Don't forget the worst one.
>How can white men even compete

I miss old Sup Forums, /news/

You mean /n/?

Mostly Trump, Hillary and Berniefags these days.

Post quality was far better back in the Zim Zam days and before.

I could post interesting articles or hell even big breaking news a few years ago and have big discussions. I stopped trying about six months ago. Post breaking news about trump, get no response. see same info a week later being passed around as a meme. This board has been going down since the 2012 election and moot killed off /pol for good last year.

Where else could we go?

Agreed, Sup Forums has gone to absolute shit.

Only shitposts, memes, and baithreads get replies.

I've tried to have real political discussions here, it's a fucking waste of time.

I even offered to create a website with a Sup Forums-approved political quiz. The post got a single off-topic reply and then it archived.

It's not even a joke anymore to say reddit is a superior forum for politics.

There's a lot of shitposts, but there are also a ton of repeat threads. A lot of the articles being posted have already been rehashed twenty different times over the course of a day. One the elections are over and the board slows down a bit, we'll go back to more rational discussions. Hopefully.

We need more hitlerposting imo

these are the only ones I think are actually shills/bots

Notice how the OP never replies either

Some of them are troll threads though (as can be told by the flag, and the syrupniggers inability to resist coming back to his vomit)

This desu. Trumplets have shit the place up, and most of them came into Sup Forums only recently. Someone posted a graph of the posts made daily for the past few years and you could see it nearly doubled between the 2016 election season started and last month.

These newcomers aren't actually interested in understanding politics or current events but in merely discussing them. Of course, the discussion isn't substantive, it just has to entertaining. Like Trump, they've lowered the level of the political conversation and they don't care to try to raise it because that would take effort to try to research things beyond the meme position of the day.

Sup Forums harbor actually led to an exodus of most of the stormfags and assorted retards to 8/pol/, where they promptly shit up the place there and made it a stormfag/Trumplet echo chamber. So January 2015 Sup Forums was alright imo.

Hopefully. This shit is just getting really tiresome. I just hope we don't become Sup Forums 2.0

I'm actually shocked at the lack of National Socialists in the recent months. It just seems to now all be "Alt-Right," aka kids LARPing that they're right-wing

It's an election year. This always happens

I'm shocked by the lack of Pennsylvania posters.

I know m8, notsocs have quickly become the minority on Sup Forums. You even hint at unironically posting something hitler related and you just get stormfagged.

Nobody really gives a fuck about your religious views though, that's the thing. Religion is outdated as fuck, I can not believe in God and still be a good person. Sluts are gonna be Sluts, simple.

Fayette county here. Fuck you, lord of shit.

The fact that you say stormfaga means you're a Reddit transplant yourself. Only a sjw or shitskin would use that insult

There's always cripple chan. The posting is much slower though, and everyone is so wrapped up in conspiracies/jew blaming it's hard to actually discuss about much.

You're free to have your opinions and express them, that's why we're all here so we can have discussions in an environment that won't ban you because your opinion is different from the mods. But there's a different between fedora tipper shitposters and someone who's an atheist and doesn't like Christianity.
your post is okay you at least gave your opinion instead of just shitposting so you're contributing to the discussion.

I feel like everyone is autistic there, it's literally 90% Jew posting, every thread is about how some dude uncovered the secret plot made by the Jews and if you disagree with someone everyone will gang up on you. At least here there's a wide variety of beliefs Sup Forums is actually really multicultural

It's because there were never many real neo-Nazis, only edgy retards without set political beliefs taking whatever sounded good to them. Just like how libertarians were a minority with a large meme following of people who barely understood the actual principles pre-2012-13. I expect "alt-right" to last about as long, give it three years and no one will give a shit about the label anymore because it will have set down roots and have actual principles and that's anathema to most "alt-righters" today.

Been here since 2013 fampai (Sup Forums since 2007) and I've always hated stormfags. The very idea that I can't append -fag to a word to describe them, that they're somehow unique and above chan culture's affinity for attaching fag to everything is ridiculous. They always got so buttblasted over it too - but what do you expect when many of the hardcore neo-Nazi ideologues didn't have roots in this website anyway? That and their constant need to be taken super seriously on a website that routinely mocks anyone and everyone just made their arrogance all the more amusing.

t. classical liberalfag

In my opinion the addition of flags caused serious detriment to the quality of this board.

The only thing they do is ruin the discussion with ebin xD jokes or "RARE" spamming and encourage shitposting

Bring back optional flags at least

Optional flags will present the same exact problem, only now people will only pretend to be from Israel and shitpost out of boredom.

Unless you are talking about the optional flags that we used to have. Europoor, Amerifat, Gold Standard, Pirate, Rebel, JIDF, Texas and gaypride and I forget what else.

Maybe a better strategy is to optionally display either your legit flag, or no flag at all.

The problem is dummies keep responding to obvious b8 threads, i don't get it.

I mean the old optional flags

Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, and Anarchist if I recall?

I'm not gonna lie, It to me a year until I actually read the sticky fully.

>"Ask Sup Forums" threads

I believe a bot is posting these. It has a bunch of random topics in a file, and randomly selects one as a thread starter, by saying something along the lines of "what is Sup Forums opinion on X".

I also believe the bot is bumping its threads with canned responses to the question. But it is aware which responses it made and which are genuine responses, and the genuine ones are datamined.

I assume it builds a profile of opinions and determines a way of pitting one side against the other, or alienating one side until they stop coming to Sup Forums (as it did to libertarians with the "lolbertarian society" spam).

i also have noticed a number of threads asking for your birthday in clever ways. and of course there is the ever recurring iris scan thread...

this isn't just trolls, its the government.

Here they are.

maybe, maybe not. I have a few topics that I'd like to discuss from a Sup Forums point of view, so I guess I'd look like a bot.

Double chans Sup Forums is probably what you're looking for. But it's too fucking serious all the time for my tastes.

not really noticing anything

This is sort of true but there's money going into making Sup Forums shit that increases every month

t.bigblack dingus poster

I'm actually talking about that in another thread. After Sup Forumsharbor everyone that wanted to seriously discuss politics went there and the shitposters stayed here.

But it split up our user base. We lost all of our serious posters, but they lost their sense of fun. It is way too serious over there, to the point where they can filter out individual posters and have no shame in telling people they are filtered because they disagree with them. On the flipside this board is just infested with nothing but shitposting.

If both boards could be reunited into one community again it would be great.

make some decent threads then. by the way, declaring what websites other people can and cant use is retarded.

Decent threads get ignored. Believe me, I've tried it.

The fucking infinity bunker has turned to SHIT too. Maybe that is all MOOTfaggot is foing at Jewgle.

It annoys me how many revise Sup Forums's history, portraying it as "libertarian".

Those same shillls will say it was never pro-hitler

completely denying fuhrer fridays and the eradication of furries on Sup Forums (and stuff like that) which lead to Sup Forums's creation

Only way that can realistically happen is if 8/pol/ and 8gag as a whole is destroyed.

>ask Sup Forums
>Sup Forums BTFO
>inb4 newfags

>quality of Sup Forums

stopped reading there




Another thing I have noticed is that people from here will raid whatever you post a link to. I don't even want to mention what I used to link to, for fear of flooding it with more unwanted faggots, but basically I started to see the same sorts of nonsense spammed there that was spammed here after I made threads here. As a result, I stopped linking to anything of value on Sup Forums. In my threads, you have to be smart enough to find the source on your own now.

This is now a crusader's thread

But you still commented. Very nice.

Fuck off, thread derailers.

Actual proof of newfaggotry, right here.

Sup Forums went in to decline after Christopher Dorner

>he read the sticky.

Haha look how I'm supporting Trump by spamming awoo in every thread guys :^)

You're doing it champ

meme magic is real

we'll meme our candidate to the presidency xxxxDDDDD

Sup Forums and /r9k/ are under constant shitposting attacks from the trannies and ponyfuckers so they've been coming here for a sense of normalcy. Look at half the threads up right now (including this one) not news or politics.

I think the problem is as this site in general and Sup Forums become increasingly popular faggots come over here thinking "hurr durr, the right wings hang out here lets shitpost and SJW virtue signal to show them how wrong they are", people come here just to rile each other up and waste time.

Guys, I'm scared

>bunch of kikes setup a trump subreddit
>it grows quickly
>they constantly link to Sup Forums
>milo does an article on the chans and Sup Forums in particular
>some faggot mentions Sup Forums on msm
>people wonder why board quality has gone down

we got famous

therefore a ton of newfags arrived to stop our shitlording ways

we will redpill them, as we have always done

stand fast, hold your ground, it's a target rich environment!

>I miss old pol. Xenophobic, but pragmatic.

I've noticed the education level go down exponentially as well. Only yesterday we had an American flag surprised to learn that Alaska used to be Russian.

I like racism but I also like elitism.
The rednecks are ruining the place.

Sup Forums has always been shit. What the fuck are you fags bitching about?

The mods are pure shit.

That's all there is to it.

It's hopefully just the decline of Sup Forums and American elections. The elections will leave but Sup Forums's decline has left a hole in Sup Forums's meme culture that'll be filled by one board or another. Unfortunately Sup Forums is looking like it'll be Sup Forums's succesor.

Trump ruined Sup Forums and the Republican Party, OP.

>making fun of rednecks

Nice try brown neck

As it should be.

>"""Salvation is of the Jews"""

Why does Canada suck so much at shitposting?
Is it the frog genes?
It's kinda embarrassing to watch.

>country of mixed Arab, Indian and Negro genes

I guess that is why you still think you are white...

the trumplets made an unholy alliance with plebbit.

Lancaster, fuck you guy.

there are no good outcomes from it. either their stupid donald board remains and redditors are constantly funneled here or it gets shut down and Sup Forums gets flooded.

Sup Forums gets popular during election years therefore it attracts a lot of new people who don't have a strong grasp of what our culture is truly like. There's nothing that can be done about it other than trying to integrate the newfags.

>Race-mixing with Asians
>r9k level tier of discussing women which isn't even politics

Fucking shut this board down already
It's like a rabid dog, all that's left of what it used to be

Last quality discussion I had was when rand paul joined the race