Feels thread
>2nd grade, always alienated by everyone because muh autismo
>Crush on many girls from 2-11
>All gone
>My passion is technology. In one assignment in art years ago we painted stuff that makes us happy.
>I painted my phone and laptop (circa 2015ish)
>The art teacher said why did you draw this, since everyone else drew like houses and families and shit
>"Well my tech makes me happy :D"
>The teacher says "That's sad" and leaves
>I stopped painting and just stared at the 80% finished painting for the rest of class (about 40 minutes or so)
>Be me, about 3 days ago, thinking more about it
She's right Sup Forums. It really is sad. I have no one, I am no one, and when the paramedics bust my door down because I haven't left in 2 years, I'll just be a rotten husk at my dead PC, having never accomplished anything significant.
Feels thread
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>a rotten husk at my dead PC
Dying alone and being discovered is the best way to die, though.
You can artificially set up the circumstance, leave confusing breadcrumbs, and strike a pose so you can become the subject of interest for everyone from lawfags to /x/ to authorities to news outlets. And you don't even have to cure cancer.
this got dark fast. i wuvvums my technology
Also, fuck that faggot teacher. Happiness is subjective.
Apparently happiness only counts if it involves people. If that's the case, then I've rarely been happy in my life.
>happiness only counts if it involves people
No nigger can validate or invalidate the happiness of other niggers.
This isn't the worst thing people have said or done to me.
My autism makes it impossible to fully grasp social norms and cues, which has hindered me in life. Although I've made great progress in the last year, I have a lot more ahead of me. I feel great when people like me because I feel accepted, which feels greater than anything else tbh, but when people are dicks to me and say they don't like me, even when I literally haven't done anything, it's honestly so fucking demoralizing. It only fuels my depression and that everything I've done is in vain and I will always be ostracized by society.
>been a couple years since my last relationship, was pretty broken up over it
>met this awesome girl through work, we hit it off
>go on a few dates, they go great, we have fun, everything seems good
>I've basically fallen for her, she seems into it
>I'm happy for the first time in too long
>couple days ago have a conversation about what we're planning on doing in the future, nothing out of the ordinary
>she's stopped replying to my messages
I can't think of a single thing I did wrong and this is fucking eating me up
everything was going right and now she's ghosting me and I just can't figure it out
If you ghost someone, you truly are a nigger. IMO ghosting is the highest level of cowardice because you don't even have the balls to tell them you don't wanna talk anymore.