So I'm looking the wierdest/scariest movie that scares the shit out of me...

So I'm looking the wierdest/scariest movie that scares the shit out of me. Not talking about shitty jump scares or some awfull looking monster. I'm talking for a movie that won't let me sleep the whole night thinking what the fuck I just watched.

Other urls found in this thread: Taxidermist movie

The video of your conception

The taxidermist

The Grifter

Try "The shinning"
Or "Eraserhead"

The 4th Kind


Slaughtered Vomit Dolls. You're welcome OP


High Tension

this fucking movie god damn


The Machinist

I am the Cheese

binge watch the kardashians

Dark Skies



Tusk by Kevin Smith. I've seen a lot of shit in my day but that movie was just.... unsettling.

The gruesome tapestry of psychological manifestations of a nineteen year old bulimic runaway stripper-turned prostitute as she descends into a hellish pit of satanic nightmares and hallucinations.

Human Centipede

A Serbian Film.

They ought to fuck you up good and proper

is it pronounced like bbitch?

begotten, cannibal holocaust, kevin Spenser

This. Fucked with me for days

what year is it from?

so real. like think about that ancient scripture shit, like only connection to man is our predacessors that they basically desgined...

Director? Year? begotten right here weirdass shitttt

The witch. Taxidermist movie

The void on Netflix

A Serbian Film will make you want to die

I can confirm this.

It's literally hard to discuss years after seeing it.

Definitely The Shining. Shit gives me the creeps just thinking about it.

There's also that one on Netflix where the couple find kids in the woods, take them home and that creepy ass thing goes after them. Can't remember what it's called.

I like 1408 too.

Space Milkshake

it will fuck you up brah

Doesn't look scary.

hahaha shut up you pussy. asb is an entry level horror film.


it's like eraserhead raped Event Horizon who was left in a coma but had the rape baby before dying in the hospital, and it was born retarded.

or Mothman Prophesies had butt sex with Alien and they fell in love, got a mortgage on a nice 2 bedroom, and after years of building their relationship and making the thoughtful commitment, decided to have a child as a testament to their pure and unsullied union of love, but right then there was a home invasion led by The Shining and a couple of 1970s super 8 pornos, and Space Milkshake is the product of that violation, with the specific father unknown.


Paul Blart - Mall Cop



"mommy wants to fuck"

Triangle (2009)

This one's uplifting!

Terrorvision and Killer Klowns from Outer Space. Has monsters but these movies legitimately kept me from sleeping for weeks. I'm not gonna give any synopsis for them, I just suggest you keep away from any trailers or pictures and just watch them

Watched this one today, couldn't finish with like 10 minutes or so left of it. I'm a pussy.

Audition by Miike. Possession by Zulawski. Organ by Fujiwara. Martyrs by Laugler.

The Collapse of the American Dream

Guinea Pig - Mermaid in a Manhole

Funny Games