What do you cunts think about gun laws?

What do you cunts think about gun laws?

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They're laws, and they're about guns

rules are rules. you know them.

They're completely ineffective. While murders with guns is obviously higher in the US, violent crime of all sorts has been declining for over a decade and has been on the rise in Europe and Austrailia. Not to mention that an armed citizenry is one that can resist tyranny. If a bunch of ragheads in the mountains of Afghanistan can fend off the most well equipped and well trained Army in the existence of mankind, then so can red-blooded Americans that have basically been preparing for this moment their entire life.

Essentially it comes down to the fact that no one has the right to tell me what I can and can't own because of what a handful of evil/crazy people have done with guns. This honestly applies to drugs too. We know what drugs of all kinds do to you. The internet has insured this. If people still want to do coke or heroin or whatever, let em. Who cares.

>gun laws?


Niggers do not need weapons.

They benefit criminals.

Necessary. Specially being a white male this day and age


Criminals don't follow laws,taking away a citizens method of defense is only beneficial to criminals.

citizens can be criminals.

Love 'em.
Not having to worry about mass shootings is great. People still get shot on the reg where I live but they're usually always gangbangers, so fuck em.

Anyone can be a criminal,but everyone has the right to defend themselves.

And I have the right to defend myself from criminals.

As someone who's family is made up of cops, they have a common saying: "when seconds count, police are only minutes away".

Legalize guns for every man woman and child but ban ammunition, its not the guns killing people its the bullets

Gun laws are illegal.

well my family is made up of lawyers and bankers so we dont need weapons, we dont live on the ground floor.

Agreed. Americans figure gun laws are an assault on their rights, but I would much rather have free healthcare and cheap education, and have a mass shooting be a shocking and rare event, rather than a tuesday.

It's just a really dumb tradeoff. I spend a lot of time in the US, and people there have a much more paranoid take on the world.


Gun taxes are very effective.

Could you imagine some dumbass hood rats getting a 50 caliber on sale?

Literally fuck them with huge throbbing gun-penis

So you're family is made up of liars and thieves. Great fucking lineage you got there.

You know the thing about ivory towers is history shows they have a tendency to fall.

>I spend a lot of time in the US, and people there have a much more paranoid take on the world.

That's because we're forced to live among large numbers of violent niggers and mestizos.

Europe is well on its way to becoming much less white. You will learn. As the shitskins continue to flood your countries and commit violent crime at hugely disproportionate rates, you will understand that we were right all along.

Go spend some time in inner Chiraq and get back at me, eurotrash.

the right to bear arms is just as important as the rest of the bill of rights.

most of the laws today are bullshit. especially laws preventing all felons from owning guns. there's nothing in the 2nd amendment that says "does not apply to felons who have served their time".. the only time it's justified is for people who actually commit a crime with a gun, or a very violent crime.
stripping a civil right away from someone who lied on their taxes? stole a tv? had a small quantity of drugs? fuck that, it's no different than saying they no longer have a right to free speech.

and trying to claim that 'well-regulated militia' means it only applies to the national guard today is an outright fucking lie. all men were automatically members of the militia without doing anything. the national guard isn't even like the militias of the day; they weren't an organized dedicated service. they did nothing unless there was an actual war

gun rights are just about the only thing i can agree with republicans on

and cops get ambushed by the blacks, based on the news.

your family members are all sitting ducks out there.

If anything that's more reason to have a gun.

And meanwhile literally millions of white and asian people have to be more financially burdened because of several thousand gang bangers. I don't give a shit if a bunch of hood rats kill each other off in the ghetto, I care about how this affects everybody.

I think they're funny. Because the only people who follow laws are the law-abiding people. I also think it's funny when weak-minded people blame inanimate objects for committing crimes against humanity.

Yeah but here's the thing. If you are armed, they are armed too. In my country an illegal handgun costs upward of $10,000 so most criminals can't get one, and if they could, they wouldn't risk it being seized. I prefer a criminal who can't kill me from across a room and fire a few dozen rounds before anybody knows how to react.

Weapons are always most likely to be used by people who intend to, that's always going to be the criminal first because they're the one person who knows they're about to commit a crime.

Besides, during a home invasion, if your weapon is properly stored and locked away it's probably not going to be useful. And if it's not, you're statistically more likely to lose a family member to it than to heroically stop an invader. I get the whole "I have the right to protect myself" idea, but objectively, it gives more power to the criminals than the public because it guarantees cheap and easy access to have lax laws and high supply.

I can still own a gun in m country to be clear, we're just far far more strict about the approval process.

Yes, lack of extremely powerful sniper rifles affects everybody.

It depends on the law. There's a lot of different gun laws. Is there anything specific you want our opinion on?

as points out, America doesn't have a gun violence problem, it has a nigger problem.
if you exclude nigger related gun violence, white gun violence rate is the same as any cucked european country where there are basically bans on guns, despite our extremely high gun ownership rate

That's fine, they know what they signed up for and they tell me as much. There's always gotta be a barrier between the filth of society and the rest of the common people. It sucks and yeah you can die, but it's gotta be done.

nah, it's not.

In a perfect world it's not, but when have we ever been in a perfect world?

It's not about blaming the weapon, but a gun is a weapon, it's designed to make a man more lethal so anybody with bad intentions becomes that much deadlier.

Guns changed warfare forever for a reason, they're compact, simple to use, and they can kill from a distance even in the hands of someone who is fairly untrained. They are designed to kill, and by making them easier to obtain and cheap to get for criminals you make those criminals more dangerous than they would be without one.

The whole blame the man/blame the gun argument is retarded. The man is an asshole, the gun makes him a more lethal asshole than he would be without a gun.

There's a reason America leads the developed world in the average number of casualties per act of mass violence. Assholes + guns made available due to high supply and lax laws.

my world's pretty much perfect.

>Necessary to keep idiots from getting guns.

Granted they won't stop a lot of bad guys from getting guns, people are inherently stupid. Look at all the dumbasses on the road next time you take a drive. Imagine if these idiots could just grab a gun any time they were pissed. People don't understand guns. The people that own them legally have at least demonstrated an above average responsibility with firearms at least once in the past. Being slightly inconvenienced when getting into guns is worth keeping the masses of morons from having something so dangerous.

Because criminals will have access to firearms regardless to legality, there must always be an avenue for law-abiding, responsible citizens to also own guns. When gun laws out right prohibit these citizens to own and carry firearms, they are favoring the criminals and putting people at higher risk.

Also, gun laws that don't do anything to prevent actually crimes, but only restrict which guns and accessories we can own are bad laws. For example, how many terrorist attacks used silenced weapons or came as a result of legally purchased full-auto, high capacity mags? The numbers are likely negligible; I don't hear about it happening and I know the news would eat that up. Laws should be smarter; don't restrict recreational firearm ownership, restrict criminal firearm ownership.

>tldr; I don't mind jumping through a few hoops to get the guns I want; but I cannot accept a baldfaced restriction of my right to own the firearms and accessories of my choosing.

Except that argument completely falls flat when you look at the violent crime rate of western European countries and Australia compared to the US. In England the violent crime rate is 3 times higher than the US and most crimes are just committed with knives or other dangerous objects and the victims have no way to defend themselves.

There is inherently a danger whenever weapons are involved, but believing that just banning them will magically solve the issue (when the real issue is usually poverty or lack of education) is complete nonsense.

When was the last time murders via sniper rifle made the news.

It's the same with knives, hammers, bats and many other things. Only thing that is constant with all of them is the fact that they are inanimate objects. On their own they are harmless. It is when a man/woman uses them for the wrong reasons.

Good for you (((rich)))fag. Most of us have to live in the real world. I have to go to Uni that's right next to the fucking ghetto and robberies and stabbings are pretty commonplace.

murders with guns is higher in South American and Central American countries with very strict gun laws. Chicago is the murder capital of the US and has strict gun laws.

those guys in dc that sniped people at gas stations back like 15 years ago.

Carry every day, makes me feel comfy/safe.

They're good.

lol nah.