What do you cunts think about gun laws?

What do you cunts think about gun laws?

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They're laws, and they're about guns

rules are rules. you know them.

They're completely ineffective. While murders with guns is obviously higher in the US, violent crime of all sorts has been declining for over a decade and has been on the rise in Europe and Austrailia. Not to mention that an armed citizenry is one that can resist tyranny. If a bunch of ragheads in the mountains of Afghanistan can fend off the most well equipped and well trained Army in the existence of mankind, then so can red-blooded Americans that have basically been preparing for this moment their entire life.

Essentially it comes down to the fact that no one has the right to tell me what I can and can't own because of what a handful of evil/crazy people have done with guns. This honestly applies to drugs too. We know what drugs of all kinds do to you. The internet has insured this. If people still want to do coke or heroin or whatever, let em. Who cares.

>gun laws?


Niggers do not need weapons.

They benefit criminals.

Necessary. Specially being a white male this day and age


Criminals don't follow laws,taking away a citizens method of defense is only beneficial to criminals.

citizens can be criminals.