Why were Vietnam war vets such pussies compared to ww2 vets. They're always bitching while ww2 vets were proud and bad ass
Why were Vietnam war vets such pussies compared to ww2 vets...
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maybe it was the whole having to shoot children, bamboo spike traps, being captured and skinned alive, etc.
War is hell and Vietnam brought their A game.
Being spit on when they returned home, not hailed as heros for serving their country. Men were simply doing their job and were treated like shit when they returned hime.
There's pride in fighting Nazis, not so much in fighting women and babies and mosquitos
>doin' muh job meme
How embarrassing
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You do realize guys probably younger than you were drafted right?
Being conscripted to shoot kids to further the asanine agenda of safe old men isn't a job kiddo
All of that happened in the Pacific theatre too.
well that video was shit
Yeah but it wasn't on tv
wow so smart
So you're calling it a meme when these guys didn't have a fucking choice. They weren't made for the military, and here they are in one of the most horrific wars in recent history and they got spat on when they finally got home by a bunch of dipshit hippies.
How the fuck would you feel?
>average WWII veteran from USA saw few months action in an already pummeled Europe against the worst the enemy had to offer
>average Vietnam veteran saw few years action in a foreign environment, and were in constant combat due to neverending patrols
From one leaf to another, fuck off
There was no patrotism. Bashing a jap in the face, nobody felt any reason to bash a gook face in. Japan had a tactical reason to aquire them. They are an industrial and technological powerhouse with obedient people. Vietnam is a borderline useless shit hole with some sweat shops. No pride in fighting there at all, then to come back to where both the government and people shat on you.
Rotating out soldiers also probably hurt too. Soldiers knew to just survive a few months and they'll be home instead of staying until the job is finished.
>WWII vets welcomed by everyone at home and hailed as heroes, get massive benefits like GI Bill
>Vietnam vets hated by the public, get spat on and called baby killers, own family and friends shun them
WWII was pussy shit compared to Vietnam. Anybody can go kill honorable Germans, have fun shooting children and women with grenades in a third world nightmare land. That's why Vietnam and Iraq/Afghanistan vets are so fucked in the head. And add to that, the general population didn't believe in the mission, so they didn't get the pride and respect that WWII vets got.
>UK poster vouching for vets whilst a fellow burger disses them like a fucking hippy
Holy shit.
>serving their country
Nah man thy served rich fucks and old men who dont give a fuck about children being slaughtered.
WWII veterans weren't met at the airport by maggot infested hippies calling them baby killers.
Fuck off burgercunt.
I hate to break it to you champ, but theatre is how we spell it. And seeing as we invented the language, we really do get authority on it.
When the going got tough against the Japs, they just dropped nukes on them instead of throwing more bodies at them like in Vietnam.
>completely ignores japan
>ignores that 80% troops on the frontline since the last half of 1944 were US troops.
The Krauts were the bad guys, evil forces, they could justify their actions.
The Vietnamese were just people in their homeland that boys were conscripted to kill.
There's some statistic that we dropped more bombs on Vietnam than we did the majority of ww2 or something like that. Not to mention napalm and agent orange and other experimental weapons since nobody cares about vietnamese.
Inventing something doesn't give you any authority over it. We invented ice hockey and basketball, and nobody will even let us win a fucking championship in either.
Oh I know, but I can still call a burger out on not knowing the alternative spelling.
The average American WWII soidier was in actual combat for an absurdly small amount of time. I forgot the star off the top of my head I want to say it was less than 2 weeks in average. Vietnam vets as well as Iraq/afganistan vets saw many more days of combat on average. I know my COP took effective rocket fire almost every day for 6 months. . .few Americans had to deal with that kind of thing in WWII.