Why do white people keep hitting their opponent when they're down?
Why do white people keep hitting their opponent when they're down?
Why do niggers start fights they can't win?
so they dont get back up
Anglo blood.
Because we are smart and know that if we do not completely break them they will come back stronger and pose a greater threat.
Is that the video where the black guy thinks he's a seal afterwards?
what fight nigga he dindu nuffin boi
What a stupid thing to say... take this bait to b board
why do people fight when you could easily die from being hit in the head, or get killed later for revenge if you kick the other guys ass?
when in a fight it is important to disable your opponent so that they cannot strike back against you
They get up and follow you down the road with a knife. I've had this happen to me. Dudes to don't being exposed in a streetfight.
Because they're emotionally charged.
Show what happened before nigger, the fuckin jiggaboo started this shit.
>niggers don't
people dont die when they are hit in the head, they die when their head hits the concrete or pavement
We don't hit a man when hes down.
Niggers do not apply.
And niggers hit people in the back of the head unprovoked to upload it too world star.
Fuck your race; a couple grams of lead will be your reparations
Because niggers keep hitting unconscious opponents
And this. Especially if they started it, you can't help but think "what if they had me in the same position". So you go to war.
Best toast first toast
Why can't niggers fight 1 on 1?
nigger is never wearing that jacket again after this
I mean, at that point, might as well hit him as much as you want, as long as you don't kill him. Isn't it basically the same under the law, or might you be responsible for more medical bills for fucking someone up worse?
Yea, because all your dindu friends would intervene with the fight before you could properly get your ass knocked the fuck out for talking shit
Why did the nigger cross the road?
That niggerfaggot totally deserved it. What douche.
So they don't get back up.
Like everyone knows that nigger constantly jump in and group fight.
They constantly pack attack.
THIS you rarely see from white people. Yet we get a thread about how white people fight unfairly.
Common nigger. Just Common.
You guys must be really bored tonight -- so many take the bad bait.
Dude I needed a laugh. Thanks.
I love how this nigger keeps shouting "DAAAYYYYYUMMM"
That's the point. You wanted to fight so you get something to remember the next time talking shit seems like a good idea
And I've been to wshh. I've seen more niggers put death blows on downed opponents than I have white.
A nigger is down when he stops moving.
Many deaths from failing to grasp this.
oh shit is it an MMA thread?
Because they've never really had to. You see even when they go toe to toe it goes one of two ways.
One of them gets lucky and within 5 swings they knock the other guy out
After 5 swings all the boys jump in or someone just shoots the other.
White people fight to settle an issue and we make a point to leave said issue at the end of the altercation.
I'm not racist by any means but I will admit I've seen plenty of fights and I've never seen black people shake hands afterwards. However with that being said almost every fight between two white guys ends with either a hand shake or they make sure the loser is relatively okay before leaving. (Drug induced fights or crimes don't apply)
They get too bait us - we get too say nigger in context, its a symbiotic relationship.
Its largely to do with culture. Whites have been civilized for thousands of years, and fought either in large-scale wars, or in private duels for honor. Blacks were civilized only for the past couple of hundred years, and culturally fight in small clan vs clan wars of a few dozen vs a few dozen, where they would try to get the edge on their enemy any way possible to kill or enslave his clan. Blacks have no cultural heritage of honor or civility.
To win.
You obviously have no idea about fighting in the real world.
How the fuck did that guy stay up after that kick...Jesus Christ.
Which is a hit to the head
MMA players, boxers and even pro-wrestlers are unfathomably tough.
Any of these punches or kicks or holds would send you or me to the hospital, but they just take it because they're fucking carved out of wood dude.
it was opposite day
Why do niggers keep burning people when they're down?
Please forgive that man, I'm sure he's taken quite a number of blows to the head himself.
Some people have very little impulse control, or understanding of anything beyond their own present wants.
Others know that you cannot reason with such filth, and must beat them at their own game in order to protect your family, friends, self, etc.
You may not understand this, and may even feel that it is wrong, but the people you hide behind are doing you no service by sparing your innocense in these matters.
>one example
>there are dozens of examples of blacks doing it
Especially considering that Arlovski's chin was deleted years ago it's pretty crazy. I was shocked he survived that punch from Browne even.
I remember watching these amateur fightclub videos where guys would run in ALL THE FUCKING TIME and get reversed because they don't have the skill or the methodical approach MMA fighters have. Funny shit.
Don't run in guys, wait and pick your shots.
>Black "People"
Because they deserve it
Man, they take tug-o-war very seriously over there.
To make sure they stay down.
What successful predator does not do this?
I like what Overeem is doing these days. He's a jedi.
The former heavyweight champ could have saved himself some trouble a few nights ago by reading this post.
For real, not that it matters he was black but, this happened to me but this loud black guy that use to hang with me and some other friends walked up to me when he was drunk, I was outside working on my car. Trying to focus because I need my dann car fixed and I'm trying to fix my car so I can do life shit. This guy kept being loud and drunk. Well after repeatedly telling him I'm busy he would not shut the fuck up and then I was like dude get the fuck off my property and get the fuck on down the road. Well now he wants to fight, after putting him on his ass and letting him up for the 3rd time.... I screamed at that mother fucker while I was pinning him to the ground in an obviously dominant position to seriously hurt his stupid drunk ass and said motherfucker this is the last time I let you up to come back at me... I.knew him and didn't want to hurt a drunk friend.. But...the reason why if you're in a fight you don't stop is because they can get back up and kill you. If you every get in a street fight you make Goddamn sure that guy isn't going to be able to do anything further after you get up to leave...
Because that's the whole reason to get them down, duh.
god damn
and this is to their own kind as well
Black people do that too u egg. No reason to let them up until they submit or get knocked out
Everyone knows how niggers fight.
Because white people are fed up.
Y tho
>why do people kill their enemies
To cause them to cease to exist.
Do you stop and consider your options when you see a bug crawling towards your food?
No, you kill the pest so that it may not further contaminate your world.
Niggers are pack animals.
You can't ever fight one without another sucker-punching you. Because it's rare that they can fight alon. They have too many fast twitch muscles for running, it makes them like women. Even if women lift weights, they can never lift as much as man. Blacks look big, but they have no muscle density. So their instinct is always to fight as pack.
After watching these niggers fight, what would be the best way to defend a wild nigger throwing wild haymakers at you? I know never go to the ground when there's niggers around so do you just stand and bang until he drops?
Pack mentality
Zimmerman showed us the way.
9mm kel-tec
White man is built like tank.
Fashion today makes men skinny and soft, with fake muscle.
Always been curious as to what he did to piss them off that much
Why do niggers hit old people in the face for no reason whatsoever? It's gonna happen. And with God Emporer Trump this knock out game and riots and generally lower evolution bullshit is gonna get niggers teeth kicked in. I would feel bad for them.... but I don't. They've had it coming for a long fucking time.
they kill just for being from different village in Africa. is common. they are hyena.
Because when you floor your opponent, it's generally a good idea to make sure they don't want to get back up again to continue the fight.
Beat me to it.
Look who talks. Niggers are the most dirty enemies ever.
True, although apparently that video is from Haiti
Haiti is basically african tho. Black people there (and their immigrants here) are so fucking dark
Yes, you good point. I forget Haiti is white.
True dat, I dunno why China doesn't buy literally the entire country from the (corrupt) government and forcedly relocate all the niggers to some shitty island of the coast of China, all those nigger filled Caribbean islands are prime real estate, if they weren't full of niggers they'd be absolute paradise.
Look up the reason behind our draconian pub lock out laws. There's been a spate of one punch fights that have resulted in death or comas die to faggot lebs punching people in the back of the head.
That's exactly what I was going to say.
Too judge them is up to God. But to send them to him is up to me
I remember fighting 4 white guys at a time. It's not just a niggers thing. Humans use their numbers shamelessly to overpower their perceived enemies.
In fact, that'd be like condemning one army for beating another army with less people.
Why do niggers have to fight 5 to 1 to win?
Southern Hospitality.
That was an interesting read, and it explains CPT.
Study the wildlife in your land to develop a new style of kung fu.
Imagine how deadly kangaroo or emu style would be.
He looks like a half empty tube of tooth paste at the end. holy shit
Because monkeys are social animals
I'm like that you know, some people wont like you period, I've had to fight because some guy just didn't like me and always wanted to start shit or disrespecting me, I fought him and beat his ass, every time I see him now we shake hands and respect each other. We wrestle the other day and I smelled his butthole by mistake but shh don't tell him that xD kek.
I mean in this instance it was to prove a point. Buddy asked for that beat down. It's a lesson he'll never forget for the rest of his life.
Sleeping Koala Hidden Crocodile