Me and this girl have been flirting for a good 2 months now back and forth and all the bubbles were being ticked. Shit was going well and I invited her to smoke the weed with my friends and she was down. Then after flirting for 2 months she says "can I bring my sorta-boyfriend?". Did I just get cucked Sup Forums?
Me and this girl have been flirting for a good 2 months now back and forth and all the bubbles were being ticked...
fuck her boyfriend show her who the real cuck is
Alas, you should take this as an opportunity to cuck another man
just tell her he is already going to be there (you)
Not a half bad idea. I'll keep it in mind.
How will a go about having sex with the male? Just simply ask him if he has battletoads and proceed to ram his ass in the school or what?
wait..this exact same thing happened to me last week wtf REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
not a full cuck but dayum close. you will however be a full and complete total and utter beta beeeyaiyTCH if you spend another moment with her, especially if she smokes weed that you paid for.
just go for the threesome, no reason a bitch can't have two sorta-boyfriends who are bi
You just think that having a girl talk to you means she's flirting