Why isn't this asshole gone yet?
Why isn't this asshole gone yet?
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≫74417371 (You)
>drops le current year meme within 5 seconds
I can't watch it. Guy looks like a massive faggot.
He's such a womanly faggot. How has someone not punted him across his slack-jawed mouth?
Can you at least flag his videos and report him?
literally who?
who watches this garbage? are you all 13 years old?
You can do that by flagging his videos and reporting him.
I found this because Evalion was talked about a lot when her YouTube page got shut down. Anyways let's shut him down.
Looks like a tremendous faggot.
Not sure, most people consider him a joke but nothing sinks in enough for him to quit. And why do all geek fag guys love kat dennings so much?
Didnt your threads kept getting banned?
I fucking hate this guy
I'm pretty sure he has a fiance (female). Like who the fuck is he trying to fool? My gaydar exploded in the first 2 seconds, with springs shooting everywhere, and this guy's trying to convince everyone that he's a heterosexual.
if there is one person i honestly want to... play hide and go seek and never be found... it's "him."
Lol no. He got cucked cause his wife was bi. Then he cheated on his wife's gf. I didn't bother to try to figure everything out. All I know is that he is pretty much peak degeneracy.
Him and Leafy are media parasites.
leafy is just a normie, nothing new.
onionboy is pure scum that wont be missed
Seeing as we're on the subject, does anybody know why Evalion threads are getting shut down?
Seriously every thread that got started earlier got closed.
Given the context of the whole thing, you'd think it would be a Sup Forums related topic but the mods are in full damage control for some reason.
>drops le current year meme within 5 seconds
>check to confirm
because this is Sup Forums not /r9k/
fuck off shill