Why you crying bae? Cause Trump doesn't have a single major legislative victory yet?

Why you crying bae? Cause Trump doesn't have a single major legislative victory yet?

All according to Plan.
Let healthcare fail, let democracy fail, let america fail.

Who needs a winning record when you have hair of the Lord infant and skin of the golden God's?


>hair of the Lord infant and skin of the golden God's?




He signed every Repeal And Replace bill that got to his desk.
Which is of course none, and that's Congress's fault not his.

Keep drinking that orange Kool Aid, bud.

>hat's Congress's fault n

"we're going to do it on the first day"

"it's going to be so easy"

"no one knows the system better than me"

"I'm a leader. I've never had any problem leading people. When i say "do it" they will. Believe me"

>it's his own fucking Congress

>his "leadership" is to antagonize and humiliate the very people he needs to get it passed

>'john mccain isn't a hero' DJT. well he's a hero now trump!

He pushed hard for just repeal, because he was so desperate to "win". And before that Trumpcare was a huge tax cut for the richest 1%.
Remember Drain the swamp? Well Orange Monkey lied.

>never had any problem leading people

No, he's right. You do know the democrats have won nothing at all...
>nb4 just wait!We're coming!

the real loser is the one who has the chance to govern and then squanders it.

>missed opportunity

>unforced errors

weak sad

i miss the old days when libshits and retarded people didn't knew Sup Forums, now we have to read these shit threads whining about the fact that their ideology is pure useless cancer.

Classic trumpists tactic. We talk about the President and his failures.

> Fast talk about democrats or Hillary
Scapegoat tactics.

The Swamp is deeper than expected and crosses the aisle

>Cause Trump doesn't have a single major legislative victory yet?

How many Supreme Court justices will President Trump have appointed by the end of his second term?


TRUMP 2020

i'm an olderfag than you are fag

>shit t

>se shit

>shit thr.


>read these shit thr